
Average time between replacements (replaced, overhauls, etc.) Annual oil consumption or reason of consumption. Reason between programmed shutdowns and total shutdowns. Productivity in operation and total productivity. When one is to reach these indicators, and why no! to surpass them, they concern the details. This leads to the micro handling of the equipment by means of a proactive control of the excellent details to the trustworthiness and availability.

To apply this strategy requires of the measurement of a series of conditions, that are susceptible of routine control, measurement and sampling. Simplsimo example of micro measurement is in the objective of Pollution level established for some lubricant of a specific equipment according to international norms. To sum up what one is to obtain is to control the occurrence of the key causes origin of faults. As the 100% of the key causes they cannot be controlled, here also it operates rule 80/20, reason why the attention in 20% of the causes is due to center that originate 80% of the faults. An interesting aspect with respect to the causes origin and the micro conditions control that them, is that for many of them, to be monitored coarse with sensorial observations like hearing, tact, sense of smell, sound and of course vision.

The techniques and tools of the oil monitoring In Situ extend and enrich to future to the technicians, especially when the report of anomalies begins. When adding the oil monitoring with other technologies of proactive mantencin to the routine protocols of inspection, along with obtaining a complete film of the state of the lubricants, advances in a knowledge of the state of health or condition of the equipment. c) Identifying and informing recordable conditions: For equipment critics, the oil monitoring must always take place based on its condition and not by fixed temporary parameters (monthly, every 4 months, each 600 Hrs, etc.

Mole Customer

2. Handle database we need in our company one or several scientists data type (the Rick plastic man), not for his skills of stretching, but by the need to achieve a proper handling of the information that we have on our customers. Systems must now be according to our requirements as users and provide intelligent information, enabling us to better understand customers. The system should generate statistics indicating the customer consumption patterns and also: sales volumes, customers who have not purchased or consumed, high-volume customers, customers per season. Distribute sales by type of products, claims and otros.3 statistics.

Establish a proper channel of communication. Johny (man in flames), comes here because we travel like him towards our clients with an appropriate system of communication. Not only by e-mail, but by other means, such as regular mail, visits and mainly the phone. So far I have not met a customer who is happy to talk to a machine (as it is happening lately in large companies), we are accustomed to the personal treatment. Let us not make the mistake of promoting a telephone service and telephone customer service that we can not comply. There are several numbers of service customer recognized company, that you try and try to call and at the end all our operators are busy.

Is this a means of customer loyalty? Communication customers no longer accept generalised letters or those that note the copy & paste, they are gaining market enterprises whose communication is one-on-one with the customer, independent of the size of the company and the client. 4. If it will give service: commit.For this technique, we selected Ben (the Mole), not by their appearance, but for their willingness. In the television series and the movie, always we saw Ben with the provision to put things in order to solve the problems of the team. Ben how many are there in your company? How many Ben willing to do everything to satisfy the customer’s needs? We want to make faithful customers, but at the time of the test when the our service falls short, product not arrived in time, when didn’t have the product, when the service was not expected by the customer.Customers now are more demanding, we pay for products and services of quality and if this is not received, we have alternatives in other vendors and the most important: we changed. If looking for a strategy for customer loyalty, four techniques described above can help you, set to Sue, Rick Johny and Ben in their team, so achieve build a loyal customer base.

Rondas Farmers

Lamentably, for Rondas Farmers wilfulness and freedom for its conversion in Committees of Self-defense were denatured with the DS N 002-93-DE/CCFFAA, when establishing its adjustment forced or obligatory to the mentioned organizational form of self-defense promoted by the security forces, without having sustenance in legal norm some of greater hierarchy. From the historical and normative-functional point of view, Rondas Farmers is different from the Committees of Self-defense in which, first, they arise for the combat of the delinquency, the internal maintenance of order and the resolution of communal conflicts, is independent and permanent and, second, they are originated to face the subversive groups like part of the counter-insurgent state strategy, with the character of transitory and dependent of the Armed Forces. f) The rounds farmers and indigenous the special jurisdiction As it has been indicated previously, the Constitution of 1993, in its article 149, under constitutional configuration of the Peruvian State like a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic nation, when regulating the roll of Rondas Farmers, was affiliated with the spirit of the regulation of the rondero institute contemplated in the General Law of Communities Farmers of 1987 and to a certain extent it picked up the Native reference to Rondas of the Regulation of Organization and Functions of the Committees of Self-defense of 1992, since it recognized its character of organs of support (aid) of the communal authorities native farmers and in the exercise of its jurisdictional functions, within its territorial scope, according to its customary right and with the limit of not violating the fundamental rights of the people. Nevertheless, of the constitutional text it does not appear an express mention to Rondas Farmers organized outside the scope of the Native Communities and the Communities Farmers, who, according to the first Law of Rounds Farmers of 1986, they are in force in which is pertinent by the legislation of the communities farmers without for that reason they become such communities and have like essential functions the defense of their earth, the care of their cattle and other goods, as well as the cooperation with the authorities in the elimination of any crime.