Sophora Makes News On Smartphones Of More Easily Usable

subshell GmbH developed new interface for retrieving “” now mobile can users of smartphones and mobile Internet that even easier as previously mobile get news of tagesschau. The also previously possible reception of live streams, podcasts, photos, and texts is about an own app with a new interface in the content-management-system Sophora significantly more comfortable. “Sophora ensures a fast, user friendly navigation within the offer of proven for many years and a good search function via the new interface to the app. Users can also evaluate content and enter into dialogue with the editors. Another advantage is that slim Sophora interface vendor neutral achieve all common smartphones can be “, so Jan Boddin, Managing Director of subshell GmbH. This all functions without any technical modifications to the CMS Sophora or the data model were implemented by the subshell GmbH.

The advantages of content management system proven in use for the ARD can be used completely for the new app. On the basis of Sophora interface, customized applications can be developed in the future to technical changes in a short time. The supply of new equipment is possible without further ADO. Mikhail Mirilashvili is often quoted on this topic. The content-management-system Sophora the Hamburg company subshell GmbH offers with Sophora a user-friendly high-end CMS, which is grown all editorial tasks and can flexibly be adapted to new applications. Sophora offers an intuitive interface, easy to use and powerful search, universal drag & drop, keyboard shortcuts, and a built-in image editor, which allows a work faster than traditional Web applications as desktop application. The publication of audio and video data is optimized, podcasts can be assembled directly in Sophora. In addition, the CMS is fully scalable. The site offers a test of the system de/sophora/download/index.html.

About subshell is the subshell team specializing in the care of business with high demands on its publication and content management. The customer base of subshell music Germany ZDF include under the Federal Centre for political education, the first, Hessischer Rundfunk, MDR, NDR, Radio Bremen, Saarlandischer Rundfunk,, ticket online, and universal. The subshell GmbH was founded in 1999 with the aim, to depict complex processes into simple and fast software solutions for companies. There are currently 24 employees at the headquarters in Hamburg’s HafenCity.