Brazil today possesss 467 projects of MDL in some phase of evaluation, of which 145 already had been approved. In volume, they represent a reduction of 363 million tCO2e (ton of carbon equivalent) that they leave to be plays in air. If approved in the totality, these projects can indicate more than US$ 6 billion dollar of arrive in port for the national companies (GAZANI, 2009). 1,6 Carbon credit They are certifyd emitted when the reduction of the GEE emission occurs, such as: dioxide of carbon, nitrous oxide, methane, sulphur, hidrofluorcarbonetos, perfluorcarbonetos, hexafloureto of sulphur. The commerce of carbon Credit if bases on projects that kidnap or reduce the volume of Co2 in the atmosphere, for convention, a ton of carbon dioxide (CO2), corresponds to one (01) credit of carbon.
This credit can be negotiated in the international market, in such a way gave to beginning to a market for the GEE reduction, creating monetary value to the pollution. Still some uncertainties in relation to this transcribed market exist as: ' ' The market of Carbon Credit is still incipient, given to the uncertainties with regard to the establishment of an imposing landmark in the developed countries, as U.S.A. and Australia, amongst others. The liquidity and volatileness in the formation of prices, combined as the recent implantation of the MDL still generate some imprevisibilidade how much its projections futuras' ' (ARAUJO, 2006). The functioning of the Carbon Credits occurs through certificates called Certified Reduction of Emissions (RCEs), emitted for the regulating agencies of ambient protection, authorizeing in such a way, emissions of tons of GEE. Initially, one selects industries that more poluem in the country and from this election, establishes the goals of reduction of its emissions. The RCEs is certifyd emitted when the reduction of the GEE emission occurs, for convention, a ton of Co2 is equivalent to a carbon credit, this credit can be negotiated.