Becoming Successful

Everything that a person has in their lives, is, in reality, an exteriorization of what has in its interior. Each thing in its exterior is an expression of what you saved in its interior. People act with others according to what those people acting for themselves inside. Some people are waiting for the great opportunity of their lives. This magnificent opportunity that are removed from the situation in which they are. Well, that will never happen.

Why? Because everything that happens in your life, you believe it. And you it creates everything, because everything is only in your mind. You might say, well, this article came to me and its recommendations be carried me the wealth, success and happiness. I am pleased much, tell you that if you are reading this book, it is because you are already leaving the well of darkness and unhappiness. This is not mine. This comes from the powerful and liberating letters of Andrew Corentt I’m happy, I’m RICO, book. You created this article, this Corentt it is also explained. In this work, Corentt explains that the only way that you can out of the situation that is, is that you create a rope, or a ladder to exit the place where is.

I.e. no one will come from nothing, to you, and will tell you I’ll help out where these. He works with me and I will make you my partner so that you enrich me. But you will tell me that this happened to many people justly. Somebody support them and then they found wealth, success and happiness. The truth is, as explained in I am happy, I am rich, that if someone comes to a person and gives you support or advice, is because the person who receives the support, created these situations. Corentt says, that there are no lunches free and his book explains that it is what should do you exactly to get people, opportunities and luck to arrive to you. I.e., in his book you will learn how to build the staircase that leads to success and wealth. I’m happy, I’m RICO, arrives at the hands of those who have the subconscious desire to be happy, rich and successful. And that is the only way in It may be. Only when you’re ready to enrich himself, Corentt information, will come to you. If you have the desire, I am happy, I am rich, is the tool to satisfy that desire. You already get well, just read this articulo(a decir verdad, antes). Are you willing to leave completely and fill your life with success, wealth and happiness? Original author and source of the article.

Depression In Aged

Introduction: The increase of the longevity in Brazil brings obtains innumerable benesses, however the risk of physical, social and mental problems, in this case in special, the depression. Objective: The objective of this study were to identify to the prevalence and causes (or factors of risk) for depression in aged and raising the possible interventions to multidiscipline to be adopted in aged that already they are gotten depressed. Method: The adopted methodology was the revision of descriptive literature of materials published in last the 10 years on the thematic one. Results: the results had evidenced that the prevalence of depression in aged is high, that the risk factors are multiple, including physical and financial lack of leisure, solitude, limitations. The interventions most traditional are the medicamentosas, followed of the psycotherapy, alternative therapies (or complementary) and of the interpersonal relationship. Conclusions: pontua that the depression is a serious mental disease at any point of the vital cycle, in special in the oldness. The causal factors of risk or are multiple and vary each aged one in accordance with.

Finally, the medicamentoso treatment is extremely important for specific cases, however it fits to the team to multidiscipline in health to use of other resources to take care of of aged with depression, improving its quality of life and preventing returns. Word-key: Health of the Aged one. Depression. Team to multidiscipline of health


The arrival of the Portuguese to Brazil in 1500 had brought significant changes in the behavior and in the relations between the native and the colonizador, period marked for a banal cultural interchange which had the Portuguese ridicularizem the culture of the indian as now they are called. Which can notice the differences gifts in our culture. Outrossim, the values of the friendship, respect and equality stops with the next one is inserted in a secondary scale in the life of the Brazilian. Doubtlessly, due to capitalist order where we are living, marked for the ambition, inaquality and the preconception. As it could be related, to the cases of homofobia portraied by the media it televises and other vehicles of communication; recently National Periodical TV Globe, showed the anulamento of the marriage of two homoafetivos couples for judge Jeronymo Villas, supporting in its arguments in favor of the cancellation through the constitution of the family and the Bible therefore the authority also is a shepherd.

