
This syndrome is characterized by clenching and teeth squeak during sleep. Both BiteStrip SleepStrip as the platform is based on "smart sensor" of SLP, which includes a physiological sensor, signal processing and analysis in real time, a continuous digital display and a power source, all in a flexible sheet in miniature. This patented and patent pending allows SLP to launch in a very short period and with a relatively small investment, many sensor products for various medical disorders. "SleepStrip was first product based on our technology platform, "said Hadas. "We integrate a physiological sensor with real-time analysis and display of the electrochemical signal.

It integrates all in one device. SleepStrip is a demonstration. But you can take this model in many directions. " "We just enter the BiteStrip which follows the same concept. There is a muscular activity sensor and analyzed in real time whenever the subject pressed hard on the teeth. The severity of the disorder is shown in the morning on a monitor. " The presence of Sleep Bruxism is estimated at 14% -20% for children and 8% in adults. However, few patients are diagnosed, leaving the majority of patients treated with consequences such as dental problems and pain can be treated successfully.

The diagnosis of SB is usually based on clinical history and physical examination of the patient. However, none of the signs and symptoms can be considered conclusive. A definitive diagnosis can be obtained by a formal sleep study, which costs anywhere between 600 and 1500 dollars. According to Hadas, consumer products and PFS as SleepStrip BiteStrip are emerging in the United States. So far, since its introduction five years ago, about 30. 000 SleepStrips been sold worldwide in-store clinics. BiteStrip awaiting FDA approval which is expected in the coming weeks. Both BiteStrip SleepStrip as consumers will be priced below $ 50, according to Hadas. In another achievement, SLP was recently elected along with four other Israeli companies to participate in MarketReach America – a project of the Maryland Development Center / Israel. It brings together promising Israeli companies that are business experts in medical science to provide entry to the United States market and a business support structure in America and Israel to accelerate its successful penetration into the American market. Hadas thought to have met the appropriate circumstances and that is the right time for SLP products from breaking into the American market through the front door. Source: ISRAEL21c. com