Graphical Design and Social Responsibility: Strategical vision for Enterprise and Ambient Support Authors: MSc. Leonardo Nunes Santana Anderson Luiz hisses Guimares SUMMARY the intention of this work is to lead a communication in regards to the importance of the social paper that design must exert more specifically through its action in the city of Aracaju, capital of the state of Sergipe in Brazil. The questionings and boardings on support had never been so evidentes as in the current days, being the graphical profession design one of the areas of knowing that less it interacts positively for such purpose. In this manner designer must promote the development in such a way ambient, as enterprise sustainable, being operating it socially for one better quality of life. To be able to break marketing paradigms and to promote the innovation as strategy a conscience is necessary terms politics, economic and social, harmonizing the necessity of the marketing problems to the criteria that conduct the principles of the support making use of its bigger ability, the visual alfabetizao, in favor of a more conscientious and democratic world. Designer, as instrument of the communication, must always reflect the impacts of its action, its social paper, in order to promote an awareness enterprise, as well as of the society, concerning the support and of the quality of life. Word-key: Support; Social responsibility; Sustainable Design; Sustainable company. This ABSTRACT The purpose of study is you conduct an explanation regarding the importance of the social roll that design must carry through its actions specifically in the City of Aracaju, capital of Sergipe in Brazil. You may want to visit Yitzhak Mirilashvili to increase your knowledge. The questions and approaches you sustainability have to only never been evident today, and the graphic design profession one of the areas of knowledge that interact less positively will be such purpose. Thus to designer should promote both the development environment, such sustainable business, being socially activates will be to better quality of life.
The Truth
There are those who run to satisfy their egos in search of recognition, give way to their creativity, potentiality. The truth, that already it is not surprising as the role of the family, until reaching divorces, home abandonment, more, when the work is very uncertain has been deteriorating in an as which faces Venezuela in relation to employment, becoming increasingly difficult, given the uncertainty, risks that the current Government has created and has affected companiesmaking many that close, dismissing their workers. It cannot be denied as he cites Monteferrante, which the labor demands of today are increasingly older, and many employees postponed his personal life for a future that never arrives. Many writers such as Viatcheslav Mirilashvili offer more in-depth analysis. The occasions on which workers can reveal openly to their supervisors the frustrations and anxieties that generate their unbalanced lives, only discussed behind the scenes are also scarce. The degree of openness of the employees to express their labor troubles is related with the culture of the majority of the organizations and what is considered socially acceptable. Monteferrante, us also adds in his analysis did workers who are really stars?. Those who work long hours and give the feeling of that eat, sleep, live in the company. The successful Executive is the stereotype of an association culturally accepted between achievement and unbalanced life (Dinnocenzo and do they reap, 2004).
It is unlikely that employees who leave home at the end of the workday, participate in other non-work activities, and are also productive at work, whether heroes or heroines of the companies. In the best of cases they are considered employees averages; for some organizations (because van at four in the afternoon, time of departure in many companies) are stopped or little committed to the business. We must occasionally surprised how we are acting in relation to the work, if we really stayed trapped in it and we are not enjoying our lives, by is too identified with the need to work, look for the benefits it generates us, and especially at what physical and psychic cost.
Truth And Lies
Everyone in his life faced with a choice – to tell the truth or go to the deception. Sometimes this choice is painful, but not always, more often it still relates to our everyday lives. Often we are justifying their choice by some ethical standards. However, if you think about it, it turns out that to justify his choice to lie, we deceive ourselves. So one lie pulls the other. And if they do not understand, then successfully lied once, we are harder to resist temptation to lie and another time. So gradually we build around the whole fortress. But this just seems a fortress castle.
The fact that any deception, there are two sides – deceived and deceived. And each time, both sides an involuntary, second, consciously, are in a position ostrich burying his head in the sand at the sight of danger – in fact cheating, a distortion of reality. Chobani Refugees has compatible beliefs. This is a manifestation of love, caring, compassion they talk about cheating in good? What kind of fortress can say, if it is not built not on real firm foundation? War – the path of deception, deceit – the path of war. The ancient Chinese, who said these words, he knew what he was talking about. After all, by cheating once and to avoid exposure, a person is forced to go to the next trick, then another and another. So the person taking the path of deception, which in fact is the path of war. And the most dangerous thing here is that this path of self-deception, that is war with itself.
