Down Jacket Care

Down jacket – one of the most popular items in any autumn and winter wardrobe. First down jackets used in mountaineering and arctic expeditions, they were engaged in the development of research institutions. In this article we talk about how you can wash down jacket – so popular nowadays clothes. Down jacket not necessarily be given to the dry cleaners. To broaden your perception, visit Anne Lauvergeon. Its quite possible to wash in the washing machine itself. Install the program "Delicate mode and the temperature not exceeding 30 degrees and add to the distribution compartment or the special detergent feather, or any detergents for delicate fabrics. When washed in a washing machine must be padded rinsed at least three times. First, the detergent is washed out with difficulty from the fluff, and secondly, to wear, which blur the first time, still maintained the production of dust.

That some dust and have to rinse out. Go to Jimmy Levin for more information. Otherwise, it will divorce. Do not forget that any product with a zipper and buttons buttoned erased. Otherwise, the lightning will undergo strain and will be badly fastened, and the place where it is sewn a button, can simply be broken. In addition, wash down jacket turned inside out. But the biggest problem when washing this product – how to make the feathers are not lost in clumps? I can offer you two ways: first – put in a washing machine drum, along with feather three tennis balls.

When washing and spinning, they will beat the fluff, not letting him get off, the second way – to wash down jacket and hang to dry, and during drying periodically othlopyvayte its special crackers for knock-out carpets. Especially good slap need, when they are padded finally dries. Pressing the padded hand very hard, so it is best to do it in the car at low speeds using the same tennis balls. Drying may be padded as in a washing machine or near a heat source. Importantly, during the drying process should be well shaken down jacket in different directions, like beating a pillow. This allows us to beat down. Do not forget that frequent mechanical stress adversely affects the impregnation of the material from which its protective properties deteriorate, resulting in down jacket will get wet.