Book Work

YOUR can. Tu – can. NET this book shows us a simple way of dealing with life, improve our present and build our own destiny. As the author said, is written from the heart and in accordance with the views that we find across the network, reaches the heart of readers with great force. The messages it contains are very clear and revealing. It contains topics as interesting as the power of our thoughts, our internal pharmacy, effect, nocebo and placebo, social collective hypnosis, the power of positive thinking, love as a force healer, the power of love, our healing duality, natural laws and an etc.

of interesting topics that show how you can improve our health and success in life. According to the author, we are experiencing special moments, where many people feel trapped and can’t find out to their problems. Living in a collective social hypnosis where everything not what is seems, but that there is another reality more revealing, more controllable by us, more respectful of our free will, where We can choose and create our present and future, escaping from the manipulation of the environment. It is clear that we face a work that will help many people who suffer, either by disease, by life’s problems, much needed in these times of social uncertainty. It is a perfect gift this new year of challenges and hopes. This is the introduction to the book, which will give us an idea of the depth of this great work. INTRODUCTION a baby knows very well the natural laws that govern the universe; He knows how to work, until society – through their parents – is responsible for teaching other laws, which will direct your life forever. The baby can not blame them for teaching these laws of pain, fear, suffering and uncertainty, rather than show you those that talk about love, health, success, and hope, that they are also victims of victims.