Cement Production Line

The layout of the cement production line is set up cement clinker production line in mining area, and builds cement grinding station near the cement sales in the big and middle city market. Most of the cement admixture is the city s industrial waste generated. Cement grinding station can greatly absorb the slag, fly ash, cinder, coal gangue and other industrial waste, which is a green industry. The cement station provided by our company adopts the simplest process flow, with the advantages of easy to operation, at least process equipment, low investment, energy-saving and environmental protection; What s more it can be mixed with many more materials. Cement production process: materials? do do drying? milling? selecting powder? cement In the cement production process, drying and milling are the two most important steps.

It is the common sense that limestone is one of the non-renewable resources. Therefore, reasonable processing and using for limestone becomes an important practice for the protection of resources. After crushing, the limestone not only can be used for the supply of raw material, but also can provide high quality cement stones and sand for market. For the cement industry, it can be described as killing two birds with one stone. As the state repeatedly emphasizing energy saving and consumption reducing in cement industry, it has been a consensus to make gravel aggregate with cement ore in cement industry. And now limestone crushing production line becomes more and more popular in cement industry.

An increasing number of customers want to get more information about the limestone crushing production line. According to statistics, more than 80% raw materials of cement production line are crushed though hammer crusher in primary crushing and impact crusher as secondary crushing equipment, or merely use hammer crusher as crushing equipment. So hammer crusher plays a very important role in cement production line. At present, 2325 double rotors hammer crusher of hongxing company is the first developed and the biggest hammer crusher, which claimed the title of aircraft carrier of crusher. Limestone raw material of cement factory has the features of heavy task, labor Intensive production and working for 20 hours every day in the normal condition. The cement production line equipment is one of the industries with strong self-purification ability. It can make industrial residue as raw materials and also make toxic, hazardous waste detoxification and safe. Mining machinery manufacturing industry is the basis of national independent industrial system and also an important symbol to measure the national industrial strength. Accordance with national priorities to support the development of energy, transportation and raw materials and other basic industry, the cement production line as the pillar of these industries, has been the focus of the state support.

The New Production

The following work concentrates in the study and the operationalisation of concepts regarding the innovation, within the framework of management of organizations. She does not persecute a exahustivo analysis of the realities in which these concepts are demonstrated but a detail of each one of the theoretical abtsracciones. Among them, Way 2 of Gibbons, the Total Management of Innovacin (TIM), the Processes of Conversion of the Knowledge and their protection, and the influence of the Technologies of the Information and Communications in the development of the economy of the knowledge. Way 2 This concept is shaped at the end of the decade of 90" " by Michael Gibbons and six collaborators, in the book " " The New Production of the Conocimiento" " , from the analysis, the study and the understanding of the fundamental changes that they were generated and they are generating surroundings to the way in which scientific knowledge is generated, social and cultural. The new form of knowledge production is reforming the modality to which we are more familiarized, that one that we associated to scientific institutions, universities, research centers or academic centers. To the taken root form to produce it, to discipline more, characterized by the homogeneity and by a habitually academic context or of a specific grouping, Gibbons denominates " " way 1" " , whereas to the other type of production, developed in an application context that extends the formal disciplines and are characterized by the heterogeneity, denominates " " way 2" ". It is important to mention that this new modality is not conceptualizada by Gibbons as a replacement but as a complement of the traditional way. This new form in the generation of the knowledge it persecutes the utility of a specific scope, of a particular industry, or a government and, although the solutions of the problems are constructed surroundings a concrete applications, irremediably their products are ramifican and extended to another compartment of the society, to other disciplines. .

The Product

When is bronzed acquires a very dark color and usually there is no erythema. Fototipo 6: They are people who have the color of the black skin, like the color of its hair. They do not have freckles and bronzed his he is totally black. They will not either have solar erythema after one first exhibition. Once we know what fototipo corresponds will be easier to determine the indices of protection UVB and GRAPE to us that we needed. This index must go noticeable in all the products commercialized like solar protectors. It is common that we find two types of abbreviations to indicate the protection index: IP (assigned for Europe) and SPF (assigned for America).

But, we know in what is based east index of solar protection? The solar index of protection is the relation that exists between two types of skins: a prote’ge’e and the other no. This relation comes expressed with the abbreviations DEM that are the minimum eritematgena dose, that is to say, the time that it must pass the skin exhibited so that it appears the erythema. The relation, therefore, will be this way: DEM with fotoprotector/DEM without fotoprotector= IP or SPF. For example, 150 minutos/10 minutes = 15. The IP of the product would be 15.

