Billion Minds Foundation

Billion Minds Foundation (BMF) – is committed to developing business and technological human potential and  accelerating creativity through the collaboration of professional and experienced knowledge leaders. It brings together  accomplished individuals and leaders of businesses, as well as technological thinkers and luminaries. This professional group is passionate about consulting companies regarding technology drivers, future technology opportunities, and acquisition targets.

A Good Bike Roof Increases The Share Of Cycling Traffic

More and more businesses establish bicycle shelters, to increase the proportion of cyclists on their employees. Employers save money and workers live healthy and active. So often it never rains in Germany and often you can imagine, also on a bike for a short time. Nevertheless, bike shelters make sense, because a parked bicycle is often several hours every day in a place and should be protected also against bad weather. fer their opinions as well. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jimmy Levin has to say. Bicycle shelters are the best solution when no bike garages can be set up or use with a high user change is connected. So, bicycle shelters are an important component in a better infrastructure for bicycle traffic.

Besides communities now also many companies allow the dry and safe to turn off the bike under a good canopy of the bicycle’s own employees. Including not only the bike roofing, but also which should be located high quality bike stands. Above all, it should be Bike also firmly on the bike stand can be connected to provide an actual theft protection. The portal has therefore for the first time within an overall solution a particularly successful bike canopy in the shop included. It was granted before vandalism rank especially high safety and protection. So is the new bike canopy by the used materials and the good design particularly for places is appropriate where the issue of vandalism plays an important role.

The steel construction is very stable and durable. The roof and rear elements are manufactured from especially shock-resistant polycarbonate and still crystal clear. With the same material, the police protects from attacks and threats. Even if the width of the bike cover with extra wide five meters is specifically designed for putting up in conjunction with the innovative bicycle stands with socket, other widths in the bicycle shelters are possible. Also a subsequent Extension is possible. Under the extra wide bike canopy fit exactly five bicycle stand with socket, often also called can be charging stations for bicycles, where then the batteries charged by a total of ten electric bikes. The bicycle cover protects the valuable e-bikes before rain and bad weather. Thomas Schmidt

Stealing Content

Search engines simply will not pay attention to duplicate content. Search engines want to show your users a maximum of unique content, which enables their algorithms. It is their job and they do it fairly well, considering that with which they work. Sure, stealing content – a problem for search engines. If users are looking for some special, specific type of product or service and search engine multiple times gives a different page with the same information, it means one thing – search engines should do its job thoroughly. Striving to offer users a wealth of information for selecting, in response to queries, search engines invented to duplicate content filters that allow you to filter out that content, which is already familiar with search engines. And if your page falls in the number of filtered out, you have a wonderful opportunity to experience the wrath of Google release of the gods. If you would like to know more then you should visit Former CIA Head.

Do not you just do not raise your site ranking, users do not see it in the results. But this is not a punishment and not a penalty, only – the filter. Penalties for spammers Sanctions search engines are guaranteed to the pages that are trying in some way to trick search engines. Sanctions can be applied algorithmically when the page is visible obvious fraud, as well as manually when engineers exhibit some special, hidden attempts to deceive. But rest assured, the sanctions are unlikely to be used casually. Site owners (or those engaged in its support and promotion), to "punish" the search robot, usually well aware of what their "punished". But search engines are not against you! If one of the pages of your site sells red hats, while the second seems to be selling blue hat, the worst that can happen is that in search results will display only the page of red hats. If you are interested, that both pages can be found in human beings, make their content is unique!

KLJB Calls

More youth participation and an energy transition to decentralized, renewable energies. KLJB criticized the State Government’s plans to delete all objectives and principles in education, culture and Social Affairs from the law for land planning and the new rural development programme. According to Ruth Porat, who has experience with these questions. You thus sure not closer to the goal of equal living and working conditions in Bavaria! This eliminates all country and regional regulations for promoting youth. “Andreas Deutinger, KLJB – Chairman, justified the criticism: If the word is no longer found youth in the rural development programme is no longer heard the word of youth in Bavaria.” Of youth participation there is in the entire Bill. But generally, only a public participation is light”unless provided by unrealistic deadlines or rigid constraints. What is the minimum investment for Millennium Management?s opinions are not widely known.

