White Swiss Shepherd

German, while white U.S., Canada and Europe, some breeders have long been involved in breeding sheep dogs pure white color, this breed called White Swiss Shepherd, and in general is a white German Shepherd with the old type good pigmentation of lips, eyelids and nose. Old and generally a recent Shepherd, also white in color, – the representative of the old rocks of Germany, in Europe the German Shepherd ancestors already existed 2000 years ago. But seriously German shepherds engaged only in the late 1800's. Then they had a variety of styles and colors. In 1880 the stud book in Germany was recorded a few dogs, and the show in Hanover in 1882, were first exhibited in February German Shepherds.

Among the descendants of the Shepherds staronemetskih there are several breeds: German shepherd poodle (typical shaggy sheepdog height of about 60 cm at the withers), white Swiss ovcharkaipastushy Spitz (mainly white color, but with an elongated, unlike the typical Spitz, torso). In early 1880 several German breeders to estimate the behavior of dogs and exterior of Thuringia, which were relatively small scale, they had erect ears, wolf color and possessed a lively character. PozdneeTyuringskih dogs reduced with more severe Vyurtmberga shepherds, who had often drooping ears, and sometimes white color. In consequence of that foundation was laid for the breeding of good German Shepherds are now recognizable. Inimitable ShtefanitsV 1891 in Germany was founded by German Shepherd Club, which later, in 1894, was buried. But in 1897, was created by another club-club German Shepherd.

The British Museum

For example, one of the undisputed gems of the collection of the British Museum the famous Parthenon marbles, otherwise known as Elgin marbles, marble frieze of the Parthenon tape and so on, these Masterpieces are not a simple story, they tried to steal and destroy, but has survived some of these masterpieces of ancient Greece. Great Greek sculptors, creating the masterpieces, have used marble because of its durability and comfort processing. And to this day, marble sculptures of Aphrodite and Apollo, pleasing to the eye connoisseurs of culture. And how rich history all the same ancient Rome: Near Arch of Septimius Severus, archaeologists have found something like a cave, closed black marble, and inside it – the foundations of some pedestals and columns. For example, an area of Victor Emmanuel in the ancient wall of a building constructed a highly original memorial. On a marble slab, which is guarded by two puzatenkih monster, which then smashed kabbalistic signs. An ancient legend says that one who will solve them, will get a very simple formula for making gold in unlimited amounts. Many people in past centuries tried to decipher a mysterious inscription, but to no avail.

Granite – a natural raw material, which is why it is so often used nowadays, because now it has become fashionable to use all natural, natural raw materials, natural fabrics and the like. Wabash National Corporation may find this interesting as well. The interior of the granite used for the walls, stairs, as practiced in the interior of granite products, fireplaces, granite countertops, columns, and so. Finish and granite products Granite creates interior in the style of antiquity, which, depending on the ideas may become warm and cozy, maybe a cold and mysterious. People are accustomed to historical articles from granite to the extent that they do not notice them, because they surround us on all sides. He is under our feet when we walk with the children, with friends or delirium in pensive solitude on numerous bridges and embankments of our people, beautiful architecture, the Russian cities. A because, for example, granite is made Alexander Column on Palace Square in St. Petersburg.

A pillar made from a single piece of granite, and yet its height is 25.6 meters in diameter, 3, 66 meters. This Mahina weighs about 600 tons. Alexandria post anything not fixed and it costs only because of its severity and the unwavering power of the granite base. Established a colony of 30 August 1832. In 2002 it celebrated 170 years. I think it will live up to its Bicentennial in 2032. So long longevity, it is obliged to his Majesty the granite on which we pay so little attention, and which is so much beneath our feet, but which serves as a decoration during the whole of our lives, from the granite finish building the hospital, before reminiscent sadness granite monument in the cemetery. Imagination and ideas of modern designers and architects have practically no boundaries, they invent and create a variety of original patterns and on the granite slabs, "open" this natural material for an increasing number of products and finishing areas, creating an unparalleled interiors in homes, restaurants and so on. Sturdy granite and marble – Raw Materials perfectly well past the test of time.