However, it is important to bring back to consciousness to the people on the term " protector solar". The protection is not permanent. This IP to only indicates us that if the person takes 10 minutes in developing the erythema after the exhibition, if the product is applied will be prote’ge’e more 15 times in the time (150 minutes), and so once the person has finalized that time is unprotected and the solar erythema will become cash. The general conclusion to all this is that the IP is a multiplication factor of the time of natural protection that offers our own skin to us.

Product Function

Nowadays, it has been stopped seeing the process of labelling of a product like a requirement of the same to become partly fundamental of this one within its evolution. It does not concern the style, size or final color S.A. of accounts is fulfilled the function to transmit the information necessary for the client on the product to sell and its origin, as well as the elements that were used for their manufacture. Some times some precautions and recommendations are also included. Different types from labels for each product exist.

One of them is the one of mark, which fulfills the function to distinguish, as to his it says it name, the mark of this one. It can be part of the product or adhered to the same, the important thing it is that he is visible easily. The applicators of labels also work with those of descriptive type, which transmit important information on the product, as well as with which they are called of degree by his function to indicate the quality of the same. Each of them fulfills a function in specific, is why it is not necessary to only choose one of them, since together they reunite to important information for the client or consumer.


Average time between replacements (replaced, overhauls, etc.) Annual oil consumption or reason of consumption. Reason between programmed shutdowns and total shutdowns. Productivity in operation and total productivity. When one is to reach these indicators, and why no! to surpass them, they concern the details. This leads to the micro handling of the equipment by means of a proactive control of the excellent details to the trustworthiness and availability.

To apply this strategy requires of the measurement of a series of conditions, that are susceptible of routine control, measurement and sampling. Simplsimo example of micro measurement is in the objective of Pollution level established for some lubricant of a specific equipment according to international norms. To sum up what one is to obtain is to control the occurrence of the key causes origin of faults. As the 100% of the key causes they cannot be controlled, here also it operates rule 80/20, reason why the attention in 20% of the causes is due to center that originate 80% of the faults. An interesting aspect with respect to the causes origin and the micro conditions control that them, is that for many of them, to be monitored coarse with sensorial observations like hearing, tact, sense of smell, sound and of course vision.

The techniques and tools of the oil monitoring In Situ extend and enrich to future to the technicians, especially when the report of anomalies begins. When adding the oil monitoring with other technologies of proactive mantencin to the routine protocols of inspection, along with obtaining a complete film of the state of the lubricants, advances in a knowledge of the state of health or condition of the equipment. c) Identifying and informing recordable conditions: For equipment critics, the oil monitoring must always take place based on its condition and not by fixed temporary parameters (monthly, every 4 months, each 600 Hrs, etc.


Four lawyers have joined the name bird & partners in the technology park in Karlsruhe under names to a firm. Quick and competent advice in all aspects of IT law, this is the credo of the newly founded law firm Bird & partners. Karlsruhe, recognisable on the selected seat in the technology park the target group: medium-sized and large IT companies, who need proven expertise for their often specific legal issues. The lawyers are mainly specialized in IT law and have other priorities in the areas of healthcare, copyright and intellectual property law as well as labour and company law. The team around Prof.

Dr. Rupert Vogel overwhelmingly comes from the firm known also nationally for their expertise in the IT law Bartsch and partner, which is dissolved June 2011. The firm range mobile apps and agile project management classic software copyright and privacy legal issues to the full compliance of IT and telecommunications. The firm advises mainly medium-sized Companies of the IT, media, and healthcare. In Franco-german legal relations she cooperated with the renowned law firm Alexandre Levy, Kahn from Strasbourg and questions of patent law and the intellectual property law of software patents, Stuttgart specialized patent attorneys Hall.

Together with the law firm Bird & partner, the Germans also has Association for law and computer science (DGRI) E.v., whose managing director Prof. Dr. Vogel, now is their new home in the Karlsruhe technology park. Prof. Dr. Rupert Vogel’s founding team is by Alexander Wiele, Uwe k. Schneider and Dr. Oliver Meyer-van Raay completes. Reach the firm Bird & partners, under the phone number: 0721 / 78 20 27 0 or at the following E-Mail address: info(a)vogel-partner.