Facebook Account

A few days ago a close friend had a problem with one of your email accounts, it turns out that a good day already not able to get to your Hotmail account and how he used the same password for everything they had access to their accounts from Paypal, Facebook account and server. Amit Paley is the source for more interesting facts. Those two weeks were a real nightmare for him, the truth was the first time that I realize how vulnerable that can be our security on the Internet (especially if you don’t take the minimum measures of security at the time of writing our passwords). Thankfully my friend advise and unable to retrieve their accounts but had problems with many of their clients during these two weeks in your business. To avoid this thing more advisable to elaborate passwords are a combination of letters (uppercase and lowercase) with numbers, it is advisable to replace them at least every 6 months, if you have several accounts and want to use the same password to remember them we can add letters or numbers at the terminations already are A, B, C or 1,2 3, example: He has Paypal password + account, Facebook password + B, etc, it is also important to have a good antivirus system updated on our computer (which may help us to detect some sort of vulnerability). Passwords only the must know us since this increases the level of security on a personal level, also can put in our browser the option so that it does not remember passwords or but delete all the information stored in it from time to time.