
Valley to stand out that in the decade of 1970 the gegrafos start to have more concerns with the social problems and to this change of mentality to give the name of renewal of geography. With the development of the industry and its impacts on the nature and society and one strong industrial politics and little public concern with the implications of this, great part of the gegrafos take left by the society and start to produce a science come back toward this thematic one, as Andrade shows to follow: Ahead of such perspectives of degradation of the conditions of life and even of possible disappearance of the humanity, the scientists in generality and the gegrafos in particular could not be of crossed arms, under the risk of connivance with the crime that is committed. If it cannot justify the construction of monumental barrages to produce and to vender energy, underneath price, the companies multinationals that contribute to deplete the available reserves, leaving in the country only the signals of the exploration, the paid wage to the workers and one few taxes. (ANDRADE, 1987, P. 117) Until the data moment the present article tells the development of Geography, its systematization and its transformation in disciplines, but little if it speaks of the responsible professional for its education, since until middle of the years 1940 they practically inexisted in Brazil.

Who took Geography for the classroom was the researchers, professionals of other curious areas or that finished for acquiring some knowledge. At this time where the scene of the professionals already was composed for bacharis and permitted with the had formation to act in the respective seek areas education, the main employer of the gegrafos was the state, as much in just established IBGE? Brazilian institute of geography and Statistics how much in the public schools. The gegrafos in such a way worked for the State as they demonstrated in fact to be the service of it and until middle of years 1970 as it affirms Andrade (1987), it has great enrollment of the IBGE with the economic policy of the government, with disdain for the social problems and of the environment.

Rapala Count Down

It's an easy target – a wounded fish. The same result can be achieved if the sinking lure to offer white coming from the bottom or if he hit the bottom of the blade, leaving a cloud haze. Asp just see it, even if it is in polvody or on the surface, the white will stand out from the lure of underwater objects. So, if you catch – think like a fish, and imagine how you would do in her place. Believe me, no, even well-fed fish, do not miss the fish, but only if it is to see it. Whether it's a pike, perch, pike, chub chub or the same.

Well, if no bites, usually I put a dark blue Rapala Magnum 5 cm, it looks like bull. If that fails, then move on to another place. Over the years, catching asp I saw that in spring it should catch on the deep rifts in the morning (1.5-2 m) at night, they usually transferred to the outputs of the pits, where the depth to 3.5 meters and ooze. In the first case we put floating baits with large blades. Especially well-proven Rapala Count Down, which consists of two parts, and painted a trout.

It great bait for catching the asp in any season, at one time she brought me a 5-pound walleye on asp and 3900 was repeatedly able to catch asp Rapala Super Shad – Silver minnow with black dot. And although this is purely and pike Okunevaya spoon, but it peck and chub. Asp in the evening returned to the morning room.


Now there are girls like that, those are no longer Loreto, are daughters of immigrants: coastal, mountain and some Europeans. Because there was a time there was much migration Polish and Italian. The actual charapa blood is hot, is hot, but is cautious. Speaking candidly Charles Schwab told us the story. It's decent, do not like the trash, we like to eat on a plate of gold, we are accustomed to gold. We are the department created its own currency, which had premium on sterling silver and nine suns say, was like water in the stream.

That was in 800 to 1900, I that I have 81 years, I have enjoyed up to 10 years, I've bought in the market with nine tenths soles. My grandmother has been one of the few or the first people who came to Iquitos, where there were still wild. (Source: Stanley Gibbons stamps). There were 30 people I do not know if they were 25 men and 5 women or 23 men and 7 women, but usually speaks of five ladies who were called in my time moms, that is, the matrons, ladies largest Iquitos . Ercilia breast, breast Rosa, Irene breast, breast Escarnita, breast Carmen. And they were grandmothers or mothers of the ancient lords of Iquitos, and the ladies of Iquitos. They were families who formed a partnership Loreto net. And one of them was my grandmother who told him Ercilia breast. And it was the wife of a Lima, the daughter of a Lima, because she was Ercilia Mariategui Lopez and her husband was a former Peruvian army captain who had fought in the war with Chile: Pedro Pablo Laiseca Sarria. Lima had never been a soldier, because he was mining engineer.

