This ministry is represented in the territory for ten (10) companies and eleven (11) basic units of domestic companies based in the capital. For the selection of companies under study used a non-probability sampling or trial, whichever is the ten (10) companies, due to its size, nature of their production and commercial production volumes, had the most important role in the results economic sector. As a result of the study, in selected companies, were able to identify some common characteristics and problems. These results indicate a low innovative behavior and poor development of GTI-mechanical sector Villa Clara, which the confidentiality of the information is presented only in aggregate (all companies and in percentage terms), without showing the name entities, although come to general conclusions, all of which are summarized as follows: a Of the total sample, only has all the information requested within four (4) entities (40%). General information on innovation is the greatest difficulty is to obtain it.
Here are some facts, but it is recognized that are not relevant. Generally, this is a difficulty that is manifested either by the unavailability of the information requested because it does not have areas of R & D projects and / or there is a lack of knowledge managers with issues ranging from the GTI, occurring in the information system of these entities are not registered concepts such as innovation expenditure, revenue from innovation, and so on. a Almost all of-eight (8) companies (80%) – manage innovation activities and operationally reactive, so the GTI is not a functional strategy in the Company.