The pertaining to school system of the elite, in turn, satisfied, in certain direction, the scarce demands, whose horizontes cultural did not go beyond necessity of the fast conquest of a profession. The pertaining to school system of the dominadora classroom, in turn, satisfied in certain direction to also restricted the elective demand the education, that when to the amount, it wants when to the quality, for how much always was proper of the aspirations of the ruling class illustrated it simply, through the preparation for liberal careers. Such system revalidated the private individualism, whose rules already are given by the world of the bureaucracy and the organization, that comes supporting a speech that will teach to each one as if to relate with the world and the too much men. The divergence between real and proclaimed values can be patented, thus, for the inaquality of access of some social classrooms to the schools. In the truth the education right did not pass, in the life rale of the society, in the right of all those that if they showed capable, according to standards dictated for the values them ruling classes. this selectivity acquires character of a true social discrimination. In this in case that, education is faced differently in agreement the interests of the social classes. The leading layers, that see in the changes a threat to its stability, evidently matter to keep the educational system inside of its functions conservatives and to control the expansion that the pressure of the emergent layers induces the system to create. In function of this, the demanded educational changes are, therefore, but in the direction of the expansion of it offers of the existing school of what in the direction of if obtaining the substitution of the traditional models of education for new models.