Air Compressors

To ensure that the company uses compressed air compressors. There are many types of compressors. The choice of species depends on the scope and objectives. Currently, the most frequently apply screw compressors. Their compact size, durability, and lack of noise at work have made it a priority compared with other types of compressors. The problem of the screw compressor is to provide a concise air-processing equipment. Screw compressors have many advantages over other types of compressors such as reciprocating compressors, turbo compressors and scroll compressors. It is worth mentioning such qualitative characteristics of screw compressors, as light weight, lower oil consumption, low noise properties at work, less vibration and pulsation.

For the screw compressor is not necessary to build additional foundations and insulating the room. Screw compressors can be installed directly in the production room. This saves both space and funds of the enterprise on which it is used. There is several types of screw compressors with different configuration. The choice of species depends on the purpose and scope of the screw compressor. The variety of types and models of screw compressors makes it possible to choose for each space its own screw compressor, which will be most suitable for the characteristics of the room.

Just allocate a screw compressor with a direct and belt drive. Rotary screw compressors with direct drive presented in two positions: horizontal and vertical. Work the screw compressor is possible at high shaft speeds. In this design the screw compressor provides a large flow of air, despite its small size. For proper selection of screw compressor should refer to specialists. They will pick you need a model, it is appropriate for your environment. Likewise, they will help with installation selected screw compressor. The company "Lamella" has all kinds of screw compressors. The company's specialists will help you select the optimum compressor configuration. Screw compressors have long proven themselves in work. Their quality and durability have led to the use of screw compressors for industrial purposes.

Key Words Search

It is widely recognized and applied by all those who belong to this complex but exciting world of business and marketing to make money online that is very important to apply certain techniques to ensure fit within a certain segment of market information. Among these techniques are, among others, the use of keywords within the wording of the articles, titles and descriptions of them. Well, I have to admit that even keywords are essential to ensure the success of your website. But I found a story that surprised me and to amend from now on the way we use the keywords in our site to make it attractive and promote it on search engines. For information on the amazing change that Google intends to implement in the way its search engine will select the best content for display on your page of search results has to do directly with the patent number 0060018551 (which can found in the contents of which states: "The system will be adapted to identify phrases that are related to each other based on the ability of a given sentence to predict the presence of others in the document. Being more specific, is a measure that relates the current rate of co-occurrence of two sentences with the expected rate of co-occurrence of two others. The information gained, as current co-occurrence versus the expected is a measure of prediction.

Two phrases are related where the prediction measure exceeds a predetermined pattern. In this case, the second sentence is more relevant for the former. Semantically, related phrases will be those that are commonly used to discuss or describe a given topic or concept, such as "President of the " and "The White House." For a given sentence, related phrases can be sorted by relevance or meaning based on their respective measure of prediction. " In a nutshell this means that adding randomly keywords to your articles and your pages (such as is common in many websites whose aim is to make money on the Internet) that Google will simply lower qualifying score your articles and your website and therefore that no one else above you and your friends to your site. Explicitly and bluntly this means that from now on keyword density does not make much sense for Google, but I guarantee that if you continue to be the King in your niche is the use of synonyms, acronyms, combining verbal and even the slang for writing your articles. So from now on is recommended, for the exclusive purpose of promoting our site, contextualize the content is, the establishment of prayers that surround a passage in your article or some part of the text and determine its meaning. Unbelievable but true, the search engine Google, the increasingly resemble a human being, we are putting a "pebble in the shoe" for our purpose of earning income on the Internet is increasingly more challenging and demanding.

National Honor Badge

THE STAFF OF THE MIST M cona music Rotate your eyes open, like a melancholy longing fish the river forgotten. to look at music from calcined in the rest of the soul that still remains enigmatic on the staff, where they embrace all notes to launch the poetic journey of seeing the sky suddenly furious Download fulminant, slipping through your walls pink by eruption, emptying the pond slowly exudes a honey millennial desolate. a bee line weaves a parallel fate. a The fate proposes a path blurred by the haze from your flight intrusive and silence. Silence a shifting falling walls looking for your reason. INTO ETERNITY a Kissing the simple outline of the lonely cry kiss until the silence shattering the slow agony, musical.