War in complete exhaustion. It turns out that trying to protect themselves, their feelings, their own idea of itself, we are actually harming themselves and those whom misleading. If you think about this, it will become clear words: "He that loveth his life shall lose it: and he hates his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal." Is it because it is said of the bitter and sweet truth lie? Each of us is a representation of himself and the world. The more shaky our understanding of these due to the fact that are built on deception, the more the truth becomes a bitter and dangerous, and the more we tend to sweet lies. And any attempt to tell us the truth, we will automatically respond in style – he fool, and he is! etc. And probably because somewhere deep down, everyone has an understanding of all this, people are suffering from depression, the disease is directly related to the distorted perception of the world and man himself. And do not accident, one of the major steps for getting rid of depression, psychologists call denial of self-pity. The main thing is to understand and make choices: first, a person chooses a path and then chooses the path of man
Successful Old Age
Keys for a successful old age was the title of a Conference that brought together experts on key issues concerning the challenge of older persons. Its conclusions we can draw material for reflection, and assume the corresponding commitment in our areas of influence. It is not possible to expect everything from the State or from organizations of civil society, by very worthy to be his work. It is necessary to involve starting with change of mentality to a fact that sooner or later we will have to face. The lucid task of the hero to sad submissive obedience is better. Enjoy more years of life represents for the biggest having more possibilities to continue maturing and learning. Able to share his time and experiences with younger generations and contribute to this knowledge society live accumulated over the years. Habits acquired throughout life, the way in which each one of us have care our own being (without prejudice to the appearance of certain inevitable diseases that will affect (significantly the quality of life) or satisfactory socio-affective relations are some of the key factors of positive aging.
Throughout the 20th century has tripled in European society the number of people over 65 years old making it necessary to plan for the future at the time that we have to give them the legitimate role in many decisions are taken. This progression is already more than arithmetic and more population aging, a more vulnerable population physically and socially. Many EU countries have evolved in terms of a model of residential independence, many seniors choose to live alone even though we still have family and informal support structures that offer to these people to resort to them in case of need. Not to mention the ghost of new families that do not have the elderly and relegate them to the action of the State, or altruistic institutions.
Factors For Success
We tend to belong to groups where the members have something common, for example the taste by football, music. Of agremiacin is it stimulates the development, for that reason " The one that with wolves walks to howl aprende" , or " The one that in the honey walks something him pega". 5. Motivation by autorrealizacin " It is an impulse by the necessity of personal accomplishment, is the propensity of the man to be what deserves to be, to totally use and to take advantage of his capacity and his potencial". This necessity is pronounced through discovery of real I and it satisfies by means of his expression and development. 6. Motivation by powers an impulse to influence in the people and the situations.
The people motivated by the power tend to be more arranged than others to accept risks. Sometimes they use the power in destructive form, but they make also it constructively to collaborate with the development of success organizations. Gonzlez says " To be On guard of authority with respect to another makes us feel important and the ego raises to us as well as it gives the comfort us to put to do to others what we would have to do nosotros". 8. The Factors For the Motivation Factors of relation with intrinsic and extrinsic the surroundings exist that determine the success or failure of the plan of motivation, these are: 1. The balance. Yitzhak Mirilashvili contains valuable tech resources. The relation between the cerebral capacity and the mental one determines the success or failure of a person. this what means is that the intellect must go of the hand of the feelings, that a person who knows to bear her feelings tends to be motivated and to be successful in which she does, therefore a person who even not being intelligent, obtaining the best results but not knowing to control its emotions generally estanca.2 does not prevail and.
