Collective Consumption

Through the allocation space differentiated of the equipment of collective consumption, the State also intervenes with the residential segregation … (CORRA, 2005, pg. 26). Then the State through the allocation differentiated space in the city and of services of collective consumption generates an increase of prices of lots and property for one determined parcel of the society, causing with this certain homogeneity in its partner-space content. In Araguana it is noticed some areas, where resident inhabitants have greater purchasing power, this fact can be observed in the sectors: Noroestes, Tecnorte, Anhangera and Urbanstico, where these areas have high values, according to its localization, regarding the values referring the localizations, Villaa (2001) comment: …

The land? localization alone is monopoly? or better, the monopoly alone weighs significantly in the price? in rare, as the front for the sea and Ipanema, or the sight for the Bread of sugar, all land has, is truth, some degree of monopoly, but in the majority of the cases this degree is small the determination of the being price. The land? localization, as any product, basically has its definitive price for the conditions of its production (for its cost of production, as Lefebvre said) for its value. (VILLAA, 2001, pg. 75). But the State, when privileging definitive areas in the urban one of Araguana, creates uneven localizations fruit of differentiated infrastructure allocation, to take care of definitive capitalist interests, this fact generates a differentiated valuation, causes in turn a process of residential segregation, fruit of this urban clutter.

Exactly the planned city being of the beginning to the end, the State segregates in the same way, regarding this fact Corra (2005), says on the origin and evolution of the city of Mrida in the peninsula of the Yucatan, in Mexico in century XV. The city was planned around a central square. The four blocks delimited that it had been reserved for the cathedral, the buildings of the governments provincial and municipal and the residence of heads of the conquerors.

Brazilian Gifts

Revealing doencanto and of the popular soul, pleasant lyric flavor: (BETTER, 1935, p.5) ‘ ‘ 1558) presenteno general cancioneiro, (before to desteviajar for Italy, when it changed the style for sonetos in decasslabos,). Isoto if not only explains because S erafamoso Miranda for quadrinhas emversoshexasslabos, but emontona lyric pelafeio. (These were also caractersticasprprias of cantigas of love Gallego-Portuguese) What it also limited poetical acomposio, for only, enters two four estrofes. But with the same sofreguido of the loves perdidossentido in verses of Francisco de Brazilian Souza, and others, with asmesmascaractersticas in the versificao muitoslusitanos symmetry, similars eem tambma of cancioneiros celebrities: ‘ ‘ With me I had a difference of opinion myself,/I am rank in all danger; /no to possoviver with me,/nor I can run away from me. /.

With pain of people it ran away,/before queesta thus grew; /now> to be dumb (Francisco de Sousa In: CAPADELLI) Lady my good breaks so sad my eyes for you,/quenunca so sad checks outrosnenhunspor nobody. (Joo Ruiz Castello Branco In: CAPADELLI) Nestaltima estrofe you rhyme, them in alternation are also gifts in the cantorias deXiquinha. Olirismo, escrnioe maldizertambm is gifts in our literatos. The poetry of Gregorio de burlesque, ertica and satirical sejalrica Matos, sacra, deeply is taken root Brazilian nessarealidade, especially in its two last sources, esatrica, that register the customs and the moral life, social the ertica and dacapital politics of the colony. Priests, nuns, military, employees of> endios land government, traders, proprietors, noblemen, Jews, adventurers, slaves are personages of the vast composed panel for the poet, who treated suaterratal as he was under the maisvariadospontos of sight: Let us observe its verses: Politician: The demon to live if displays,/no matter how hard the fame exalta, /numa city where it lacks/truth, honor, shame. (>) God is valid us, what he costs,/What El-King in the ones of the one of favour.

Apud Pound

The poetry contemporary is the reaction of poetical sensitivity to the racionalizante world of the consumption capitalism that takes off of the modern man the subjectivity becomes, it anonymous, being insignificant part of a great mass consumer. To the poet, in its substance that is the poetry, the paper fits to give to the common man an importance layer as form to place it as to be only incomparable and bonanza. Of – it a new to look at for the reality, provides a new behavior, a new relation with its time, the exacerbado and marcante materialism in its life. The poetry contemporary in the ones of a possibility to feel of true form the world as a whole, taking off of us that sensation of only being part as a gear that makes possible the maquinal functioning of reproduction of the rationality. To think, to look at, to reflect and to perceive are party to suit of sensation of completude of the man. Process this that makes in them to be uncommon and only in the world. The poet, through the organization of the poetical language, it has the power of convoking in them for the release, in freeing of the claws of the rational world.

Through the poetry it is that we leave the world of the transcendncia of our individual and physical body for a body collective spiritual and. The poetry is one constant exercise of reaprendizagem of new possibilities to see world the same. this is the paper of the great poet. As Coleridge said: ' ' The quality of a great poet is present in all part and in no part evidente&#039 is visible as a stimulaton; '. (COLERIDGE Apud Pound. p. 34). The cited affirmation comes to corroborate with what it is come close deducing in the conjecture of poetical making. It does not fit to the poet if to show visible to the world contemporary, fits it to work the poetical language to fortify the intuition of its reader; to make to reflect it and if to feel useful in the collective of its world.

