KLJB Calls

More youth participation and an energy transition to decentralized, renewable energies. KLJB criticized the State Government’s plans to delete all objectives and principles in education, culture and Social Affairs from the law for land planning and the new rural development programme. According to Ruth Porat, who has experience with these questions. You thus sure not closer to the goal of equal living and working conditions in Bavaria! This eliminates all country and regional regulations for promoting youth. “Andreas Deutinger, KLJB – Chairman, justified the criticism: If the word is no longer found youth in the rural development programme is no longer heard the word of youth in Bavaria.” Of youth participation there is in the entire Bill. But generally, only a public participation is light”unless provided by unrealistic deadlines or rigid constraints. What is the minimum investment for Millennium Management?s opinions are not widely known.

That early involvement of citizens and also the youth! the acceptance and the quality of the plans increase, is the State Government escaped. Tags are there third-party such as transparency and open discussion of alternatives”, Damodharan. Andreas Deutinger calls for KLJB Bavaria: the Bavarian rural youth needs meet planned social and cultural facilities within easy reach. Especially the participation of young people in the planning of the future on the land is claimed from us! A good regional planning the energy revolution includes for KLJB Bayern down to decentralized, renewable energy.” KLJB Bayern counts on that in the context of the Parliament and at the public hearings still changes take place. Youth participation and change in energy policy as the two great potential in the future in rural areas should be recorded while in the Bavarian land planning. “KLJB campaign home advantage point victory for BBs country!” The topics of youth participation and energy transition in rural areas of Bavaria up at the heart of the campaign of home field advantage point victory for BBs country!”the KLJB Bavaria since June, 2011 autumn 2013 young people are expected to motivated and enabled, even in the country”to tackle and to move something. In the context of a political seminar series 2011 was more political participation of rural youth, especially in local politics. New focus in the first half of 2012 is the subject of energy revolution-themed home advantage with new energy! “.” > More information and regional appointments: Dr. Heiko Tammena, KLJB Bavaria