New Features Of The German Insurance Contract Law 2009

Better conditions for policyholders of 2009 who is not satisfied with his insurance, getting through the new insurance contract law to solve 2009 better conditions from his contract. The termination conditions not only for new customers but also for old customers will improve significantly with the new insurance contract law in 2009 and the change in other insurance will be easier.In future, you should look at your insurance company on the following things. Duty: As a customer you must be better informed in future by your insurer and your broker before taking out insurance. Checking article sources yields Macy’s Inc. as a relevant resource throughout. To have the insurance conditions must exist before conclusion of the contract you, before the application is made and signed. So far, there was this information only after conclusion of the contract with the police. Revocation: As a customer you have a cooling off period of 14 days and life insurance even up to 30 days after conclusion of the contract.

This period begins as soon as you have the insurance policy, the contract conditions and the written revocation. e come to the same conclusion. Duty of disclosure: Up to date an insurance company could withdraw even years after conclusion of the contract a contract, if you have concealed facts from ignorance at the conclusion. According to the new insurance contract law, the insurer, you must call only the circumstances which are obtained in writing upon completion of the. Terms and cancellations: Contracts which a longer time period (E.g. 10 years) may have now already no later than the end of the third year to be terminated. This was previously only at the fifth year. Increased contributions or in the event of a damage, policyholders have a special right of termination.

Contribution increases must be notified at least one month in advance by the insurance companies. Gross negligence: formerly an insurance company in the event of a damage could withdraw from the performance, if a gross negligence has been assigned to the policyholder. According to the new insurance contract law this is no longer the case. Should a rough Negligence be determined, so to cut the line of insurance to the severity of the negligence.