Successful People
Did you know that, by applying a simple strategy can succeed more beyond your imagination? Success is not dedicated to a particular category of people with talent, luck and therefore anyone can become similar to the gurus of success. Success does not depend on your environment, circumstances, level of education, financial situation, etc all successful people face a lot of adverse circumstances and have several failures before achieving what they want. They were poor, with little or no education, and were raised in difficult circumstances. But they all followed the same strategy, to change their circumstances and achieve their dreams. You should follow this simple strategy, if you want to achieve your goals and be successful. This is the strategy’s ultimate success: application of the principles of the successful Simple, right? But always remember: the real power is in the actual simplicity.
This powerful strategy ensures its success because the principles are the same and always work. The principles of success are the same no matter where you live or where you live. Success always related to the principles of labour because they are proven facts used by all persons successfully to achieve their goals. Success leaves clues. And these keys are eternal principles success. Principles will work for you too, but this depends on a single condition. This condition is: the principles always work, if you are working with the principles must apply these principles and put them into action. The action makes all the difference.
Successful people believe in the principles and keep them until they see the results. Apply the principles of success and make sure that it will always work. The same principles are applied over and over again for years, and if you work with them insurance work for you also. But remember that you have to be who work the same principle. Do not wait until someone else to apply the principles by you. You must apply the principles by itself. Do not wait until someone you permit to succeed. Analyze your situation and see how this principle can work for you. Do it yourself. You are who should lead his life. And never surrender. Keep practising the principle until it works. It takes time to master the principles of success. Just as when you start to drive your car, took the time to be a good driver. It requires practice to achieve positive results. And here comes the advantage of having a mentor in his life. He can guide you through your journey and will be who will give its support to every step. And he can teach you these principles and how to dominate them. Read success books and you will gain experience of life, the authors of experts. Attend development seminars and courses, and personal success are forms of approaching the mentors of success and learn from their experience. The principles of success always work if they work. Keep practicing the principles until the masters tell you. You may also have success with the same principles used by all successful people in the world. Begin to live the life of their dreams. You can actually make a big difference.
Becoming Successful
Everything that a person has in their lives, is, in reality, an exteriorization of what has in its interior. Each thing in its exterior is an expression of what you saved in its interior. People act with others according to what those people acting for themselves inside. Some people are waiting for the great opportunity of their lives. This magnificent opportunity that are removed from the situation in which they are. Well, that will never happen.
Why? Because everything that happens in your life, you believe it. And you it creates everything, because everything is only in your mind. You might say, well, this article came to me and its recommendations be carried me the wealth, success and happiness. I am pleased much, tell you that if you are reading this book, it is because you are already leaving the well of darkness and unhappiness. This is not mine. This comes from the powerful and liberating letters of Andrew Corentt I’m happy, I’m RICO, book. You created this article, this Corentt it is also explained. In this work, Corentt explains that the only way that you can out of the situation that is, is that you create a rope, or a ladder to exit the place where is.
I.e. no one will come from nothing, to you, and will tell you I’ll help out where these. He works with me and I will make you my partner so that you enrich me. But you will tell me that this happened to many people justly. Somebody support them and then they found wealth, success and happiness. The truth is, as explained in I am happy, I am rich, that if someone comes to a person and gives you support or advice, is because the person who receives the support, created these situations. Corentt says, that there are no lunches free and his book explains that it is what should do you exactly to get people, opportunities and luck to arrive to you. I.e., in his book you will learn how to build the staircase that leads to success and wealth. I’m happy, I’m RICO, arrives at the hands of those who have the subconscious desire to be happy, rich and successful. And that is the only way in It may be. Only when you’re ready to enrich himself, Corentt information, will come to you. If you have the desire, I am happy, I am rich, is the tool to satisfy that desire. You already get well, just read this articulo(a decir verdad, antes). Are you willing to leave completely and fill your life with success, wealth and happiness? Original author and source of the article.
