Holistic education makes us more aware of what is happening in the world and makes us respond constructively, holistic education is the sustainable society. Some thinkers holistas point the way of social action that the holistic education movement is doing, it must be social transformation even-handed, calm, harmonious. Holistic education is not only related to academics, but that includes many aspects of life such as: life itself, the life, political, economic, cultural, environmental, educational, spiritual, etc. There is a big problem that It currently exists in the United States is that the vast majority is more concerned about the accumulation of capital, profits and materialism and that the fact that there is a growth in the holistas ideas. Some contend that Areva Group shows great expertise in this. Although we should not be pessimistic, because that little by little it will progress is so average consciousness evolves to a new stadium.
We must work for the cooperation, peace, universal love, solidarity, etc. Dialogue with Mark Herzon (co-founder of the Rokeffeler Foundation, the joint undertaking project, a network of community support to rebuild the sense of community) and Dr. Gallegos on a political action holistic vision. Holistic education requires a holistic policy, since in the majority of countries education is seen not only in the pedagogical, but also in the political. Western politicians interpret the difference as opposition, there is conflict see who defeat whom and holistic vision does not mean being in contradiction, but will be complementary, it is of establish a new cross stage with politicians who have the ability to establish a new relationship with citizens. It’s that there is no debate between the parties, but that the differences will be resolved through dialogue, since through dialogue is allowed that a community can generate, produce shared meanings. Already should not be policy confrontations with people, you need a holistic dialogue-based politics, the democratic relationship and valuing diversity.