Idea Generates Power

All people have dreams that we wish to materialize, in some cases already are working on our goals and taking a lot of actions that we hope that they provide good results. A crucial factor for the achievement of goals is time, is truth that any change requires patience and a process that normally does not occur over night, however it is possible that despite our efforts we are not yet reaping the fruits that we hope, then what is the cause of our little progress? It may be many, but a major is a low determination, i.e. we are doing some work mildly and thus cannot be harvested on an accelerated basis, the power of the mind works efficiently when pressed to the end, must have a very strong discipline the inner power to be active, many people does not support this pressure and they renounce their dreams. When you are working at 100% in its aim, necessarily his subconscious mind has to understand the message of your desire, it is here where the actions they play a very important role, how does that process work? Fully explain what nobody has been able to, but the truth is that Yes it works, once you focus your whole being about a desire to, then you move powerful forces in the universe to create more favorable conditions for your project, this is usually called inner conviction, change of State, faith, enter the current creator, all these statements are correct, but remember your challenge is to acquire the State of change. In the book changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar you will find how organized the structure of change, analyzing your past, your limiting beliefs, the use of energy, their aspirations and emotions, here you will understand what is the set of actions that should be undertaken to accelerate their results, reading this book will have in his hands the precise guidelines of actions that produce good results and that lead us to power, as well as the actions that should be avoided because they generate US internal barriers and us they move away from the creative energy. More difficult to withstand pressure is the force of habit which wants to lead us to the same practices, perhaps many of them are positive, but you must become aware that when you are working in a great goal is necessary to close the doors to many other things if we want to realize results quickly. If you wish to have a different life should begin to sacrifice, do things that corresponds you right now, if you have already defined your dream, then run after him, life is relatively short then we must seek to realize our greatest wishes in the shortest possible time. original author and source of the article.

Andrew Corentt

A people without vision perish, the Bible says. Find a reason to live, set a goal and go to him, filled to persons of power and energy to get what they want. With this habit of success is the mental creation for what you want. Everything is created first in the mind, why persons who obtained success, share one characteristic in common: targets are set for your life. The future vision, mission, objectives, goals, purpose or as you want to call that which inspires us to act is a powerful element which must always be in our lives.

All observations and studies on the goals are a huge difference between the results of those who have them and those who do not have them. Benjamin Singer also confirmed the case of school children who had an image of roles focusing on the future and its influence to its development. Andrew Campbell and Laura L. Nash studied the influence of the sense of Mission in the case of organizations and teams. Finally, Fred Polak in the case of the civilizations, studied the influence of the collective vision for the future. Some illustrative examples about what it is the habit of personal leadership, they are as follows: decide and act illuminating with his own vision for the future. Direct your life by anticipating its future course.

Contrast their decisions and actions with his personal mission and make adjustments that apply. Accept that your life has a meaning… but also to recognize that it is you who has to discover it. Identify the values and principles that guide her own life. Determine the meaning of his life and commit to it. Lead your life by plotting the course It will tour today and tomorrow. In the life of the individual having a vision of what you want, becomes have clearly defined goals. Clear goals oriented to the individual in his walk toward success, wealth, happiness and everything desirable. Set goals in a way such that facilitate the lives of the people and become an impulse is a matter of science. There are specific and defined methods to establish goals. One well-established goal, not only orients, also automatically materializes in the life of the individual who builds it. Since build a goal is determinant in its materialization, before undertaking this task it is necessary to have information, guide and correct techniques. In the book, Andrew Corentt offers all this: unique information, step-by-step guide (almost a personal coaching) and techniques infallible. It is clear that you should do a job, and that job is to follow the steps pair set his goal. Else occurs if same. original author and source of the article.

Path Design

Believe me, on paper, to reconstruct something much simpler than in reality, demolish and erect the walls! So that small savings early in the path may lead substantial costs already in the process of repair. It is obvious that if your chosen company has design offices, not one designer, that's a plus: one head is good, but a lot better. Teamwork, as a rule, more mature, deep developed and includes the ideas of several people. The creative process is complete the design project contains quite a lot of documents – from planning decisions, ending with recommendations on selection of furniture and accessories. The main purpose of its creation, regardless of the room is the final result, namely, harmonic and functional interior, the best use of floor space. Design and Construction – creative process.

Each designer style, but there are general principles of design that you're not bad to know. First, you need to maximize space – should not be empty and useless (Unresolved) spaces. Secondly, the planning of premises is carried out according to their functionality and overall customer requirements. Rooms must be proportional, through the redevelopment to eliminate bottlenecks and long room to minimize the number of angles. When redevelopment is necessary to take into account audibility, and not have a number of vital areas of parents and children. If possible, hide or beat the crossbar (bearing beams). For this commonly used solution in the form of arches, multi-level ceilings. The task of the designer is also the definition of stylistics of the premises and features of each room, calculating the practicality of opening doors and the location switches and sockets.

Pareto Pareto

PARETO diagram using the Pareto diagram may detect problems that have more relevance through the application of the Pareto principle (vital few, many trivial) that says that there are many problems without important compared to just a serious. Since 80% of the total results usually originate in 20% of the items. The vital minority appears to the left of the graph and the useful majority to the right. There are times that it is necessary to combine the most useful elements in one single classification known as others, which must always be placed on the far right. The vertical scale is for the cost in monetary units, frequency or percentage.

