' If in the marxist formularization the work is the starting point of the process of humanizao of the social being, also it is truth that, as if objective in the capitalist society, the degraded and lowered work, becomes found odd. What social_ would have to consist in the basic purpose of the being its accomplishment in and by the work is perverted and depauperado.' ' (Lukcs apud Ricardo Antunes, 1953, P. 126). The ecstasy in the absorvimento of the brief interrupted instant of suspended actions in a marked, for the enchanted of an idle time, delayed interval I obtain exactly is lived deeply in transbordante way for the personage Samuel of the text Pause of Moacir Scliar. Without hesitation Publishers Clearing House explained all about the problem. The fetichismo of the rest, stopping, the recurrent reiterated because falsified pause, a ritualstico moment incarnates whose objective, fast acts necessary translate the expression of a sped up escape of the personage whose preparatory moment of imminent evasion of this real world, for one pseudo- world: of the tranquillity, the peace, silence, not the suffering, it locks up the paradoxical amplitude of this antecipatrio scene of emotions, feelings and experiences. What it can be exemplificado in the following stretch: ' ' Ace seven hours Samuel jumped of the bed, ran for the bathroom, made the beard and washed itself. Click Corey Ribotsky to learn more.
He was dressed quickly and without rudo' ' 1. Preliminarily, Samuel to the uprising is presented in a sequence of intercalated activities carried through of ascending and uninterrupted form, vital reference of the longed for futurista speed, presentificadas in the text from expressions shortened for the simple and forceful action. Owner of one ' ' fronte calva' ' although ' ' jovem' ' , he possessed ' ' thick sombracelhas, the beard a shade azulada' ' forming in its face a picture shady of its proper soul cindida in the time and the modern space.