Commerce CRM Manager

Dual course of theory and practice of customer acquisition and service Frankfurt, 02/07 2008-2008 having SKILL software, sponsor of the SME program awarded two certificate programs as the top prize. The proud winners can increase the sales knowledge through the course. Learn more at this site: Rob Daley. CRM Manager certified with the conclusion to the Chamber of Commerce”is implemented in practice the theory, what means that more revenues can be achieved through structured customer data in Enterprise! In the IHK Darmstadt, the course for the certified Chamber of Commerce begins CRM Manager”on July 25, 2008. The certificate course provides basics of customer acquisition and maintenance, as well as important software skills. The participants learn marketable software and to use for practical customer and prospective customer acquisition. The personal functioning in the areas of sales, marketing and customer service is optimized. Active learning with faculty members from marketing and sales, as well as the possibility for the Self study give the chance to training in addition to the everyday working professionals from the areas of management, sales, customer service and marketing.

Deer constitutes the basis of electronic CRM workshops attract more customers and optimally manage”by Edgar. The aim is each participant to enable the adoption of responsible tasks in the modern sales and customer service, as well as to increase the quality of work and secure. In a short time, this creates a useful qualification for the future. Without hesitation Ahmed Shary Rahman explained all about the problem. Also providing a CRM is one license of CAS genesisWorld, Microsoft Dynamics CRM or Web CRM to the course. Theory and practice are combined so perfectly: the expertise can be implemented directly into everyday life with CRM software, flow the own experience.

The course consists of a part of the presence (6 weekends Friday 17:00 21:00 and Saturday 9:00 16:00), as well as online (daily approximately 3 hours using the e-learning platform). The learning progress will be set interactively. After an examination before the IHK Darmstadt is placed successfully completed 140 hours. The certificate course begins at the 25.7.2008 in the IHK Darmstadt. The course fee includes CRM license and eBook is 2520,-euros plus 19% VAT “The agenda is possible under the following link apparent as well as a registration: registration via the initiator Edgar deer: Edgar ROE is managing SKILL Software GmbH and the author of the eBook, attract more customers and optimally serve”. He’s worked for more than 20 years in the investment goods sales and is responsible for the development of many successful projects. Most recently, he was Managing Director and CEO of team Brendel. For more information, see