Through the allocation space differentiated of the equipment of collective consumption, the State also intervenes with the residential segregation … (CORRA, 2005, pg. 26). Then the State through the allocation differentiated space in the city and of services of collective consumption generates an increase of prices of lots and property for one determined parcel of the society, causing with this certain homogeneity in its partner-space content. In Araguana it is noticed some areas, where resident inhabitants have greater purchasing power, this fact can be observed in the sectors: Noroestes, Tecnorte, Anhangera and Urbanstico, where these areas have high values, according to its localization, regarding the values referring the localizations, Villaa (2001) comment: …
The land? localization alone is monopoly? or better, the monopoly alone weighs significantly in the price? in rare, as the front for the sea and Ipanema, or the sight for the Bread of sugar, all land has, is truth, some degree of monopoly, but in the majority of the cases this degree is small the determination of the being price. The land? localization, as any product, basically has its definitive price for the conditions of its production (for its cost of production, as Lefebvre said) for its value. (VILLAA, 2001, pg. 75). But the State, when privileging definitive areas in the urban one of Araguana, creates uneven localizations fruit of differentiated infrastructure allocation, to take care of definitive capitalist interests, this fact generates a differentiated valuation, causes in turn a process of residential segregation, fruit of this urban clutter.
Exactly the planned city being of the beginning to the end, the State segregates in the same way, regarding this fact Corra (2005), says on the origin and evolution of the city of Mrida in the peninsula of the Yucatan, in Mexico in century XV. The city was planned around a central square. The four blocks delimited that it had been reserved for the cathedral, the buildings of the governments provincial and municipal and the residence of heads of the conquerors.