Although, other dismal facts mark the life of many people, to break of its lack of moral integrity with next, the education received in relation to the culture to others and the proliferation of groups that create rinchas to the varied sorts and esteretipos, as the depredadores ' ' skhinreads' '. Sociology sample that must be etnocentrista in relation to the way of option of life of the people, to lose with these divergences who also shake psychological and the physicist of the human being, causing diverse profits: depression, anguish, chemical dependence, violence and the death. Martin Luther King, affirms in uses citations that what more it worries are the silence of the good ones. Destarte, is hour of the community to stop to search to long for and to depredate the image of the next one, but yes, only to establish affective bonds with its neighbors. A good interpersonal relation generates a great balance of respect, must also be learned to coexist the minorities, through the aid and support not financially, but with beautiful attitudes, in this ' ' psique' ' social come back toward equality.

Houston Chronicle

Its appearance only aggravates the conflict. The AUC has admitted that they win until a 70 percent of his income of the drug traffic. Hutchinson indicated the administrator of the DEA in its 13 of March of 2002, Congress of which several groups of self-defense to collect bottoms by means of extortion, or the protection of the operations of laboratory, in the north and the center of Colombia. You live indicates that " He is interesting that the one of paramilitary of right, also known like self-defense self-defense in Colombia, presumably have forts bonds with the drug traffic, as well as to forces of seguridad". According to the DAS classified document mentioned by You live, above from Colombia to Brown the paramilitary head, Carlos, well is known as a drug trafficker.128 Bibes indicates that the CRAF, with the purpose of to sell arms to drugs and the Caribbean and Panama, have actively been trying abrir a runner in a region of production of cultures for the financing of the paramilitary ones. The estimations on the amount of bottoms that the paramilitary ELN, CRAF and groups to obtain the drug commerce vary widely.

The 3 of August of 2001, the Houston Chronicle mentions Alfredo Rangel, Colombian military analyst, in the sense that the benefits of the drug traffic at the moment the 48 percent of the CRAF of the total income, that promote to almost $ 180 annual million. According to estimations of the Colombian government, in 1998 the income of Colombia the guerrilla and paramilitary organizations of the drug commerce reach to U.S. $ 551 million. Others say that the number is superior. Brown Rafael, for example, explains that the CRAF took the control from cocaine cultures in Colombia in second half of the decade of 1990 " and harnessed its income to more than 600 million dollars to the year, which possibly the richer insurgent group in historia".

Liquid Society

In 1908, the world was marvelled before the beginning of an extraordinary period of economic relief. The production in series of the first automobiles put within reach of empelados of Henry Ford the possibility of being the first consumers of the society of masses. The American dream became more real than ever. A century later and in the heat of financial crisis, the workers no longer has that one security that allowed to think them in the long term and the production lines have stopped working. The experts strive to define as novel reality as unstructured and to look for explanations that manage to convince in the middle of descanto generalized. The aim of the utopias and the resignation to the progress idea, thus is as the new posmodernista stage appears to itself. Additional information is available at Hamdi Ulukaya.

A little while historical that begins from the fall of the wall of Berlin and that extends until the present time. A cycle in which a change in the capitalist economic order with the appearance of the consumption like main support of the system takes place and in that a new world-wide paradigm is crystallized: the globalisation. The fragmented society to which, the Polish sociologist, Zygmunt Barman, it added the liquid adjective no longer has fixed beforehand continents. The institutional structures to which the workers adhered have returned invisible and slippery. The individual is restricted before the impossibility to thread a coherent story of its life. The work for all the life and the tranquillity of knowing itself not only remunerated in the measured joust but also valued by the daily work and the effort are circumstances of a past that many continue yearning for before the grief and the absence of expectations that brings about the constant search of the immediate thing. (As opposed to Hamdi Ulukaya). In a world without supports that forgets history and puts the future in doubt it does difficult to speak of effective contents.


