Internet Auctions

Today almost every user with the experience of surfing the Internet more than a week already aware of the existence of online auctions. Brands such as and not remain in the shadow of obscurity, and attract hundreds of thousands of visitors the opportunity to save on purchases, and earn on sales. But if the first auction – more familiar with it Russian-speaking audience, the latter has long been won worldwide recognition as the largest auction Internet. Conceptual ideas that were used specifically for creating and promoting eBay auction later formed the basis for the development of the Internet auction business worldwide. That auction laid the first brick in the foundation for a multi-billion auction industry. But what determined its success and continuing growth of its popularity? What is the basis constant growth stock auction eBay? Let's try to find the answer in the dungeons of history an eBay auction was Founded in September 1995, American Pierre Omidyar.

At that time it was the first such site of its kind in the world. Code to it when Pierre Omidyar wrote for one weekend, but now over the maintenance of the site runs the army programmers. The first thing sold on has become a broken laser pointer for $ 14, which belonged to the founder of the auction. As can be seen, a great success began with small acts. Literally in a few weeks, the site became to gain popularity, it began to flock to visitors from different countries.

Chief Executive Microsoft UK

US investigating authorities can access data stored in the cloud. This Specter is taking shape through European studies. But where and under what conditions the data stored are really concerned? A European Government has in principle, however, expressed, to use American cloud services: the Netherlands are the ones which have opted for this absolute path. The local Minister for security and justice, Ivo Opstelten, would like to prevent that US authorities have access to sensitive data on Dutch citizens. Cause for this decisive step is the United States PATRIOT Act (, which obligates all companies that have their headquarters in the United States, to cooperate with the investigating authorities, all preceded the FBI. That means basically that companies from the United States of such offers and contracts are closed out,”replied Minister Ivo Opstelten on a parliamentary inquiry on the subject (… ). Also if the United States PATRIOT in force is Act since October 2001, on the occasion of the Office 365-presentation in London was attention in June 2011 more on: on the question of whether Microsoft can guarantee that data from EU customers, who are located in EU based data centers, leave the European economic area under any circumstances even if a prompt under the PATRIOT Act”, said Gordon Frazer, Chief Executive Microsoft UK: Microsoft can not provide such guarantees, other companies can’t do this.” “The independent Centre for data protection Schleswig-Holstein (ULD) explained the results of his demand for company ( ..patriot act.html): this issue applies not only for companies, whose group mothers have their headquarters in the United States, but also for German companies with other group ties in the United States.” For that the existence of an independent U.S.

Office not once is necessary. It could not Guarantee provided, not issued in case of a US-arrangement-European data.” Comes the Faculty of law of the University of Amsterdam, in a recent study (Cloud_Computing_Patriot_Act_2012.pdf) to the same conclusion and added that it is sufficient for a direct access in the US investigating authorities, if a provider has its headquarters across the Atlantic as it is Apple, Google or Microsoft of the case from Amazon, or systematically conducts business in the United States. It is a misconception that data directly on servers located in the United States would have to be stored. It continues in the study, that European privacy laws offer no protection against the application of U.S. law and their application cannot be used from also through contractual agreements with the cloud provider. Because the data from non-U.S. citizens are not protected by the US Constitution. In this light, the first harsh published Dutch decision is comprehensible and understandable.

That is why it offers Transmitted AG out of conviction and to protect of your data according to the Federal Data Protection Act (…) only to services that are not the United States PATROIT Act. The transmitted servers are spread across two data centers in Frankfurt am Main, which are connected by an own fiber ring. In addition to resilience through different power grids and two locations we provide this security by redundant construction, active access controls and personalized security key.

Car Wash Without Water

Chemists from several countries have developed a unique composition of chemical products for the care of car paint coating (LPC), which allow the body to clean without water. Dirt is removed from the body of the car after drawing on its surface through a special autochemistry spray (trigger). After a brief exposure of the drug dirt is removed by erasing cloth (cloth), and the remaining funds clean cloth to shine. At the same time on the lpc microfilm created, the body takes a spectacular view mirror. This is very unusual for many of how to handle the body recommended for use as a clean, and in not heavily contaminated vehicles. The technology ensures that the body does not receive mikrotsarapin.

Application of microfilm at the lcp protects the body from hostile influences, he creates and gives effect view mirror. To drugs for cleaning without water is of a group of cosmetic shampoos, polishes. Shampoo-for dry polishing car washing can remove dirt ordinary cloth and not to scratch paint on the back of the car. Sounds as fiction, but it's a fact! Many countries are having problems with the water is already widely used this method of car care products. In Russia, until now, is still a lot of doubters motorists as like dry machining of a car.