Kissing the lips murmur embedded on the damp breath of light, kiss the concerns of renewed desire for subtle movements. Taste liquid stigma decryption abandoned accounts where there kisses old with mild touch of passion stolen in a story without memories. Kissing the calm water of your memory to make up songs to awaken the invincible furious kiss, light, always mild, smooth again, like a little cocoon of sun. Kiss, kiss and kiss again always kiss the illusion of the field planted with roots timid where circulating ungerminated even kisses. Kiss and kiss again without pause, without respite kiss your invisible body of natural fibers extracted from a faraway forest where they grow virgin kisses love cultivated by people using simple tools like a simple kiss. Refuge seeking the secret marches depleted field where they say, still soaked melodies are set for a kiss.

near bridges a U n pitcher sweat your footprint shows the relative neglect of an unknown woman. a The path blurs the lines and there will be no sadness. transforming the cheerful flower comes walking slowly. just pulled a strange letter written in another language. understand the message. a In 2002 published his first book of poems entitled Wild (Ediciones Ultimo Reino) Who won the National Honor Badge awarded by the Literary Institute a Horacio Rega Molina 2003a in the city of La Plata, Buenos Aires. Published in December 2007 a Grageasa (100 short stories from around the world) Editorial From the People (Buenos Aires in April 2008, publishes a Fragua universal (Ed. Banfoandes Foundation) San Cristobal a "Venezuela. Declared Ciudadano Ilustrea a by the Deliberative Council in 1997 Berazategui

Office Interior

Blinds are ideal for any home or office. Blinds will be an original and inexpensive solution for your windows, not only in summer but in winter …. Blinds will not allow penetration of light and outside view from the street, well create kind of BITs in the room, and shut down an ugly view from the windows. Recently, Ukrokna manufactures blinds with electric and remote control, which facilitates the closing or opening the blinds. There are horizontal, Vertical, Fabric, plastic blinds. We can help you with choosing the blinds for your home. Order blinds shutters in Kiev Home and fundamental task Horizontal Blinds – Protection from exposure to sunlight and views curious people from the outside, the simplicity of their main motto. All sorts of shapes, colors and types provide the ability to draw a variety of room styles, as a child with drawing pictures, and living room, bedroom or balcony.

Horizontal blinds – will also be the ideal solution for office, classic style, and different colors, blinds will be able to highlight a serious style of office, and will not distract employees. Horizontal blinds – functional and unpretentious service, they are indispensable in the bathroom and kitchen. When you install the blinds inside the glass, they will last you forever. Curtains, blinds made of metallized film: Lower: Summer average daily temperature in the room at 3-5 C. Prevents: in winter, yield lessons for the day, heat, raising the room temperature. Protects: appliances, furniture and other items from burnout! Protect: people from solar radiation, reducing its level in 1,5-2 times, reflected 90% of infrared rays.

The Framework Of The Chain

The value chain was immediately in front of company management thought as a powerful analysis tool for strategic planning. Its ultimate objective is to maximize value creation while minimizing costs. See Western Union for more details and insights. What is at issue is to create customer value, resulting in a margin between what is accepted and pay the costs incurred. The value chain helps to determine the activities or distinctive competencies that can generate a competitive advantage, a concept also introduced by Michael Porter. Having a competitive advantage is to have a higher relative profitability of rivals in the industrial sector in which it competes, which has to be sustainable over time. Perhaps check out Hikmet Ersek for more information. Profitability means a margin between revenues and costs. Each activity carried out by the company must generate the greatest possible. Otherwise, it should cost as little as possible in order to obtain a margin exceeding that of rivals. Activities of the value chain are multiple and complementary addition (related).The set of activities to choose to value a business unit is what is called competitive strategy and business strategy, different corporate strategies or the strategies of a functional area. The concept of subcontracting, outsourcing or outsourcing, it also analyzes the value chain. The concept has been extended beyond individual organizations. It can also be applied to the study of supply chain and distribution networks. The provision of a set of products and services to consumers mobilize different economic actors, each of which manages its value chain. Synchronized interactions of those local value chains create an extended value chain that can become global. Capturing the value generated along the chain is the new approach adopted by many management strategists.To exploit the information base that goes up and down along the chain, companies can try to overcome the intermediaries creating new business models.