Treasure Hunting – Business ?

Our country is rich in a variety of resources – oil, coal, gas, gold, diamonds. But apart from that good, we have large reserves that we rarely taken seriously. This is a hidden underground or underwater treasures in including the treasures. But if someone is lost or hidden by centuries of any kind, someone can get them. Industry concentration should not think that the idea of searching only kladovoderzhimy heroes adventure novels and movies.

On Indeed, by some estimates now lies under water for more than three million vehicles, many of which are literally packed with gold, such as those that sank on its way from America to Europe at the time of the Conquest. A lot of poses and the earth. Treasure hunting in the West has long become a profitable business. Enough to read the international news in recent years to provide not only the scope of search activities, but also the economic benefit from them: 'On Robinson Crusoe Island, in the group of islands belonging to Chile, Juan Fernandez at a depth of 15 m was found buried treasure worth $ 10 billion – says Guardian .- said Fernando Uribe-Etkseverria, lawyer of private Chilean company Wagner, which leads search, it is the biggest treasure in history. Searchers report that found about 600 barrels of gold coins and jewels of the Incas … " 'The Atlantic found the largest in the history of mankind underwater treasure. American company specializing in search of sunken ships, ancient galleon found on board which holds up to 500 thousand ancient coins of gold and silver.

Brazilian Communists

Another party of national character, the AIB if constituted as a counterpoint of the Brazilian Communists. Established in 1932, with the Manifesto of October, he was composed basically of elements of the urban average layers. The estimates of the number of adepts vary of the 100 a thousand 800 a thousand people, what it discloses the inexistence of unamimity in relation to this movement. Many times we are led to believe, in simplista way, in the transposition of main the European fascism as characteristic or until only of Brazilian the Integralista Action. However, it seems us that such generalization can lead to an error of interpretation. Authors exist who see with care this question.

Jose Chasin and Antonio Rago Son consider the AIB as: ' ' (…) right extreme movement, romantic and reactionary, but not fascist, because they understand that the fascism would be a particular expression of the period of training of full development in the way of capitalist production, that Brazil still it had not reached in the decade of 1930, given its structural dependence to the center of capitalismo' '. The influences fascists are not ignored. Salty, founding Pliny and main theoretician of the AIB, possua a great admiration for Mussolini. As proper it confesses: ' ' in one late of June, after having seen all New Italy, after abiding considered with all severity, I saw myself, in the Palace Venice, front the front with the creative genius of the politics of the Future (…) Age Mussolini. This man creates New Italy (…) ' '. What we try to affirm here is that, same considering this strong influence of the ideology and prxis fascist, we do not have to disrespect the Brazilian internal aspects that had provided the appearance of this movement. Moreover, we must remember that no ideology, whichever, are understood in the same way in different historical realities.

Habib Interior

Along with the ex-president their children Alaa and Gamal will sit down in the bench, the industralist Husein Salem and exministro of Interior. Its state of health is unstable. The Egyptian ex-president Hosni Mubarak will be judged in Cairo next the 3 of August. Mubarak, that governed Egypt from 1981 until it resigned the past to presidency 11 of February, is hospitalized in the tourist locality of Sharm the Sheji. The undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, Mohamed Mania, has assured that he has been solved of definitive way that the judgment against the ex-president, his two children Alaa and Gamal and the industralist Husein Salem will be celebrated in the Egyptian capital. Its state of health is unstable. The doctors the past assured 26 July that takes care of to him that it is in " acute state of debilidad" and that has stopped eating and it only ingests liquids.

As much Mubarak as their children is accused of abuse authority, illicit enrichment and to be behind the attacks against the demonstrators during the revolution of the 25 of January. That same day will judge exministro of the Habib Interior to Adil and other six exresponsables of the ministry by its implication in the murder of demonstrators. The view will be celebrated in center of Exhibitions of Cairo, that is being prepared. It will be relayed by the Egyptian state television. This judgment is one of the main vindications of cientas of people who continue encamped in the Tahrir place. Source of the news: Egyptian ex-president Mubarak will be judged in Cairo

Constitution Law

In this exactly year, law 4,357 was edited, of 16.07.1964, whose art. 39 established: ' ' It will not be granted restraining order in mandamus, petitioned against the National Farm, in result of the application of the Lei&#039 gift; '. However, in the following year art. 51 of Law 4,862, of 29.11.1965, came to revoke this device legal. After an interval of considerable time without interference of the legislator and already in the constancy of the Constitution of 1988, was published the Provisional remedy n 118, of 05.12.1989, transformed into Law 7,969, of 1989, that it extended to the writs of prevention made use in the article 5 of Law 4.348/64. (16) In this bias, 5 of the article 1 of Law 8,437/92 hinders the concession of threshold to grant compensation of credits tributaries and previdencirios.