It is doubtful whether the lack of impact of abrasive particles of dirt on the lpc machine. However, evidence shows a very surprising results. Surface-active agent (surfactant-s) included in the means soften the dirt, reduce its adhesion (adhesion) and envelop the abrasive elements of the silicone oil, available in shampoo to wash without water. The thickness of the rag softens the pressure of small abrasive dirt particles treated with silicone oil. Ongoing trials confirm the safety of lcp from damage. Leave no visible traces of eye and experiments on dry cleaning for heavily-contaminated vehicles. However, the developers of the drug is not recommended to clean a large layer of mud in this way. Increased labor and material consumption. According to the developers, shampoos, polishes, dry cleaning – a great way to constant maintenance of the car in perfect form between "water" sinks. The use of shampoos, polishes dry cleaning cars, along with periodic washing of non-contact active foams, will contain car in the constant state of cleanliness. Consumption of shampoo, polishes for cleaning without water is very economical! Depending on the degree of contamination of the machine may be 200-250 on average passenger car. In the case of pure body, ie as a means of polishing rate is reduced to 70-100, and not a single gram of water! Given the very high prices are not on the Russian shampoos, polishes, dry cleaning is quite cost-effective and very convenient for personal the use of each motorist. More details about the car wash without water and simultaneously polish you can find on our sites. Brand Sitranol St. Petersburg chemical company ltd. Sitra-T offers a line of shampoos for cleaning and polishing without water. The company offers both winter and summer shampoo for dry cleaning. Pricing Policy autoshampoo Russian enterprise "Sitra-T is completely accessible to motorists. We invite you to visit our sites.

General Motors

It is understood by public or state enterprise to any one that is state property, be it national, municipal or other administrative layer, either a full or partial citation needed .
In the case of partial ownership, the test for determining whether a company should or should not be considered public is not so much the percentage of shares held by the private sector as effective control which the state has on the decision making process in the company . The crucial element in the company publishes the state’s ability to exert direct political pressure on the company. The majority shareholder is the State, with objectives that can be very diverse and what is more, changing the political process. In the opinion of J.K. Galbraith, there are many similarities between the features very large private companies and public corporations. Both groups, and this is especially true in industries and public service are increasingly more and more depersonalized and bureaucratized.
The vast majority of world states control companies for various purposes, which may provide public services, encourage domestic production or generate employment, to name a few.
La Republica Argentina has a special corporate rate but optional for public companies, which is the Society of the State.
Differences between public and private companies
Despite convergence in the way of acting, there are substantial differences between public and private enterprise. The ‘Common Good’ was the topic on an economic talk show and participated in a discussion comparing and the business models of Wal-Mart and General Motors. As an example, include:
In their funding procedures. This difference is not so much on the possible existence of differential treatment in the capital market, public and private, often receive treatment that also big business’ in an identical or very similar “in relation to the small and medium private enterprises, but any public financing originating from the budgets that often has attached to these businesses.
Regarding the differences in the degree of some of its features, we will highlight only two: the pursuit of profit and which are subject to control by public authorities. Not forgetting the purpose of profit, is very clear that the reason for the existence of the publishing company is not making profits. Here the difference is not substantial, but in degree, because in large private companies, besides the goal of profit, other goals concur equally impressive, as are the growth and power of these organizations circumstances need not be mediately or immediately to the service of profit. As the degree of control is concerned, it is noted that public companies are subject, in addition, specific control that derives from his membership in the public sector. It is noted that the issue of the extent of some of the features distinguishing between private and public companies is not uniform within the wide range of public companies, but due to the degree that public characterization of these businesses have.
The existence of public enterprises in market economies has traditionally justified by the dissatisfaction of those responsible for economic policy, with the results generated by the market mechanism. However, it is important to distinguish two distinct sides in this argument. On the one hand, one can consider the company publishes the perspective of the state’s reaction to certain inefficiencies of the market system to allocate productive resources. These are known ‘market failure’. In another area, we must consider the utilization of public enterprise as a tool at the disposal of the State to correct market allocations from different political positions may be considered unfair or in line with the social choice.
Objectives of the company publishes
The publishing company needs to know clearly which those social objectives that are expected to achieve through their actions, that will receive consideration for social care for this purpose and indicators will be used by the company to measure achievements to be performed citation needed .
The four basic objectives to be achieved by the company’s shares are published citation needed :
Economic efficiency.
Effects on income distribution.
Macroeconomic effects.
Economic efficiency
This objective is divided in technological and managerial efficiency and allocative efficiency.
Allocative efficiency implies technical efficiency, but the reverse mapping can not be maintained, so that the existence of the latter type of efficiency is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the former.
Thus, a company using a technological process inefficient as it increases labor, so that the same quality of outputs could be produced with less labor and the same amounts of inputs.

