One Recent Telephonic Colloquy

Charles Manson: You remember of what I wrote? Yes, they had asked when ATWA was created. you said: ' ' It has one hundred billion anos' '. Charles Manson: It is, in other words, was the time here all. It is only one question of if becoming conscientious on this. You know as this functions? In the truth, not. Charles Manson: Good, you it knows of some things. Further details can be found at Former CIA Head, an internet resource.

For example, you pass for an apple tree, and you she sees this apple tree. Understand you it, you you know, but you do not think on. (A valuable related resource: James Woolsey). Then, you say: ' ' I could make an apple pie with isso' '. you go, and catch apples, and you she makes the pie. you says: ' ' P, that legal thing! ' ' Then I appear, and I say: ' ' He knows, I I the same arrived the thought that you chegou' '. I say: ' ' Face, I could make a pie with these mas' '. I dissimulate there that I was who I had the idea to make an apple pie, I understand? I say: ' ' The idea to make one was mine pie of ma' '.

you then says: ' ' Face, I made apple pies 20 years before you having thought on such coisa' '. Then, I want to say? you know? everybody knows of this. When I age child, them costumavam to say this. They spoke: ' ' The cars are machines of the end of tempos' '. Because cars were something new, and the people obtained to see that they had created pollution. the people said: ' ' The machines of the end of tempos' '. I heard the colloquies of the people, my uncle Jess and other people. They spoke: ' ' How much time you find that this goes to last, Jess? ' ' they argued on this.

Nobody Follows Its Own Rules

The man has made too many laws and rules from the famous code of Hammurabi. Much of the same have been and are unfair. And everyone at some point we have been victims of some arbitrary implementation. But all laws dictate an early age. We say what needs to be done guided by a mind. At least try to make these rules apply only to us. And in some cases, only others.

In certain societies or institutions there is such a legislative instrument is impossible to proceed. Bureaucracy destroys any attempt to create and be free. We ended up so tired of useless regulations. Many writers such as Hikmet Ersek offer more in-depth analysis. And the worst is that sometimes not the same as those imposed to be met. There are few options to either resign ourselves to the complete submission or break the rules. But we fall into a tricky issue: breaking the rules. Some people, especially young people have raised the possibility not to have any mandate.

Override any law, rule or regulation that comes from others. But is it wise? Do you even possible? Just think, live outside any law. No one would think, in fact, nobody does even the most anarchic. Of course, unless you prefer to live in prison. And few people know well. When in prison, however, have to eat at certain times to accept and comply with the provisions harm than good. Even prisoners can do what they tell you to do. But why. It’s easy: because it is impossible to live beyond rule. When you try, life becomes a crazy experience. There will not be getting anywhere. And not that it is a necessary evil with which we have to learn to live. No, that’s precisely what has made the advancement of humanity. That’s why we got here, to understand and follow some rules. Not all are inappropriate, most of them are logical, fair and very necessary. You just need to know to distinguish them from arbitrary. A world without rules of any kind would be chaotic. The company only works if you are organized. Nothing can work if everyone does whatever comes in you win. Would suffer to see how they trample the laws are designed precisely to protect our rights. Those rights that attend most of the people. While no one should be forced to follow laws that are meant not just or reasonable. Unfortunately the world is not perfect and we always find some rules with which we disagree. And those rules are the candidates not to be respected and, hopefully, to be abolished at some point.

I Forgive But Not Forget

The discussion was at its peak and the volume of voices had increased to such an extent that only incoherent cries were heard denoting anger and all sorts of negative emotions. Suddenly, there was absolute silence, as if the energy of the two was completed. It was then Miriam's voice sounded as his eyes were fixed like swords in the eyes of her husband. I tell you, "Miriam said," not only am I angry about what just happened, there are many things that bother me and I have had enough. I do not know what you're talking about, "he said. You see, what is worse, water it and then not even remember.

Wait! , "He said, what do you mean? That's your main problem, you do not remember what does not suit you, but I'll refresh your memory. Have you forgotten the paper you did when you got very rude in my parents' house …? Listen!, But that was last year … Wait just not yet! And the day we agreed to go to dinner, and of course … you forgot … Miriam paused to take a breath and almost immediately went on: And on my birthday, not even you remembered, your secretary had to remind to you and you came in the afternoon with your gift, trying to hide your oblivion. Ah! And this time … Hey! Calm down, what have you? In all that we talked and eventually discussed. That already happened, why it back out again? Well, for one simple reason, because although I forgave you, do not think I've forgotten.