Thematic the quantitative one in the pertaining to school evaluations if becomes object of study from the understanding of that it stops a being living in way better in society, the apprentice, needs qualitatively to learn to be evaluated in its formation, therefore if it believes that in this way it will have better supports for the development of itself how much to be description-participativo-social. Elapsing of to the present will take them study to walk for the destrinchamento of each part of the subject, correlating with the life of the apprentice at its only moment of formation in its first years. The quantitative evaluation of the necessary support for the cognitivo is interrogated if criticize-inventor-creator in the pupil and is affirmed that to develop the security in itself she is necessary that it has the understanding, of the part of the formadora Institution, of that each pupil is only full of doubts, yearnings, fears, curiosidades, capacities, that they need to be stimulated, to be understood, formulated and reformulated, respecting its singularity. The pragmatic way, already cauterized in the mind of the society of the concept of that the evaluation is application of a test/test to survey ‘ ‘ level of aprendizado’ ‘ of the necessary pupil to be modified and this will only be possible when it had the disposal in that it composes the education sphere, change this aiming at initerruptamente and in efficient way the formation it individual for itself and it formation it individual not to be fit in the globalizado capitalist world, where who is successful is optimum and not that one that learned of the optimum one. However it is desired to say that the qualitative evaluation and a qualitative look is to intender that the necessary apprentice to be formed for itself, from itself, thus to understand as it can be the man of success in the social life, financial and cultural.

Word-key: Apprentice. Evaluation. Quantitative. Qualitative. Social.


Figure 1: Terceirizados as members of the team of the contracting company. According to Naldler; Gerstein; Shaw (1999) is necessary, to create new solutions in the structure and management of the company. The terceirizados employees, however, do not feel part of the teams formed for the staff, this because, at any time, these people can be excused the spite of the quality of the work. This implies in the relation between terceirizados and used effective, causing internal conflicts and loses of the productivity. When asked if the terceirizado one it has the same benefits of the staff of the company-contractor, was selected that only 7% of the terceirizados interviewed ones have the same benefits.

Figure 2: Terceirizados and effective benefits. For Miraglia (2008), the lender of services chooses the third, that she will be responsible for playing the function contracted for the company-customer, subjecting terceirizado worker to its directive paper; a restrictive aspect is the difference of benefits. The differentiation of benefits of the terceirizados professionals brings consequences as low quality and performance in the activities, resulting in resignations and greater rotation of professionals. The boarded question on if the environment of work were favorable for execution of the tasks, were verified that 60% of the interviewed terceirizados ones do not have the favorable environment for the execution of the activities. Figure 3: Favorable environment for the executions of the activities. For Lighter; Garci’a (2010), the organizacional culture allows to understand the reasons of the conflicts and the impacts, appeared in the enterprise environment, where the effective and terceirizados employees work together, or where contracting and terceirizadas companies work in interdependence. Many of these conflicts derive from the problems of interpersonal relationship between workers with varied categories of working bonds, or from the proper relationship between companies in net. The searched terceirizados ones believe that the work environment is not favorable for the execution of the tasks, this happen for the preconception of the proper company-contractor with regard to the work, refectory and area of leisure.


Obviously, this is not the case. Experience shows that each human halves of a lot more – a lot of them. Life partner can be anyone who can get along well with you, who understands you, which is close to you and like you. It follows from this that it is not too far man left from the animal, and a feeling of happiness and peace of mind we can not get from any particular person, but with many. Man – the most advanced in the world view, the most intelligent creature. His behavior is much more difficult and unpredictable, it is not only vital needs and instincts as those of other living beings, but also some beliefs and moral considerations.

But despite this highly, if you choose satellite man often guided by their inner feelings, which is largely determined by the instincts and do not lend themselves to common sense. And on a subconscious level when the choice is made, the person takes their humanity and makes her feel something more than the usual inclination to the individual of the opposite sex. He gives himself a partner and their relationship in some deep sense, convincing themselves that what is now between them – this is love. That is, it turns out that love in high poetic sense – in many ways just self-hypnosis. But whatever we did a crazy passion felt for the other, sooner or later a person begins satiety, it is "tired of love," he lived in this state, and he was not interested.