Mole Customer

2. Handle database we need in our company one or several scientists data type (the Rick plastic man), not for his skills of stretching, but by the need to achieve a proper handling of the information that we have on our customers. Systems must now be according to our requirements as users and provide intelligent information, enabling us to better understand customers. The system should generate statistics indicating the customer consumption patterns and also: sales volumes, customers who have not purchased or consumed, high-volume customers, customers per season. Distribute sales by type of products, claims and otros.3 statistics.

Establish a proper channel of communication. Johny (man in flames), comes here because we travel like him towards our clients with an appropriate system of communication. Not only by e-mail, but by other means, such as regular mail, visits and mainly the phone. So far I have not met a customer who is happy to talk to a machine (as it is happening lately in large companies), we are accustomed to the personal treatment. Let us not make the mistake of promoting a telephone service and telephone customer service that we can not comply. There are several numbers of service customer recognized company, that you try and try to call and at the end all our operators are busy.

Is this a means of customer loyalty? Communication customers no longer accept generalised letters or those that note the copy & paste, they are gaining market enterprises whose communication is one-on-one with the customer, independent of the size of the company and the client. 4. If it will give service: commit.For this technique, we selected Ben (the Mole), not by their appearance, but for their willingness. In the television series and the movie, always we saw Ben with the provision to put things in order to solve the problems of the team. Ben how many are there in your company? How many Ben willing to do everything to satisfy the customer’s needs? We want to make faithful customers, but at the time of the test when the our service falls short, product not arrived in time, when didn’t have the product, when the service was not expected by the customer.Customers now are more demanding, we pay for products and services of quality and if this is not received, we have alternatives in other vendors and the most important: we changed. If looking for a strategy for customer loyalty, four techniques described above can help you, set to Sue, Rick Johny and Ben in their team, so achieve build a loyal customer base.

The Crowd

If in a case of hysteria, has managed to bind a typical symptom, with a personal event or a series (like associate hysterical vomiting with impressions of disgust), us could disorient, see that the interpretation of another case of flu-like symptoms, concerning the influence of another series of different factors vomiting. In such cases, we are inclined to admit that that is, in the case of hysterical vomiting symptoms, are causes that are not visible and hysterical data provided are accidental pretexts, which at the moment are used as feedstock for the rhetoric in question. Some fear the narrow streets and others the wide; some can not walk down the street but when there are few people, and others, on the contrary, feel comfortable in the crowd. The subject suffers from a process that can not do anything else that displace or replace his obsession, replacing one absurd idea, by another that is perhaps what less, apparently, changing of cautions and prohibitions or varying of ceremonial. You can scroll the coercion, but not delete it. This capacity of displacement of symptoms, from its shape primitive to another far away and different, constitutes one of the main characters of the obsessive neurosis, condition in which lies the unique circumstance that oppositions (polarity) that fill the emotional life, shown notably accentuated. Along with the obsession of positive or negative content, it appears in the intellectual field, a State of constant doubt that extends to all the vital areas of the subject and imbued with a perpetual indecision that depletes it and impoverishes. This situation, are very striking, while classically it is people of strong character, a great tenacity and high intellectual level, with a moral discipline held until the scruples and an extreme correction. Original author and source of the article.


Valley to stand out that in the decade of 1970 the gegrafos start to have more concerns with the social problems and to this change of mentality to give the name of renewal of geography. With the development of the industry and its impacts on the nature and society and one strong industrial politics and little public concern with the implications of this, great part of the gegrafos take left by the society and start to produce a science come back toward this thematic one, as Andrade shows to follow: Ahead of such perspectives of degradation of the conditions of life and even of possible disappearance of the humanity, the scientists in generality and the gegrafos in particular could not be of crossed arms, under the risk of connivance with the crime that is committed. If it cannot justify the construction of monumental barrages to produce and to vender energy, underneath price, the companies multinationals that contribute to deplete the available reserves, leaving in the country only the signals of the exploration, the paid wage to the workers and one few taxes. (ANDRADE, 1987, P. 117) Until the data moment the present article tells the development of Geography, its systematization and its transformation in disciplines, but little if it speaks of the responsible professional for its education, since until middle of the years 1940 they practically inexisted in Brazil.

Who took Geography for the classroom was the researchers, professionals of other curious areas or that finished for acquiring some knowledge. At this time where the scene of the professionals already was composed for bacharis and permitted with the had formation to act in the respective seek areas education, the main employer of the gegrafos was the state, as much in just established IBGE? Brazilian institute of geography and Statistics how much in the public schools. The gegrafos in such a way worked for the State as they demonstrated in fact to be the service of it and until middle of years 1970 as it affirms Andrade (1987), it has great enrollment of the IBGE with the economic policy of the government, with disdain for the social problems and of the environment.

