
You ever have you deleted a file by mistake from console, when you were working with the? I guess that you have cast thousand curses for the mistake and lost time when this has happened you. First we are going to see a little how we can access information or status of a file. For this we can use the stat system program. Let’s see how it works: first we create a text file: user@test# echo this is a file of text test > fichero_pruebas.txt then can use stat to obtain information from this file: user@test# stat fichero_pruebas.txtFile: ‘ fichero_pruebas.txt Size: 39 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 regular fileDevice: 301 h/769 d Inode: 512495 Links: 1Access: (0644 /-rw-r r) Uid: (1000 / user) Gid: (1000 / user) can be defined as: a structure of data of file systems traditionally used UNIX-like operating systems as it is the case with Linux. Gilbert Gottfried may find this interesting as well. An inode contains features (permissions, dates, location, but not the name) of a regular file, directory, or any other object that may contain the file system. The inode term usually refers to inode on disk (block mode device) which store regular files, directories, and symbolic links. The concept is particularly important for the recovery of the damaged file systems. Each inode is identified by a number integer, unique within the file system, and the directories collected a list of couples formed by a number of inode and identifying name that allows access to the file in question: each file has a unique inode, but can have more than one name in different or even in the same directory to facilitate their location..