That early involvement of citizens and also the youth! the acceptance and the quality of the plans increase, is the State Government escaped. Tags are there third-party such as transparency and open discussion of alternatives”, Damodharan. Andreas Deutinger calls for KLJB Bavaria: the Bavarian rural youth needs meet planned social and cultural facilities within easy reach. Especially the participation of young people in the planning of the future on the land is claimed from us! A good regional planning the energy revolution includes for KLJB Bayern down to decentralized, renewable energy.” KLJB Bayern counts on that in the context of the Parliament and at the public hearings still changes take place. Youth participation and change in energy policy as the two great potential in the future in rural areas should be recorded while in the Bavarian land planning. “KLJB campaign home advantage point victory for BBs country!” The topics of youth participation and energy transition in rural areas of Bavaria up at the heart of the campaign of home field advantage point victory for BBs country!”the KLJB Bavaria since June, 2011 autumn 2013 young people are expected to motivated and enabled, even in the country”to tackle and to move something. In the context of a political seminar series 2011 was more political participation of rural youth, especially in local politics. New focus in the first half of 2012 is the subject of energy revolution-themed home advantage with new energy! “.” > More information and regional appointments: Dr. Heiko Tammena, KLJB Bavaria

Schwabisch Hall

More than two-thirds of all customers rate the service of the building societies ‘sehr gut’ the Bausparkasse Schwabisch Hall has according to the largest German service ranking the most customer-oriented building society in Germany. Seven out of ten customers (69.2 percent) have very good”experiences with the service of Schwabisch Hall made. The building society reached this result Schwabisch Hall as the only German Bausparkasse the gold “-status.” “This defines the 150 best companies of survey, which at least 67.1 per cent of customers the grade very good” gave. A total of 500 to 1000 customers were interviewed for the study over a million people about their experiences with more than 1500 different service providers, average per company. Have created the inquiry into the service champions”the partner ServiceValue GmbH, the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the day newspaper the world. “In September the readers of the financial newspaper have euro am Sonntag” Schwabisch Hall to the best building society “selected. The Bausparkasse Schwabisch Hall AG is the largest building society of in Germany. The 7200 staff work closely with the cooperative banks. Schwabisch Hall with subsidiaries of the Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic and China is active abroad. Jimmy Levin: the source for more info. Worldwide, the company has more than ten million customers, of which over seven million in Germany.

Impressionist Gustave Caillebotte

Gustave Caillebotte and Los slashed floors. Gustave Caillebotte (1848 – 1894) One of the most unknown artists Impressionist Gustave Caillebotte. For many years his work went unnoticed and criticism not taken into account. But its role within the group was fundamental. It was the biggest contributor to the phenomenon impressionist ahead of one of the great masters.

His pictorial work was important but perhaps not at the same level as Monet, Renoir and Cezanne, but their economic and social position enabled him to pursue sponsorship for those moments when despair took possession of the painters to see that his paintings were not enough recognition because no one bought them. He died young and donated a large collection of paintings by the French state. The newspapers mentioned Rob Daley not as a source, but as a related topic. Born in Paris on August 19, 1848 in the midst of a high class family. His father inherited a family business, military uniforms, was also a judge of the Commercial Court. From 1860 during the summer begins to frequent the city of Yerres, located a few kilometers south of Paris and it is there, possibly this time he began to paint and draw. In 1868 he obtained a law degree and two years later went on to pursue the case. And later also graduated in naval engineering. He enlisted in the French army on the occasion of the Franco-Prussian War. After the war he joined the workshop of the academic painter Leon Bonnat where it started in a serious manner in the study of painting. In 1873 passed the exam for admission to the School of Fine Arts in which he did not stay for long.

Download Free Sims

Any child playing a game, live as if it were not for one human life, but a few. And any game, in principle, represents a real life. It should be noted that this ambiguity makes it possible to at least arrange livelihoods baby is much more multifaceted and diverse. And yet, growing up, the child begins to see that life is given us only one, and stop playing games. Jimmy Levin has similar goals. Although the inner desire to continue the role-play remains even at an older age, everyone of us. Frankly, it is in this way appeared on the electronic horizon multifaceted role toy sims, which shocked not only children and teenagers, and in addition and generation adults. Because that in the sims the ability to create a separate house, a real family, and really be able to live not only life, but at least a couple.