The graph is very useful to allow visually identify a single revision such minorities of vital features which is important to pay attention and thus use all the resources necessary to carry out a corrective action without wasting efforts. Some examples of such vital minority would be: the minority of customers who represent the most of the sales. The minority of products, processes, or causing the quality characteristics of the bulk of waste or the costs of reprocessing. The minority of rejections that represents the majority of complaints of customers. The minority of sellers who is linked to the majority of rejected parts. The minority of the bulk of the delay in a process that cause problems. The minority of products that represent the majority of earnings. The minority of elements representing the bulk of the cost of an inventory.

Concept the Pareto diagram is a graph where different classifications of data are arranged in descending order, from left to right using bars simple after having gathered data to qualify the causes. So you can assign an order of priorities. What is it? Pareto name was given by Dr. Joseph Juran in honour of the Italian Economist Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) who conducted a study on the distribution of wealth, which discovered that the minority of the population He owned most of the wealth and the majority of the population had the lower part of the wealth.

MLM Business

You become this question sometime throughout your life, if you are a business looking for MLM or network. The problem is that the answer is not as simple as the question. There are mitigating factors which make it impossible to say no. It really depends on the list. Building your own list of prospects. The list that you can build, inviting people to sign up to receive occasional e-mail from you, about your business opportunity newsletters and / or products you offer are a gold mine for your business. The efficiency potential of this type of lists, cannot be denied provided that you do so with ethics in your list building efforts.

So this type of mailing list is a clear and resounding Yes! Buying names of prospects for a Marketing company here is where things get a bit doubtful to put it mildly. The problem of buying names is that not all lists of names are developed in the majority of cases a professional manner… In fact, many of these names generate them to offer incentives to people to register with them. While there are many people and providers of names, which are sincere about getting more information about working from home, so also there are many who are not. It is necessary to be very careful before you decide to add these names to your mailing list.The conclusion is that the companies that offer these lists of names interested in own business should do it very professional and ethics so that also comply with the laws regarding unsolicited e-mail.

Financial Assessment

Methods of assessment company's financial position for the purposes of business valuation can be based on one of three basic approaches. The first approach involves the organization of a differentiated account of all debt on terms of their maturity. In parallel, set the intensity of future cash flows and verify the adequacy of the individual time points. This approach is based on primary information on financial flows. Systematization of this information is very time-consuming and feasible only in companies that are cash flow management. The second approach is based on a special balance sheet liquidity, which allows the company's financial position.

On the balance sheet liquidity all balance sheet items are rearranged according to their rate of turnover. Combining the assets of, implemented by a certain date, with parts of the liabilities, which are the same deadline must be paid (redeemed), set the value of payments surplus or deficit of payments at a certain point. The third approach is based on parameters that are calculated based on a comparison of their individual assets and sources of prevailing at a particular time. These can be indicators of liquidity, financial performance dependence or autonomy, financial soundness, and so on. Practical use of any version of indicators associated with establishing a critical level, allows us to classify the financial position enterprise in terms of solvency. Since the indicators are only indicators and do not allow the right to establish the degree of solvency, this method is not guaranteed to be error-free. However, in most cases, it allows us to obtain a correct diagnosis of the true financial position of enterprises with sufficient accuracy for its inclusion in the follow-up procedure for evaluating the enterprise.

Business Franchising

Riding a franchise can be a good alternative to start in the business world. You may require a lower financial outlay, we have a support system with centralized management, a proven business model, can achieve economies of scale (ie as the chain stores are X, they can get purchase prices or production costs more competitive than if it were an individual store) also started with a known brand name and consolidated, it has an exclusivity in the area, is a global marketing , which also reinforces the image in front of customers, and generally with training and ongoing technical assistance, and even with an integrated computer system. You could say that you can get many of the advantages of a large company but with a more or less small investment. Although theoretically they made us, and is a proven, it is also very important to a business plan, to project what your income and expenses we have, and how are we going to cope if we have to recruit staff if it must be specialized, we analyze what the potential market, and what has potential for growth, competition study (although not of our own shows, there may be others). When one thinks of riding a Franchising is important to try to learn as much as possible to the franchisor, its history, and if possible, visit any center that is in place, to see how the spot, including talking to customers …

Although the model works in general, it is interesting consider whether the type of business you are thinking mount fits the demographics of the town or city in which you want to install it. Normally it is put some limitations on the minimum number of inhabitants, so that at least statistically, and has business, but it is worth considering (not to go, for example, we start a business aimed at a young audience in a town with a population aging). It is also important to compare this alternative to starting a business for ourselves. For example, if I am thinking of setting up a franchise consisting of a tapas bar, why not mount it to my liking? Or even if I could adapt the style of a franchise that I like to myself, but that all benefits would be for me, and I will do my management style with my brand, and under my criteria (though not logically will enjoy other advantages already mentioned). That is, assessing whether it is what gives us the franchise is worth what we would have to pay.