Mercadona Supermarket

EFE facts have occurred in a Mercadona in Cubelles (Barcelona). They said they were going to distribute them among the people in need of the population. A group of about 20 outraged has assaulted this morning a supermarket Mercadona in Cubelles (Barcelona) to carry food products of first necessity and, as I have said, spread them between the people in need of the population. As one of the responsible for the supermarket reported, about 20 people have entered about 1045 hours on the establishment, located next to the thermal of Cubelles, Town South of Barcelona, and have filled a cart of various products. When reached the box, they have refused to pay and have come to the outside with food. Responsible for the Centre, which has required the presence of the Mossos d police, has prevented the departure of other trucks which the outraged also were filled with food, which has generated tensions. Demonstrators have begun to shout slogans of protest against inequalities, while waiting for the arrival of police equipment. See more: Unos 20 outraged attacked a supermarket South of Barcelona and take food.

Mallorca Private Banking Test

PRIVATE BANKING – QUe PASA! The offers in the financial sector, the wealth management and foundations in international business are diverse and confusing, sometimes contradictory. Investment is also of course a matter of trust. Consultant for the different areas there as sand on the sea. But how do you find the true experts on current issues, just even if it no longer domiciled in Germany? Some private banking concepts are built on sand in the truest sense of the word, because new ways often used to abroad with old methods to the detriment of bona fide investors! The elite report 2008 – the elite of asset managers in German-speaking countries which can be ordered at helps you in your decision making in usual competent, useable and multivalued manner! Handelsblatt is the new media partner this year! Was also the founder of GEOPOLITICAL.BIZ and Chief Editor of “Capital & taxes confidential” – Markus Miller – in This year again, consultant and co-author of the elite report 2008. The unconventional way Markus Miller goes with his team different legislator his test reports from the depth and quality of other “private banking tests”, from the purely journalistic segment.

“We investigate especially when ex-employees, suppliers, partners and customers in addition to the individual test talks with the respective Bank consultants” Markus Miller underlines one of the most sought-after experts in international and innovative private banking concepts at the highest level now. “The selected partners and informants are involved in test planning and in the development and application of specific test criteria” says Miller. “You take services covered in claim (mystery shopping) or rely on information provided by insiders or existing customers of the provider what investigative are – researched, analyzed in detail and examined specifically in the sense of the press code!” ELITE REPORT GOES TO MALLORCA! Markus Miller has with his team in a so far unique investigative manner studied the market for private banking – services in Spain, in particular on the mainland coast of the Mediterranean, the Balearic Islands, and explicitly on Mallorca. In addition to many new providers and experience – he – hit also on some “old friends” in the positive as well as in the strongly negative sense! “According to estimates more than 400,000 Germans have a secondary residence, property or their principal domicile in Spain” said Miller, the author of the private banking “Geopolitical asset control of standard of”. “They have an above-average investment volume. This makes this concentrated abroad and compressed wealthy target group for private banking service”always interesting. “Just the Balearic Island of Majorca offers the greatest potential with approximately 80,000 German residents or Germans with a second residence for private banking services in Spain according to Markus Miller”. EXCLUSIVE: For GEOPOLITICAL.BIZ, you can private banking – test report from the Mallorca current elite report 2008 download free of charge! pageID_5242175.html order: Elite report 2008 – the elite of asset managers in German-speaking countries: contact: Markus Miller editor-in-Chief capital & taxes confidential FID Verlag GmbH specialist publisher for information services of Koblenzer str. 99, D-53177 Bonn fax: + 49 – 228 / 820557 36 email: Internet: email: Web: GEOPOLITICAL.BIZ – is an Internet business, marketing, and information platform (around the segment private banking and wealth management) and a unique information platform GEOPOLITICAL.BIZ, interactive media information network in the areas of risk management, consulting, law, taxes, assets, real estate, accounting, banks, capital migration, media, marketing and globalization.


But the main problem for the loan remains the lack or insufficiency of seed capital small business. To correct critical situation, efforts are needed on both sides. For credit institutions can be effective options for resolving problems: – introduction of banks standardized procedures that reduce the cost of lending and reduce the time for consideration of loan applications – increasing the urgency of the banks' liabilities, thereby reducing the gaps between assets and liabilities by maturity and repayment on demand and to improve their liquidity, the introduction of mechanisms to refinance – the creation of federal and regional levels to reduce credit risk through various schemes and guarantee security for loans of small businesses, to attract large regional companies to the security for small and medium enterprises – improving the regulatory requirements of the Bank of Russia, aimed at reduction of the cost of the banking business, which will reduce Interest rates on loans. Set of measures associated with overcoming internal difficulties of small businesses is, in fact, a list of measures to support small businesses. Among them we can highlight only those steps that are greater degree than others, able to quickly provide a significant effect: – interest rate subsidies on loans for small businesses operating in industries with low profit margins – the stabilization of tax regime for small businesses – measures aimed at increasing the transparency of small businesses – the development of infrastructure support and educational work among small businesses – the establishment of funds to support small businesses that would have assisted in gathering documentation and training to work with the banks – the forced promotion fund formation of credit histories. .