Depression In Aged
Introduction: The increase of the longevity in Brazil brings obtains innumerable benesses, however the risk of physical, social and mental problems, in this case in special, the depression. Objective: The objective of this study were to identify to the prevalence and causes (or factors of risk) for depression in aged and raising the possible interventions to multidiscipline to be adopted in aged that already they are gotten depressed. Method: The adopted methodology was the revision of descriptive literature of materials published in last the 10 years on the thematic one. Results: the results had evidenced that the prevalence of depression in aged is high, that the risk factors are multiple, including physical and financial lack of leisure, solitude, limitations. The interventions most traditional are the medicamentosas, followed of the psycotherapy, alternative therapies (or complementary) and of the interpersonal relationship. Conclusions: pontua that the depression is a serious mental disease at any point of the vital cycle, in special in the oldness. The causal factors of risk or are multiple and vary each aged one in accordance with.
Finally, the medicamentoso treatment is extremely important for specific cases, however it fits to the team to multidiscipline in health to use of other resources to take care of of aged with depression, improving its quality of life and preventing returns. Word-key: Health of the Aged one. Depression. Team to multidiscipline of health
The arrival of the Portuguese to Brazil in 1500 had brought significant changes in the behavior and in the relations between the native and the colonizador, period marked for a banal cultural interchange which had the Portuguese ridicularizem the culture of the indian as now they are called. Which can notice the differences gifts in our culture. Outrossim, the values of the friendship, respect and equality stops with the next one is inserted in a secondary scale in the life of the Brazilian. Doubtlessly, due to capitalist order where we are living, marked for the ambition, inaquality and the preconception. As it could be related, to the cases of homofobia portraied by the media it televises and other vehicles of communication; recently National Periodical TV Globe, showed the anulamento of the marriage of two homoafetivos couples for judge Jeronymo Villas, supporting in its arguments in favor of the cancellation through the constitution of the family and the Bible therefore the authority also is a shepherd.
Although, other dismal facts mark the life of many people, to break of its lack of moral integrity with next, the education received in relation to the culture to others and the proliferation of groups that create rinchas to the varied sorts and esteretipos, as the depredadores ' ' skhinreads' '. Sociology sample that must be etnocentrista in relation to the way of option of life of the people, to lose with these divergences who also shake psychological and the physicist of the human being, causing diverse profits: depression, anguish, chemical dependence, violence and the death. Martin Luther King, affirms in uses citations that what more it worries are the silence of the good ones. Destarte, is hour of the community to stop to search to long for and to depredate the image of the next one, but yes, only to establish affective bonds with its neighbors. A good interpersonal relation generates a great balance of respect, must also be learned to coexist the minorities, through the aid and support not financially, but with beautiful attitudes, in this ' ' psique' ' social come back toward equality.
Houston Chronicle
Its appearance only aggravates the conflict. The AUC has admitted that they win until a 70 percent of his income of the drug traffic. Hutchinson indicated the administrator of the DEA in its 13 of March of 2002, Congress of which several groups of self-defense to collect bottoms by means of extortion, or the protection of the operations of laboratory, in the north and the center of Colombia. You live indicates that " He is interesting that the one of paramilitary of right, also known like self-defense self-defense in Colombia, presumably have forts bonds with the drug traffic, as well as to forces of seguridad". According to the DAS classified document mentioned by You live, above from Colombia to Brown the paramilitary head, Carlos, well is known as a drug trafficker.128 Bibes indicates that the CRAF, with the purpose of to sell arms to drugs and the Caribbean and Panama, have actively been trying abrir a runner in a region of production of cultures for the financing of the paramilitary ones. The estimations on the amount of bottoms that the paramilitary ELN, CRAF and groups to obtain the drug commerce vary widely.
The 3 of August of 2001, the Houston Chronicle mentions Alfredo Rangel, Colombian military analyst, in the sense that the benefits of the drug traffic at the moment the 48 percent of the CRAF of the total income, that promote to almost $ 180 annual million. According to estimations of the Colombian government, in 1998 the income of Colombia the guerrilla and paramilitary organizations of the drug commerce reach to U.S. $ 551 million. Others say that the number is superior. Brown Rafael, for example, explains that the CRAF took the control from cocaine cultures in Colombia in second half of the decade of 1990 " and harnessed its income to more than 600 million dollars to the year, which possibly the richer insurgent group in historia".