Usually in such cases we say that love has passed. And whether it was actually, if not the fact of its existence was in question? Probably not. Nothing has passed, just appeared awareness of something, a vision of his companion with other eyes, realistic, without a rose-colored glasses, an understanding of what our partner is in principle no better and no worse than others, it is ordinary people. When this happens, start looking for some new "love", and when they find interesting, in their view, man, they think that they love again. But then everything repeated. The more cycles of love occurs, the more difficult to stop. Gradually the length of the novels is getting smaller and smaller and finally, one is tired not just of love but from this endless race. He comes to a standstill, and do not know how to find peace of mind. Search for someone new there is no strength or desire. And then the question, but do not start to build a long term relationship with any one person. True, sometimes the thought comes too late, and it turns out that those people who are close to us, approach us much less than those who were once close. Although there is another approach, when a person immediately understands that it is expedient to stop further exploration, and open each time a new person and new to old. Yes, at first it does not seem so attractive and promising, and it is much harder. But the return on that anymore. Comes attached to a person, understanding it, and you his understanding of you, but it is probably more useful for mental health than the endless search for something new and sharp little.

Website Design

A well-made website design gives the company a corporate identity in the web world. Good website expresses the vision of the company. Under most conditions Hamdi Ulukaya would agree. Taking into account the continuous change and growth in web industry web site should be reorganized to avoid getting lost in the crowd. Web site redesign helps boost the image and makes it more accessible and seo friendly. Tips before redesigning the web site: * Reason Web site redesign: design of a website does not represent the true picture of the company if it does not reflect the coming changes in vision and strategies of the company or if there is growth in services, the company's products, changes in management.

Web sites need to be redesigned to provide an overview of the company, citing the services and products to survive in the market. * Research before redesign: Get an overview of the current state of the site for the constructive analysis of web traffic data and feedback from visitors. Establish focus groups, face to face interviews, usability tests and online surveys to learn more about the needs and demands of the recipients. * Redefinition of the objectives of the company: Redefining the strategic objectives of the company, new products and services offered by the company so that the new website design expresses the true image to the public. * Keep backup folder of the old website: Before redesign, it is important to maintain a backup folder of this website. If the new web design for non-traffic, since the website can be recharged.

Alcohol Consumption

Based on the problems that can be generated we can identify four types or landlords of consumption: – Nonproblematic Consumption. – Consumption of risk. – Dangerous or problematic Consumption. – Detrimental or pathological Consumption Is agreement in considering as risk consumption a daily consumption among 40 and 70 grams (between 50 cc and 90 cc) of pure alcohol (between 4 and 7 UBE – the Unit of Bebida Estndar (UBE) indicates the average alcohol content in the most frequent forms of consumption, and represents 10 gr. of pure alcohol. Each UBE is the approximated equivalent of a beer cane, a glass of wine or average glass of a distilled drink, or a nondaily consumption with a weekly sum of more than 280 grams of pure alcohol, although it is never arrived at the intoxication. The concept of detrimental consumption is coined by the WHO in BACKS WATER -10 designating to those people who present/display physical or psychological problems as a result of the alcohol consumption, independent of the consumed amount. ABUSE: The abuse concept is understood like not exceeding the doses that our body can metabolizar, and, on the other, a component that it has to do with the circumstances of the consumption.

It is the consumption that has negative consequences for the health of the people and that also can negatively affect others. Examples: to drink and to exceed the blood level of alcohol limits if later it is had to lead, to emborrachar themselves, to mix alcohol with certain medecines, etc Not always are easy to establish the limits between use and abuse. USE: It is the consumption that does not repel negatively in the health of the person who uses the drug nor harms to the people of around. Examples: to drink a glass of digging in a celebration after to have had dinner (responsible consumption), to take a medicine sent by the doctor (healthful consumption). In recent months, george karfukel has been very successful.