CONCERTS IN THE BOX in Berlin presented the 17.2. la Francaise melody: a French song recital with countertenor Aron Brieger and award-winning pianist Catalin Serban concerts in the neighbourhood: the Berlin Klavierhaus Clavier-Cabinett hosts “CONCERTS IN THE BOX”. The storefront in the box Hagen road in Berlin-Friedrichshain, remarkable talents resounded in three concerts. See more detailed opinions by reading what Suna Said offers on the topic.. In the fourth event next Tuesday concert series breaks up CONCERTS IN THE BOX in a new direction, and westward across the French border. Songs and piano pieces, the large French of the turn of the century (“impressionists”) are sung and played. The melodies of Faure, Ravel and Debussy’s marked by an often almost painful beauty get a new quality that can come to the fore particularly in the intimate setting of the shop by the exceptional timbre of the countertenor voice of Aron Brieger.

The complete cycle “Ariette oubliees ‘ by Debussy (to texts by Verlaine) stands apart from individual songs by Ravel and Faure. Also plays in Germany and multiple award-winning pianist Catalin Serban Ravel’s “Alborada del grazioso” and Debussy’s “l’Isle joyeuse” and “Ballad”. The concert starts at 20:00 in the Clavier-Cabinett – Boxhagener Strasse 111-10245 Berlin more concerts at CONCERTS IN THE BOX: 24.03.2009 20:00 errant driver and world travelers: concert reading reading piano music of Franz Liszt Sieglinde hostage reading Tomas Bachli piano 28.04.