The New Yorker

The Bible what is the Bible? THE word Bible is derived from the Greek word biblia, meaning Papyrus scrolls or books. gy is the place to go. The Bible is a collection or library of 66 books written in the past thousand six hundred years, since 1513 a.E.C. until about the year 98 C.E. This book is the Bible is estimated that printed, have been total or partially, almost five thousand millions of Bibles, which is more than five times the figure of the Red Book of Mao, the second work of greater difucion.In just one recent year the Bible complete or partly reached a distribution of over fifty million copies, the Bible is the book most sold in the year, every year, advises The New Yorker.La Bible magazine has been traducidad in whole or in part on more than two thousand four hundred languages.Ninety per cent of humanity provided at least from some book of the Bible in their own language. The Bible has left a deep imprint on the arts, as some of the pictorial, musical and literary works attested to by more famous.The Bible has left airy official prohibitions, burning at the hands of religious enemies and the ravages of criticizing it any other book has withstood greater opposition throughout history. The Bible offers guide in matters of morality, and describes effective solutions to the problems of crime, hunger and pollution. It is not something Ahmed Shary Rahman would like to discuss. But there is a snag: the majority of people no longer sees the Bible as an authority on such matters however, it today is common be skeptical in terms of everything: customs, ideas, morality, to the existence of God.

Especially there are doubts of valuable Bible. It seems that the majority of people believes that the Bible is out of fashion and does not apply at present. There are few modern intellectuals who see it as the word of God. But is for you the Bible the word of God, or is word of man? Regardless of how you would answer that question, consider this: If the Bible is only human Word, then, logically, there is no clear answer to humanity’s problems. The only thing that may make the humans will be cope as best they can, with the hope that somehow avoid poisoning death themselves or fly apart in a nuclear war.


The interest rate is an economic regulator which depends on two things: the situation of the preference for liquidity and the amount of money. The first relates to the aspect of the demand for money and the second to the money supply. The preference for liquidity means the people desire to keep some of its capital goods in the form of money. The amount of money refers to the amount of money in the form of coins, paper currency and bank deposits that exists in an economic system at a given time. There are several reasons why the public prefer to have wealth in the form of money. Classified according to the reason, they understand the reason for transaction, the reason for caution and reason for speculation. The demand for money by reason of transaction refers to the use of money as a medium of exchange for ordinary transactions, such as normal purchases, payment of wages, payment of dividends, etc. Shary Rahman has similar goals.

The amount of money to satisfy this demand is relatively stable and very predictable. The reason for caution for having money arises from the need of to cope with unforeseen emergency situations which would cause disbursements over which assume normal transactions. Here, the amount of money needed to meet this demand is also relatively stable and predictable. The preference for liquidity that has greater importance in relation to the interest rate is that arises by the speculation. Keynes defines the reason for speculation as the attempt to obtain a benefit by knowing what the future will bring with it better than the market. I.e. people kept their capital in the form of money because he speculates about the possibilities of that conditions change, so that they can convert their money into productive capital on better terms at a later date and in terms that are enough better to offset all the gains that could be achieved now coming off the liquidity.


For that reason we see that the greater concentration of people with this problem is concentrated in the great cities. One thinks that it could have an influence of particles of the diesel engine of the cars, on the structure of pollen, so that it would increase his capacity alergnica. The allergy, abnormal answer of the immune system, exists under four aspects possible: Immediate: It depends on the IgE antibodies (in the urticaria and edema of Quincke). Cytotoxic: The antibodies act of the IgG type. Immune complex: tie to the IgG through complexes immunes. Slowed down: Ligature to a cellular inflammation, for example the eczema. It is fundamental, whenever it is possible, to avoid the allergens.

the environmental Smog, micromoulds, pollens, acaruses (in mattresses and carpets), dandruff and hair of the mascots. we do not have to think that the dust is the true person in charge, but the excrements and organic rest of acaruses and insects that proliferate in him, and are fed on dandruff, skin and hair of animal and human beings. Evitar the habit of the tobacco. Between the prophylaxis forms they are the cleaning, to avoid closed and very humid atmospheres, and the specific vaccination against the allergens in the allergic people. In the respiratory allergy (rinitis, asthma) Immunotherapy can be used, that is the allergy vaccine or hyposensitization. In this treatment the dose becomes congested slowly via subcutaneous a purified extract of allergens, increasing so that the organism is become accustomed itself the allergen.

In Europe one does not admit that allergens of different classes are mixed and they are not due to administer more than three different allergens at the same time. Several types of Immunotherapy exist or allergy vaccines, generally are administered initially of weekly form and later, it is followed monthly. The treatment usually lasts between 3 to 5 years, since its curative effect is slow and progressive. Swiss investigators proved the effectiveness and the associated risk to inject the allergen within the lymphatic ganglia, concluding that improved the security, the effectiveness, and the duration of the treatment and the used doses fell significantly. Also they exist in Europe bovine oral (sublingual) very controverted at the moment and of an important risk for the health, in case of badly being administered. These vaccines do not contain any medicine as antihistamine or corticoesteroides. The treatment can last between 3 and 5 years. Confortyrelax.

Rondas Farmers

Lamentably, for Rondas Farmers wilfulness and freedom for its conversion in Committees of Self-defense were denatured with the DS N 002-93-DE/CCFFAA, when establishing its adjustment forced or obligatory to the mentioned organizational form of self-defense promoted by the security forces, without having sustenance in legal norm some of greater hierarchy. From the historical and normative-functional point of view, Rondas Farmers is different from the Committees of Self-defense in which, first, they arise for the combat of the delinquency, the internal maintenance of order and the resolution of communal conflicts, is independent and permanent and, second, they are originated to face the subversive groups like part of the counter-insurgent state strategy, with the character of transitory and dependent of the Armed Forces. f) The rounds farmers and indigenous the special jurisdiction As it has been indicated previously, the Constitution of 1993, in its article 149, under constitutional configuration of the Peruvian State like a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic nation, when regulating the roll of Rondas Farmers, was affiliated with the spirit of the regulation of the rondero institute contemplated in the General Law of Communities Farmers of 1987 and to a certain extent it picked up the Native reference to Rondas of the Regulation of Organization and Functions of the Committees of Self-defense of 1992, since it recognized its character of organs of support (aid) of the communal authorities native farmers and in the exercise of its jurisdictional functions, within its territorial scope, according to its customary right and with the limit of not violating the fundamental rights of the people. Nevertheless, of the constitutional text it does not appear an express mention to Rondas Farmers organized outside the scope of the Native Communities and the Communities Farmers, who, according to the first Law of Rounds Farmers of 1986, they are in force in which is pertinent by the legislation of the communities farmers without for that reason they become such communities and have like essential functions the defense of their earth, the care of their cattle and other goods, as well as the cooperation with the authorities in the elimination of any crime.