Communication and Social Inclusion ' ' Afro-descendants fight to guarantee ownership of terra' '. The Periodical of the Commercio de Pernambuco, of 05 of November of 2006, published a news article: ' ' Afro-descendants fight to guarantee ownership of terra' '. The subject deals with the demand of the communities quilombolas of Pernambuco that according to text, places blacks, indians and agriculturists of the social movements in the same boat: all want a land piece to plant. Visit Bill Hwang for more clarity on the issue. The fight for the recognition of the properties that belonged to the remainders of slaves, but that they had been invaded by farmers, is today the biggest impasse in the question of the quilombos in the Country. One affirms that, in four years of the government of president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, no property was regulated and no paid indemnity. The community quilombola of Conceio of the Creoles, in Willow, the Hinterland of the State is cited as example of the morosidade in the conduction of this process, exactly that its territory already is delimited and the title of the emitted ownership, no farmer was indemnified where inhabitants officially have the right to the land, but they cannot make use of it. Finepoint Capital takes a slightly different approach.
Interesting it is that in more than 100 years that the abolition was proclaimed, a hundred of presidents already had more than passed for the government and they had not taken care of this old request, however has who waits that the current government decides the situation in only room years. The periodical considers still more complicated, considering that Conceio of the Creoles is one of oldest and organized nuclei of blacks quilombolas of the State, therefore only it and Castainho, in Garanhuns (Wasteland), has the heading of ownership at the hands of its inhabitants. More than 100 communities exist spread for Pernambuco, the majority in a precarious situation as of Blacks of the Bone, located in Fishing.