The Coaching Espresso

The rapid emergency measure for a clear head the 30-minute individual coaching is the small helper for in between, when an important decision, a situation is acute or no longer is easy at the moment. There is a first Outlook on possible solutions and frees head for new perspectives and room for manoeuvre. The coaching is short, focused and very effectively simply like a good Italian espresso”espresso, like. (FH) Nina Valeskini. The Kurzcoaching focuses on one aspect in life and looking for concrete solutions. It is intended as a rapid intervention, to alleviate stress and to come back on their own creativity.” A lot can happen in 30 minutes! Often, a small impulse to habitual patterns of thought sufficient to break through and to realize that the solution is close. The coaching espresso helps you to consider situations from different angles and are again able to act in a short time. The coaching espresso can by prior arrangement – in the Premises used by triskinity, via Skype or telephone..

Value Hierarchies

About working with value hierarchies in the coaching very often clients come to me to coaching with unclear or diffuse ideas. That is, to my question: “What should be different, when we worked together?” or “What you want to change?”, I often get responses like this: “I want to again prosper me!” or “I want to work again!”. Of course there are to continue now different ways. It would be to try to concretize the desire of the client with further questions. Hamdi Ulukaya refugees: the source for more info. To do so, I take position like in another article.

Today it’s about you from my experiences with the entry about the values report to me. Through the hierarchy of values. We all were shaped by beliefs and the values associated in our lives. This means that according to these issues and our current life situation we miss values of various kinds or hope. To clarify it once again: values are terms like: love, freedom, courage,.

Force, energy independence, authenticity, loyalty, partnership, friendship, calmness, security… Already in the initial interview, according to the General description of the problem of the clients I leave these develop a hierarchy of values. To do this, I ask the question: “What is you important in your life?”. Sometimes it is necessary to give one or two pulses of the clients. Talk to offer values. Sometimes do the clients to find some hard more than two or three values. In this case, in my opinion, a help is allowed. As long as this aid as an offer is defined. Example: “how like values such as joy, energy, freedom…?”. I write all the values on a piece of paper with each other until I a list of 10-maximal 15 values have. Then I would ask the clients to sit comfortably, to take a deep breath and relax.

Services Price Lists Or Responders

Introduction: The Auto responders. Emails are essential to your business for very different reasons. These invisible email voices give you information about your website, for free. However, if you spend all your working hours answering these messages: How is it supposed to run your business? The answer is simple: use auto responders. The auto responders are programs that automatically respond your emails without you having to click once. There are a number of good reasons why you need an autoresponder besides just answering your mail. For example, auto responders can be used if you need a way to send information about: Its products Services Price Lists Or if he ask questions that are repeated in a large number of messages. You may want to offer your site visitors a special bonus of some sort, as advice or relevant articles.

All this can be managed with an auto responder. You can also advertise your business and build relationships with their customers using auto responders. Auto responders programs range from applications that work with your email program to specialized applications that run on your hosting company. This kind of program you can use a Web page form or simply operate with your email account. This kind of implementation is scheduled to send a standardized message when received. The message is sent to an email address. Some autoresponders can do more to send standardized messages. You can send an unlimited number of messages followed a predetermined time interval. For example, you can set your auto responder to send a new message every day during the period of time you want.

New Energy Husum

After four days, the trade fair closes its doors today new energy Husum. Husum, 24 March 2013. After four days, the trade fair closes its doors today new energy Husum. With approximately 300 exhibitors and approximately 15,000 visitors she has presented again renewable energies themselves this year as one of the most important fairs in the area. The range of the exhibitors and their products, as well as the response of the visitors were greater than ever. I am delighted by the large influx of trade and private visitors on the year’s new energy Husum,”says exhibitors Ole Hering, CEO of NorthTec Maschinenbau GmbH.

Also the number of the lectures was so extensive like never before. The population is increasingly sensitized for renewable energies, confirming the great response to our lectures and seminars. The requests by the exhibitors were targeted, the discussions active”, says Thomas Seifried, project manager of the new energy Husum. “The international meeting of small wind World Summit for small wind” was better attended than ever before. It was supplemented with additional events to the planning, construction, operation and the construction law in small wind turbines.

Battery storage until to insulation systems, the solar companies showed while in particular products for own consumption, energy management and maintenance, the small wind turbine manufacturer were on the stands, horizontal and vertical systems and their components. Many visitors interested in solutions with which they can produce heat and electricity self-sufficient”, says Michael Erdmann exhibitors by BeBa energy GmbH & co. KG. The new energy Husum shows us where the journey is going.” In the special passive house were insulation systems for floors and walls, buffer memory, and planning software. Also a model, convert and energy again in a biogas plant excess wind and solar power by electrolysis into hydrogen to store excess energy seen next to battery save the completely fully booked a Congress for the first time, can busy themselves with this topic for the future in Husum was.