INTEGRITY Carlos Mora Vanegas Always

GROWING INTEGRITY Carlos Mora Vanegas Always be aware of in relation to integrity, never defile, to behave with the values, respecting and respecting others. It is known that, integrity, and personal quality, refers to full or wide range of skills possessed. Kerby Anderson reminds us that the word integrity comes from the same Latin root integer, and suggests the whole person. Just as we would speak of an integer, we can speak of a whole person, not divided. A person of integrity lives properly, not divided, nor is it a different person in different circumstances. A person of integrity is the same person in private that it is in public. Hikmet Ersek is full of insight into the issues.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke of those who were "pure in heart" (Matthew 5:8), suggesting a clear position monitoring the mandates of God. The integrity, therefore, not only implies a clear stance, but also a moral purity A person of integrity is one that does not stay in one activity, but moves through the different areas of knowledge, Wikipedia shows us otherwise, that moral integrity can be defined as a quality of the person authorized to take decisions about their behavior itself. Is predicated of all individuals as such. It is closely related to the conception of the subject itself: their behaviors, beliefs and way of acting indicates fact, the word a integridada means righteousness, goodness, honesty, character; someone you can trust without strange mix, that means what it says: what he said, when a promise is intended to comply.


a PIENSA BIG AND GROW Grandee a is a thought that should tell every moment in words, transforming it into an experience, put their emotions into words, really feel, and I say this but things have not been favorable for you, it does not matter, because the mind is to repeat things, make it a habit and thus can achieve what you want for your life. Each human being is able to transform their reality, but this must take into account the following factors: 1-a a CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING: A is a challenge because everything is recorded in the subconscious and is where we reflect what we are, because the subconscious is where the impulses reach of thought and habit of repeating that ended up recording it. To change your way of thinking, I suggest you see your best, to practice daily and are auto yes and it will take to grow to be big as a human being to observe how you react and how it does, ie should be initiated as soon as possible, a self-observation process whose purpose is to think, feel, speak and act positively. a 2-CHANGE YOUR WAY OF SPEAKING: a If you change your thinking and feeling, directly change the way you speak, because it is not possible, if you think negative, or positive talk. If you think positive, positive you are talking thus positive. It is important to realize that that was how you tell things as they really think so.

Implementing Positive Thoughts

Always say what you feel and do what you think. Gabriel Garcia Marquez The great secret, which we know internists but still ignores the public, is that everything usually improves by itself. In fact almost everything better the next morning. -Dr. Lewis Thomas, in The Lives of a Cell We are energy, we are constantly stimulating it with thoughts that lead us to act according to its nature, potential, especially when these are positive incentives for actions that manage, lead, lead to favorable results . a Hence the importance of being alert, awake to the way of how we manage our thoughts, as we give way to those who are highly positive and forcing AA to determine its scope, impact, if you’re good at what they are we intend to achieve.

We must be vigilant to the dynamics of the mind that is constantly moving and producing thoughts, select those that are activated by positive stimuli that do not accept any negativism, that instead of deteriorating energy charge of our physical vehicle and recharge the incentive to achieve favorable results. Not surprisingly therefore, be said, that one must be careful in the expression of thoughts, because by not management, determining their potential can yield negative effects on our lives, tornadoes pessimistic, feeling mentally and physically affected we can limit a or we can able to achieve what we set out, hence the saying, a trachea the personal world of each is a reflection of what one thinks and believes.. For even more details, read what James Woolsey says on the issue.

Tell Me

I can hardly tell you that this seldom happens to me so far. Although I speak, my voice does not outcrop. There must be a magical effect that makes me live feel. To deepen your understanding Hikmet Ersek is the source. And although I do not think a woman rarely recreates me such a special way like yours where dreams mix other dreams and make me impossible to live without touching and by far, feel your breath. It’s a new status that makes me mad because when, from an experience such lack, I am silent, afraid to mention, is that with a love so new I do not think I’m ready to run away things from my hand and I’m concerned , for you especially, my truth will you do when you discover when you see new doubts, and body or your mind young, requires so many things that an old man can not or do not know how. I think therefore I try to get away, because I’m not used to me, nor to be rejected, and before this fear I flinched.

Not knowing what to do, for a start and later, in case you have to stop. I am again lost in a maze, where extinguishes the light and lack the wind. This is my way of expressing what is not intended as a time, not to tell you what you want Akinin Samuel Levy is hard to tell me rarely happens to me so far. Although I speak, my voice does not outcrop. There must be a magical effect that makes me live feel. And although I do not think a woman rarely recreates me such a special way like yours where dreams mix other dreams and make me impossible to live without touching and by far, feel your breath. It’s a new status that makes me mad because when, from an experience such lack, I am silent, afraid to mention, is that with a love so new I do not think I’m ready to run away things from my hand and I’m concerned , for you especially, my truth will you do when you discover when you see new doubts, and body or your mind young, requires so many things that an old man can not or do not know how. I think therefore I try to get away, because I’m not used to me, nor to be rejected, and before this fear I flinched. Not knowing what to do, for a start and later, in case you have to stop. I am again lost in a labyrinth, where the light is extinguished and no wind. This is my way of expressing what is not intended as a time.