Already the article 2 of Law 8,437/92 only allows to the concession of threshold in the collective mandamus and the public civil action after the hearing of the judicial representative of the legal entity of right public, that will have to be pronounced in the stated period of 72 hours. would not be different in the cases of concession of the anticipated guardianship against the Public Farm. In accordance with the article 1 of the Law 9,494/97, ' ' it is applied the foreseen anticipated guardianship in arts. 273 and 461 of the Code of Civil action the made use one in arts. 5 and its paragraph only 7 of Law 4,348/64, in art. 1 and its 4 of Law 5,021/66, and in arts. 1, 3 and 4 of the Law 8.437/92' '. In them it does not remain doubt of that in the elaboration of this law, that disciplines the application of that guardianship against the Public Farm the intention of the legislator is to prevent that, ahead of the prohibition of threshold in mandamus, the interested party if uses of the preventive injection or the anticipated guardianship to get the similar result.

Federative Republic

‘ ‘ Sustentvel’ development; ‘. 5 – Identity and Citizenship in the sector Education the formation of the human being starts in the family. There, it has beginning a process of humanizao and release, moral and ethical values; it is a way that it searchs to make of the child a civilized being. well early to the school participates of this process, therefore the formal and informal education, social movements and public entities, approach aspects such as the education of the children, young and adults for a new culture of the human rights and the peace, beyond the reflection and practical systematization of the educative one in human rights. Soon, According to Demon (2006) ‘ ‘ The education, while intentional activity consists of the act to produce, directly and intentionally, in each singular individual, the humanity that is produced historical and collectively for the set of homens’ ‘. FINAL CONSIDERAES the concepts of Citizenship, Human Identity and Rights go if becoming indissociveis.

One perceives that the Human concepts of Citizenship and Rights are sufficiently flexible throughout the times. that Human Citizenship and Rights are not only right, conquered gradually. To each day they are necessary constant efforts of the individuals to assure them. It fits, therefore, to the State, in the search of the welfare state and the Democratic State of Right, to guarantee the minimum of conditions to the exercise of the Citizenship and the Human Rights.

Public Net

Many ideas come frequent being argued on as we can fight with this exaggerated water wastefulness. Ones of the found alternatives, was the responsible consumption and forms of exploitation of this I eliminate precious for the world. An alternative that comes very being used nowadays, is the pluvial water captation, in cities as So Paulo and Curitiba, had been created laws for the pluvial water captation. In So Paulo the state law N. 2526 of 2 of January of 2007 says in its article 1: ‘ ‘ The implantation of system for the captation and retention of pluvial waters, collected for roofs is obligator, coverings, terraces and floors discovered, in lots, built or not, that has waterproofed area superior 500m (five hundred square meters). The Served Waters will be directed, through proper plumbing, the destined reservoir to supply the discharges of sanitary vases e, only after such use, will be unloaded in the public net of esgotos.’ ‘ So that a system of pluvial water captation is implanted, is needed that the residence or company around, is installed gutters in the roof so that the water either caught, after the installations of these gutters, a plumbing has that to be made for it directs the collected water ties a reservoir, but before it is stored, it anger to pass for a filter, where first bigger leves and some dirts will be taken off, after the water to be filtered it is stored in the reservoir and which this water will be to be used for some end, a bomb will be responsible for the water sending for a hose until it arrives its final destination as she shows figure 1.

The Public

The process of implantation of model humanizado in the public sector, requires the development of multiple abilities of the profile of the bureaucracy, that characterizes the main part of an institution that gives services. Profile this that is dynamic in the transformation of the server in an agent of changes to extend the art to take care of people, in a mobilization to compose the force for the quality of the public services. This reposicionamento is reflected in new forms to think and to act in search of the development of a new relation of work. This will have to be based on the confidence, the respect and the sharing of the decisions, constructed in the time and the space, in order all to work engaged and satisfied (BLACKSMITH, 2001, p.155). Some aspects are considered basic for a good environment of work and must be fomented by the management of people and developed by all in the institution, as Sovienski can be cited such aspects as being: To admit a social philosophy of humanistic inspiration ‘ ‘ the human being is the citizen, bedding and end of the life social’ ‘ ; To recognize the human potential as the more important strategical resource for the development and institucional success; To involve and to compromise all the servers in the work of improvement of the public service, with emphasis in the participation of the same ones in the management process; To recognize that it is necessary to enable and to professionalize the server so that develops and uses its full potential in coherent and convergent way with the strategical objectives of the institution; To keep all the efforts to create and to keep a organizacional culture that leads to the excellency of the performance to the o individual and institucional growth; To recognize the elements of the society: the citizens, considered individually or in its associative entities, and the institutions of public law and private as natural customers of the institution; To center the focus of the activities of the institutions in the customer, being known them, becoming related with them, measuring the level to them of satisfaction and induced to the social control.