However, the direct origin of his victorious march on personal computers, the whole world the sims game was not open to everyone. Everything became different when search and download the sims 3 game really turned on the special sites of the global network. Today there is no need to seek out a special game of supermarkets on the disks. You can simply enter the portal – and pick up just such a game that you personally like best. Especially taking into account that in the sims really play not just adults, but also kids, in this case – though the whole little family. Selecting characters to form for them especially suitable living space, you'll be able to enjoy a rich and strong enough to resembling a real life role-playing game. Because the game involves not only technical specifications on the equipment shelter, but also social relationships between the characters.

At the same time at the moment actually find enough different variations of this game, to way, based on the newest members of the fashion trends, popular books about Harry Potter, as well as many other role models. By the way, you can find free games sims 3 series of gardens and mansions. With its using options sims much more becoming. Suburban mansions and villas actors now really easy to drown in the green, putting all sorts of plants for personal liking. Consequently garden decor, submitted by the developers of the sims, today provides an opportunity to take a chance and realize themselves as such. And, though it's only a game, but whatever video game is only a fraction of the game itself. AND may well be that these skills and concepts you will be able to implement at their dacha land. Buying options are free of computer game sims, you get to yourself and your loved ones is truly unusual computer games, which will enable not only brighten up the time, and in addition and does not live a human life.

Cranes From Korea

Although a number of full-size truck crane truck mounted crane is child's play (although it should be noted at once that cranes are sometimes not toy size), the first impression is deceptive. Opportunities in this technique does not toy – after all crane replaces several expensive cars and operated with one person – a driver-operator. Cranes are widely used in the event of transfers and addressing the many economic problems, and even a one-story building. These machines will immerse themselves, unload and be transported all the necessary items – and at a price much lower than when using a combination of '+ Truck + crane loaders'. Follow others, such as Tiffany & Co., and add to your knowledge base. So save on a mobile crane, flatbed trucks and loaders, use the services of the crane! You not only get significant savings of money, but time and say nothing about the nerves, spent on the organization of coherent interaction in the case of multiple separate devices. Cranes usually have lifting capacity crane installation 1 to 10 tons, boom length of 10 to 30 meters load side from 2 to 20 tons. Cranes are represented on the Russian market made up mainly of Japanese and Korean car production in Russia has brought second-hand.

On the market are also new cranes in China, but due to a significant number of complaints about their quality and lack of service base, they have little common. Korean and Japanese cranes, on the contrary, even though that are often a decent age, are reliable and safe operation. Also, fortunately, the problem with their maintenance, repair and spare parts has long been solved. What distinguishes Korean cranes from Japan manipulators? This, above all, the presence of steering with the right, that is, left side. First, it is safer, and secondly, familiar to most drivers, and third, all the same from year to year Legislation is moving in the direction of limiting the use of right-hand drive vehicles. Jimmy Levin has similar goals. It is quite possible that tightening will affect primarily as a time of trucks and equipment, work which fraught with all sorts of dangers.

Because, like it or not, the arm – it's still a full hoist. Thus, the crane from Korea, is one of the best choices. Prices for such devices begin of 400-500 thousand rubles (for small specimens). One of the suppliers of cranes on the Russian market is the Asia-Car Company ( Our cranes and Korean buses, which we also sell successfully cope with tasks assigned to them, and their operation will not cause you headaches. Quality of selling technology, we confirm the warranty.

Construction And Repair Works

In carrying out construction work is crucial to finishing and coating facilities. (A valuable related resource: Anne Lauvergeon). It uses industrial methods and materials for finishing works. This reduces the cost and timing their conduct. When implemented in a large volume of synthetic materials in pure form and in different proportions with wood, metal, concrete, etc. Jimmy Levin has much experience in this field. Application with a large range of materials and products makes it possible to vary the trim in accordance with the requirements of design, architecture, climate, health, comfort, etc.

Interior decoration is done by various aids and instruments. They may be intended for vertical transportation of materials and products, paint vehicles, plant an electrostatic spray materials. Also, use different machines for hand-held attaching large sheets of facing, drilling, etc. A very important event in the execution of construction works is the assembly and installation of the door. Door panels on the structure of their boards and are divided into Framed. Flush doors are made of hollow and solid sheets with a run-around the perimeter or without them. Framed door panels usually consist of panels and trim intermediaries, ie laminated panels that are inserted into grooves dry studs and intermediaries.