Dollar Value

The data from the United Kingdom were negative, as disclosed problems in the banking industry during the weekend. The Euro found support in the 1.4300 area; lows in the 1.4302 area, and the pair recorded a decrease of 50% after the latest upgrade. Several traders noted that the banking problems along the U.S. rescue plan, spread to Europe and the European currency was under pressure. The USD / JPY remained stable despite the news of the bailout, the area recorded highs of 106.94. The pair are fighting for an improvement, and not following the upward trend of other pairs.

The USD / Swiss Franc saw heavy buying, and was around 1.1000, which surprised; recorded highs in the 1.1089 area in Europe. The Swissy is trading technically, and also showed a shift of 50%, which suggested that the fence is in the 1.1050 area. The loonie also recovered recording technique in resistance of 1.0453, before falling slightly, the 1.0440/50 area highlighted by sales. In my opinion, the American bailout plan is supporting the level of support the USD, and is awaiting a vote by U.S. lawmakers, once the euphoria is over, and when they are the real costs of the plan will be created certainly pressure on the greenback. Despite the rise of the dollar in the short term we will see pressure on the U.S. currency in my opinion. It is estimated that the dollar will fall in the middle of the week.


To construct a referencial is substance of subjective value. The anthropology of the body on the other hand considers new questionings and in relation to the body, some as the control of the passed image, to understand the current cult to the body, identity-modesty, not exposition of the body, the new morality and the aesthetic moral. In the body if all character registers, moral the scientific one, of the society and the time the one that belongs, but cannot disrespect the aesthetic morality on the proper body. The body is seen as instrument and as value. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Kellyanne Conway has to say. In its workmanship the Sennett points the moment where Tucdides informs that the espartanos ' ' they had been the first ones to participate of naked games, if to undress acintosamente' ' , what it identifies as indicative of progress reached for the Greeks when of the ecloso of the war. Between barbaroi as the foreign Barbarians were called or, still it remained the custom to cover the genitlia in the public games. ' ' Civilized Greece made of its displayed body an object of admirao.' ' She is notable who stops the old inhabitant of Atenas, the act to show off itself confirmed its dignity of citizen.

The Athenian democracy gave to the thought freedom the same attributed emphasis to the nudez. Daniel Taub Israel has firm opinions on the matter. In our said society modern where the custom and the laws are nortes of the social behavior this practical it is seen as one indecent assault and the values attributed to the body since the Athenian age it is placed in the vast memorial of the historical past and the relation of the man with the body passes for a rupture that matters in the desire to run away from ' ' natureza' ' of the body and to the necessity that we have to domesticate them. ' ' The collective denudation the one that if imposed? something that today we could call ' ' commitment msculo' ' it strengthened the citizenship bows.

Enterprise Architecture Management

“Ardour consulting: most investment decisions are not based on a systematic evaluation of benefit Seeheim-Jugenheim, 29.06.2011 – the consulting company ardour Consulting has extensive and product-neutral guidance value of IT investment through value management” published. It is there to give practical assistance for a better control of the IT measures the responsible company. A central moment plays the question of contribution value the single investment can in principle develop for the company and really exploit conditions of this potential can be. Hikmet Ersek is likely to agree. Background of the free practice help is that according to the findings of ardour in the company mostly a latent and should not be underestimated investment risk. So, a survey of the consulting firm recently found a relatively carefree handling of project decisions, because in many cases not even mandatory methods exist to make selection decisions for IT projects.

Such procedures, in which, for example, clear Evaluation criteria determined the expected benefits of investment will be used only by every sixth company in full consistency. This might cause that IT projects often fail because the benefit is not clearly determine. Almost every second respondent managers comes to this critical self awareness. Only a tight third gives a positive judgment and expresses that had to be due to insufficient benefit perspectives IT measures not often prematurely terminated and investments depreciated. Often occur on the individual investment”decisions for technical innovations with a fairly isolated views, describes ardour’s Managing Director Michael Maicher the problem. To significantly increase the security of investment, the most diverse influence relations must be made transparent and included in the estimated benefits assessment”, he stressed.

The version Guide, which addressed the critical aspects of the IT value management in terms of content, on the one hand and on the other hand Tips for optimizing which provides benefit assessment of IT investments, can be ordered free of charge at. About ardour Consulting Group: The ardour Consulting Group (, is a consulting boutique specializing in the topics of application management and sourcing. It is a team with a common understanding of sustainable consulting. Consisting of experienced employees with excellent professional qualifications the for the IT team responsible executives. The ardour Consulting Group’s core competencies include: application management (design and implementation of strategic, tactical and operational IT processes and organizational structures); Development and implementation of tailored and sustainable sourcing strategies; Enterprise Architecture Management, to support the business objectives and the business model through an adequate IT landscape; Project portfolio and value management to demonstrate the value proposition of IT as well as better and to be able to make objective investment decisions.