Rapala Count Down

It's an easy target – a wounded fish. The same result can be achieved if the sinking lure to offer white coming from the bottom or if he hit the bottom of the blade, leaving a cloud haze. Asp just see it, even if it is in polvody or on the surface, the white will stand out from the lure of underwater objects. So, if you catch – think like a fish, and imagine how you would do in her place. Believe me, no, even well-fed fish, do not miss the fish, but only if it is to see it. Whether it's a pike, perch, pike, chub chub or the same.

Well, if no bites, usually I put a dark blue Rapala Magnum 5 cm, it looks like bull. If that fails, then move on to another place. Over the years, catching asp I saw that in spring it should catch on the deep rifts in the morning (1.5-2 m) at night, they usually transferred to the outputs of the pits, where the depth to 3.5 meters and ooze. In the first case we put floating baits with large blades. Especially well-proven Rapala Count Down, which consists of two parts, and painted a trout.

It great bait for catching the asp in any season, at one time she brought me a 5-pound walleye on asp and 3900 was repeatedly able to catch asp Rapala Super Shad – Silver minnow with black dot. And although this is purely and pike Okunevaya spoon, but it peck and chub. Asp in the evening returned to the morning room.


Now there are girls like that, those are no longer Loreto, are daughters of immigrants: coastal, mountain and some Europeans. Because there was a time there was much migration Polish and Italian. The actual charapa blood is hot, is hot, but is cautious. Speaking candidly Charles Schwab told us the story. It's decent, do not like the trash, we like to eat on a plate of gold, we are accustomed to gold. We are the department created its own currency, which had premium on sterling silver and nine suns say, was like water in the stream.

That was in 800 to 1900, I that I have 81 years, I have enjoyed up to 10 years, I've bought in the market with nine tenths soles. My grandmother has been one of the few or the first people who came to Iquitos, where there were still wild. (Source: Stanley Gibbons stamps). There were 30 people I do not know if they were 25 men and 5 women or 23 men and 7 women, but usually speaks of five ladies who were called in my time moms, that is, the matrons, ladies largest Iquitos . Ercilia breast, breast Rosa, Irene breast, breast Escarnita, breast Carmen. And they were grandmothers or mothers of the ancient lords of Iquitos, and the ladies of Iquitos. They were families who formed a partnership Loreto net. And one of them was my grandmother who told him Ercilia breast. And it was the wife of a Lima, the daughter of a Lima, because she was Ercilia Mariategui Lopez and her husband was a former Peruvian army captain who had fought in the war with Chile: Pedro Pablo Laiseca Sarria. Lima had never been a soldier, because he was mining engineer.

Idea Generates Power

All people have dreams that we wish to materialize, in some cases already are working on our goals and taking a lot of actions that we hope that they provide good results. A crucial factor for the achievement of goals is time, is truth that any change requires patience and a process that normally does not occur over night, however it is possible that despite our efforts we are not yet reaping the fruits that we hope, then what is the cause of our little progress? It may be many, but a major is a low determination, i.e. we are doing some work mildly and thus cannot be harvested on an accelerated basis, the power of the mind works efficiently when pressed to the end, must have a very strong discipline the inner power to be active, many people does not support this pressure and they renounce their dreams. When you are working at 100% in its aim, necessarily his subconscious mind has to understand the message of your desire, it is here where the actions they play a very important role, how does that process work? Fully explain what nobody has been able to, but the truth is that Yes it works, once you focus your whole being about a desire to, then you move powerful forces in the universe to create more favorable conditions for your project, this is usually called inner conviction, change of State, faith, enter the current creator, all these statements are correct, but remember your challenge is to acquire the State of change. In the book changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar you will find how organized the structure of change, analyzing your past, your limiting beliefs, the use of energy, their aspirations and emotions, here you will understand what is the set of actions that should be undertaken to accelerate their results, reading this book will have in his hands the precise guidelines of actions that produce good results and that lead us to power, as well as the actions that should be avoided because they generate US internal barriers and us they move away from the creative energy. More difficult to withstand pressure is the force of habit which wants to lead us to the same practices, perhaps many of them are positive, but you must become aware that when you are working in a great goal is necessary to close the doors to many other things if we want to realize results quickly. If you wish to have a different life should begin to sacrifice, do things that corresponds you right now, if you have already defined your dream, then run after him, life is relatively short then we must seek to realize our greatest wishes in the shortest possible time. original author and source of the article.