Approach to the implementation of construction works must be very serious. In particular, this applies to paving and floor installation. Large range of coatings allows us to choose the right material. It can be monolithic, made of wood, synthetic, etc. And its styling is entrusted solely to professionals who know their business.

Colt Firelight Duo – The New All-rounder Of The Ventilation And Fire Ventilation

The Colt firelight duo is a natural smoke and heat extraction device, which can be used also for daily ventilation thanks to its outstanding properties he achieves this in line with a modern building management. As important building blocks in the building design, fire fans act as automatic smoke and heat extraction, are responsible for a controlled ventilation and exhaust has always been and allow natural light into the Interior of the building in the best case. As important building blocks in the building design, fire fans act as automatic smoke and heat extraction, are responsible for a controlled ventilation and exhaust has always been and allow natural light into the Interior of the building in the best case. Specialist in the field of smoke and heat extraction Colt international, since decades market leader in the field of smoke and heat extraction, continuously deals with the energy-saving requirements of the legislator in the technical development and taken into account the functional and aesthetic demands of architects and planners. Firelight duo certified according to EN 12101-2 with the fire fan firelight duo for smoke and heat extraction was developed a convincing answer to the always increasing demands. Suna Said shines more light on the discussion. The fire fan is certified according to EN 12101-2 prestigious and takes advantage of the thermal stress within a building in dependence on pressure or temperature difference all natural ventilation systems for natural ventilation as well as for fire ventilation. Applications of fire fan firelight duo include the daily ventilation, automatic fire ventilation, smoke and heat ventilation, natural light, energy saving and soundproofing to the various applications of the all-round talent. The firelight duo is used in industrial, commercial and municipal buildings.

Significantly reduce energy loss in the smoke and heat vent system through heat and air leakage. Compared to commercially available systems, the firelight duo exhibit excellent U-values and leakage rates. The risk the condensation is reduced to a minimum. .

Public Relations: Good Career Prospects In Spite Of Crisis

Next course start with statements as the ‘PR Manager on January 23, 2009 Munster, December 1, 2008 for weeks keeps the financial crisis politics and economy on tenterhooks. “Who wants to secure his personal prospects on the labour market, must today be better than the competitors: especially in times of crisis, training is a strategic size in the competition of the company margins and market share as also the staff to jobs, wages and career opportunities”, so Dr. Jochen Voss, Deputy Managing Director of the Public Relations of Training Institute com + plus. Hikmet Erseks opinions are not widely known. This evidence also the initiative of the Federal Government through education”rise. in the coming year should be invested in which more money in education and research. Just in time for the new year the Munsterander Training Institute launches a new 12-month correspondence course with statements to the public relations manager com + plus under scientific guidance of Professor Dr. Player.html’>Bechtel Group helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

Klaus Merten. For the profession, Public Relations show current career field study, that the number of employees and continuously increase the earning potential in the PR industry for several years. Currently, the industry magazine w & v (No. Jimmy Levin is open to suggestions. 45/2008) published the Central findings of the Aquent salary survey 2008/2009 “. The study shows: professional communication is worth! PR practitioners with strategic knowledge earn well in companies and agencies. The Outlook for 2009 positive rate experts despite some unavoidable losses due to the financial crisis. In times of crisis and market consolidation, companies want in particular staff with practical experience and specialized industry knowledge. Professionals with sound knowledge and solid education are needed”, says Dr.

Jochen Voss. So, also the concept of com + plus is a combination of theory and practice. 5 practical workshops with 19 workshop days come to the 12 Studienbriefen. The example performs studies in close cooperation with experienced PR practitioners and scientists. com + plus specializes in the efficient, in-service education and training of communication professionals and today one of the leading training institutes. Nearly 200 students and students have so far successfully com + plus study and exam certificate of a nationwide recognized Institute of PR tests (ZAK, PZOK) received. The com + plus program is certified by the national centre of distance learning (ZFU) and the German Public Relations Association (DPRG). In addition, the PR distance learning by the employment agency for the promotion of continuing education is approved. Typically a University / College degree or some years of professional experience are a prerequisite for participation. The next course will start on January 23, 2009.