Gifts For Men And Women

All we give gifts, we all get them, this culture instilled us with a very early age by our fathers and mothers, as well as others, people around us. We accept and receive gifts, but not so much reflect on the fact what are the characteristics of people should be considered to make it suitable for a gift that can truly please the recipient. In this article I would like to briefly review and the basic approaches and principles that able to help everyone learn how to present desirable we launched, but not horrible. Perhaps it would be reasonable to divide the subject matter with respect to all people men, women and children. Such a division is very convenient, as it can very well illustrate the properties of the gifts that are more desirable when dealing with each category of recipients.

So, a gift for men – this is our first theme. What should really be men's gift? The main property of a gift for men, I think practicality. Many members of the sterner sex to appreciate the gift thing is its functionality for defining the appearance of the presentations the second position in the list values. This is primarily due to the peculiarities of the psyche men, many of which are laid down by nature. However, do not think that the appearance of a gift a man could not care less.

Of course it is not. Naturally, representative of the stronger sex would be happy to beautiful and very well decorated gift, but it still harder to worry more about the device and the possibility of this thing. It is worth remembering and always check on the criterion practicality of any thing that you are going to give to any man. And what about gifts for women? There are, to some extent turned upside routed, but not so much if you look closely. Rob Daley may find this interesting as well. Of course, a gift for the woman must be properly designed, the appearance of a present – this is the most important feature in this case, ignoring it can spoil the impression of even the most awaited and desired gift. But do not think that the female half of humanity is only important to the look, often women like useful and sometimes very valuable gifts. However, the appearance of the gift and its decoration, as well as the appearance of place donations are extremely important in this situation. On the women's and men's gifts sorted out, now it's time to move on to the children's gifts. As we all know, the child throughout his childhood studying the world, and he does it is usually in the game form. This is the basic meaning. Gifts for children should be easily incorporated into a gaming activity, enter it as easily and seamlessly fit. That game gift can cause a child's sincere joy and deep satisfaction. Here they are – the main features of gift giving to different categories of recipients. I hope this information will be useful to you, and you, taking note of it, become actively use this information.

Spanish System

Automated translation is the Professional alternative to human translators. and rapid economic Language barriers between countries remains an obstacle for many topics of communication, trade and interaction between people and countries. So far to translate a short text were only two options: using an automatic translator that may be suitable for minor texts but not for a major commercial communication because they are inaccurate and contain errors or use a traditional translation agency. The latter is the more reliable but for short texts is somewhat expensive and mostly slow. Now there is an alternative. It has launched a new web portal for the Spanish market that allows short translations quickly and cost advantage of a wide network of translators distributed around the world. The system is very simple. After signing up, the client paste the text into a text field and the system automatically calculates the number of words (up 400). Then state the language you want the translation and the time (3, 6 or 24 hours).

The system assigns the translation to an appropriate translator available. These translators have been tested and have been approved translation to perform translations in their native language. After the translation, the customer will be notified by email with a link to the translated text in the portal. The portal is available for private individuals or small businesses who want a translation only to public bodies or corporations who want to hire more translations to a lower price.

National Conference

To date the figure operates these two forms. For this decision influences the size of the organization. Skills and training the community manager is a person, a team from work or a social agency media, you must have certain knowledge, abilities and skills that are necessary to run your job. It is noteworthy that they cover a broad spectrum from different professions currently as standardized programming and systems, psychology, social communication, journalism, graphic design, marketing, advertising, among others. Davinia Suarez (2010) affirms that the community manager should have a multidisciplinary training related to communication and marketing and a wide knowledge and as a power user of social networks, from there are many possible combinations. There is no specific training for this field, you can have studied journalism, communication, public relations, marketing or advertising, provided you are an very active and ready to keep learning constantly because Internet everything changes very quickly. Maria Infante (Spain, 2010), also rapporteur of the first National Conference of community leaders, affirms that it is fundamental to be good Communicator, which knows to express themselves and who know the language of the members of the community within the networks to be able to address them correctly.

You must know the tools and be a social person not only inside if not also outside the network. In this sense, academic training in communication and marketing branch should not be an imperative, but a plus. For its part, AERCO (2009) recommends a series of technical skills, social skills and attitudes can be highlighted where knowledge of the work and nature of the company, knowledge in marketing, advertising and corporate communications, geek (passion for new technologies, Internet and Web 2.0), early adopter (adopter early trends and technologies), always on (always connected, even be mobile), experience in communication online, Evangelist (preaches brand), and others as a good conversationalist, empathic, assertive, moderator and willing to work in team.