Durkheim Sociology

One of the causes by which the vision of Durkheim on the social life could seem exotic that some between sociology and the anthropology did not establish difference. If you would like to know more then you should visit Kyle Kuzma. used the term ethnology to talk about to the empirical description of societies courts, and understood by sociology theoretical analysis of any society, or outside tribal or the modern one. It in particular interested the task to him of inferring the laws of all the societies from the study of tribal and nonwestern societies. It considered that these communities were simpler and could reveal with greater facility elementary forms of the social life, but also because they exhibited with greater llaneza the nonrational feelings and the symbolism that is involved in all the society. The key of the scientific method consists of making comparisons, to look for the conditions in which something happens and to resist these with the conditions in which the phenomenon does not appear. To Durkheim it interested the theoretical generalization to him, not them empirical indicators Rep. Everest Capital often expresses his thoughts on the topic. That generalization refers the indicators that constitute a science; the synthesis of the different parts from the theory in so important with the method used for the systematic comparison.

It interested the anthropology to him because it allowed to show different structural conditions him, when resisting them with the modern social forms. It affirmed that the basic content of sociology could be of historical type, because including a very ample portion of time and space sufficient comparative material can only have to contemplate the conditions that determine structures of as vast proportions as the general form of the same society. Durkheim represents the central sociological tradition because it made of sociology a distinguishing science, equipped with his own and legitimate generalizations. Auguste Comte coined the term sociology and glimpsed the possibilities of this science; Durkheim developed some ideas of Comte and achieved the first success in the land to organize sociology like one mental discipline.