Series Featuring

The telescopic boom fitted with a tank for concrete, has been successfully replaced Concrete pumps. History MANISCOPIC series MRT MRT concept car series was developed in the 70s. Rob Daley understands that this is vital information. Loader Series 1540 MRT was released in 1993, it was immediately sold 50 of these models. In 1994 he released a series MRT 1330, and in 1996 entered already known model loader serii1840 MRT. In 1998, 'Manitou BF' has released a series of machines MRT 1432, 1542, 1650, 1850. Customized models can be equipped with a '3 D 'platform for the repair of viaducts and other works under the bridges, as well as possible installation of an additional 10 meters to the height of rise any series (maintenance of building facades). Rob Daleys opinions are not widely known. (Figure) in 2001 was even more expanded line of M series MRT – 1432, 1542, 1635, 1742, 1850, 2150, 2540 (2003). MRT telehandlers 1850, 2150, 2540 Privilege – the new series were presented at the International Bauma.

There was already all familiar today loader model MRT 3050 Privilege, which still has no analogues in the world. Benefits MANISCOPIC the new MRT motorization, a series of MRT Privilege is responsible for standards Euro-3 emission related pollution substances of exhaust gases. Mercedes engine more powerful at 13%. For greater responsiveness and agility to anyone, especially flat or uneven terrain, increased torque. This new feature provides flexibility and ease of use in any operating mode motor. Last technical improvement: electronic injection. Burning fuel actually optimized, so that its consumption decreases and thus complied with respect for the environment.


With increasing flow of light output and lower prices for the LEDs, the use of solid-state light sources is beginning to spread to the general lighting, where the ubiquitous incandescent lamp. LED indicator lights SCR designed to replace standard incandescent lamps, lighting fixtures in automation systems, regulation and control. LED lamps have the following advantages over bulbs: – long life, from various sources indicate different – from a half to 10 years (or 10 000 to 100 000 hours) – low power consumption, its value as a different and depends on the type of lamp – resistance to vibration and mechanical shock, trouble-free operation in various climatic conditions, at temperatures from – 60 to +60 C – LED lamps are manufactured at any voltage, respectively, there is no need to install additional ballast resistor – LED emits in a narrow part of the spectrum, has a 'pure color', which is important in light design. Disadvantages of LED lamps: – high price – limit the scope, in some cases impossible to replace incandescent lamps with LED. A series of tubes SCR (LED lamp komutatornye) and LPO (semiconductor lighting lamps) replaces incandescent lamp used in railway transport. Incandescent bulbs are inferior in terms of reliability cvetodiodnym indicator lamps sql, since in the indicator lamps are used as light source, light-emitting diodes. SCR LED lamps are designed to beztsokolnye panel mounting without the cartridge. Co., Ltd. MasTek carries out wholesale deliveries of LED lamps, watch assortment.

WCC Electrodes

How is the type of coating electrodes with their welding characteristics. Ability to perform welding in any position, performance Electric, the desired welding current, a tendency to pore formation, and (in some cases) the tendency to form cracks in the weld and content in the weld metal hydrogen, all these factors depend directly on coating type of welding electrodes. Sour coating consists of silicon, manganese and iron oxides. The electrodes are coated with acid (CM-5, ANO-1), the properties of welded joints and weld metal are the types of E38 and E42. When welding electrodes coated with acid metal, rusted or dross, will not form pores (the same, with lengthening of the arc).

Welding current of these electrodes can be AC or DC. Negative factor welding electrodes coated with acid is a high propensity to appear in the weld metal hot cracking. Basic coated electrodes (UONII-13, DSC-50) is formed by fluoride and carbonates. Chemical composition metal, directed by such electrodes, identical killed steel. The low content of inclusions of non-metals, gases and contaminants ensures high weld metal toughness (at normal and low temperatures), and plasticity, it has high resistance to the appearance of hot cracks.

According to its characteristics, the electrodes with basic coating types are E42A E46A and, E50A and E60. However, electrodes with basic coating inferior to their technological characteristics certain types of electrodes because of their shortcomings, in the case of wet coating and with the lengthening of the arc to work with them to the high sensitivity of pore formation in the weld metal. Welding electrodes is performed under such direct current with reverse polarity, the electrodes before welding require calcination (at t 250 420oS). Rutile electrode (MP-3, ANO-3, ANO-4 OZS-4) bypass for a number of technological qualities of all other types of electrodes. When the welding alternating current arcing electrodes such a powerful and stable, with a minimum spray metal forming quality seam and peel out slag easily separable. Changing the length of arc welding wet or covered with rust metal, welding on the surface of oxides, all of which had little effect on pore formation rutile electrodes. However, they form the weld metal has negative qualities, reduced toughness and ductility caused by the inclusions of silicon oxide. Organic components in large quantities (up to 50%) of the cellulose type coated electrodes (WCC-1, WCC-2, OMA-2). The weld metal is identical to their relaxed or poluspokoynoy steel (chemical composition). According to its characteristics with cellulosic electrodes are type E50, E46 and E42. One-sided welding of cellulose electrodes on the weight allows you to evenly reverse suture ridge, can be welded and the vertical joints; by upside down. However, the resulting welding seam metal cellulose electrodes a high content of hydrogen and it is, a big minus.