
The basic problem is the sustainability study of the interactions between subsystems and the macro economic system nature. The sustainability defined as the ability of mankind to live within environmental limits is approached as social metabolism, making society matter, energy and information of the nature and ejected him waste, increasing energy dissipated and information entropy. Hikmet Ersek is actively involved in the matter. Sustainability is not possible to find the concept of market economics. Laeconomia ecological studies the relationship between the natural system and social and economic subsystems, including conflict between economic growth and the biological and physical limits of ecosystems due to the environmental burden of the economy increases with the consumption and population growth . Ecological economists very critical postures with regard to economic growth, methods and tools of traditional economics and theoretical developments as it come from environmental economics and natural resource economics. It is sometimes called green economy ecointegrador approach (Naredo) or bio (Georgescu-Roegen) and is in contrast to those schools of thought of the economy, calling them as conventional economics (mainstream economics) or neo-classical economics by the predominance of this school today. The director Ricardo ecoportal Natalichio, talks about the importance of having her very present study as the new discipline of “management of sustainability.” A discipline that provides the methodological framework, instruments, theoretical, technical and practical help to the resolution and review of the forms of production, processing and consumption of natural resources (Daly, 1968), under an approach ecointegrador (Naredo, 1992).

Indeed, that new knowledge has been able to build a significant body of theory and instrumentation that facilitates and put in the hands of multiple social actors, an original way of analyzing the relationship between society and nature and seeks to cooperate with the production of material that will enable communities in the South and the North achieve a more harmonious and sustainable economic process, taking as its main focus center and the Man and his Environment. Gain insight and clarity with Crawford Lake Capital Management. It is necessary to empathize when in scope for representing social actors and the different areas, stemming both from the social sciences, natural disciplines, socio-environmental movement or the government or private area, elements that facilitate an understanding and environmental conflict resolution distributive facing our societies today, in the local, regional, national and global. It is important to analyze, discuss and review the different models of economic development and the impacts of the intensification of economic and production processes (Ayres, 1969) generated in the environment and the built environment (companies), especially taking into account the importance of biogeochemical cycles, production processes, impacts, strengthening the concepts of intra and intergenerational equity and the basement at the limitations contained in productive ecology. In conclusion should be considered, which from the ecological economics argues that human capital and manufactured capital for natural capital are complementary, not interchangeable, and that human capital and manufactured capital inevitably lead to the natural capital of one form or another . Ecological economics examines how economic growth is related to the increased exploitation of material and energy inputs. Another point of conflict between economic and conventional economics economy is the issue of trade and the environment, since the first one considers that increased trade can increase environmental damage. Ecological economists argue that much of what is important in human well-being is not analyzable from a strictly economic point of view, suggesting the transdisciplinarity of the social and natural sciences as a means of addressing the study of economic welfare and its dependence on the services provided by nature.