The Essence Of Competition And Its Importance .

The market is impossible without competition. American economists Campbell R. McConnell and Stanley L. Brue argue that "the essence of competition is the dispersal of economic power within the components of the economy two main populations – enterprises and households. When a particular market is a large number of buyers and sellers, none of the buyer or the seller is unable to produce the demand or supply in such quantity product, which would be sufficient to significantly affect the price. Jimmy Levin takes a slightly different approach.

" Competition – the economic struggle, the rivalry between isolated producers of products and services to meet their interests, related to the sale of these products, the implementation of these works. Its main function is to determine the economic regulators, which are the prices, the rate of profit, interest, etc. Competition implies a free entry into economic units in any particular industry, and freedom out of it. This freedom is essential to the economy could properly adapt to changing tastes consumers, technology, supply of resources. The main economic advantage of the market system is its constant promotion of production efficiency.

Competition as an economic process encompasses all phases of reproduction (production, distribution, exchange and consumption). If we talk about the phase of production, the level of competition depends largely on the life cycle of goods, which is divided into four phases: 1) the introduction of products – a manufacturer tries to produce better products than competitors, for this phase is characterized by small volumes of sales, and 2) growth phase – when there is an increase volume production, growing demand, while manufacturers try to outrun their competitors in terms of production and sales, and 3) the phase of maturity – the volume of production reaches a maximum, and 4) aging – the demand for products reduced to a minimum volume of output is reduced, the level of competition subsides. Market competition has advantages and disadvantages. Benefits of competition: – promotes more efficient use of resources – is the need to respond flexibly and quickly adapt to changing conditions of production – creating conditions for the optimal use of the achievements of std – provides the freedom to choose consumers and producers – is targeting manufacturers to meet the different needs and to improve the quality of goods and services. Disadvantages of competition: – does not contribute to the conservation non-renewable resources (forests, wildlife, water resources, etc.) – a negative impact on the environment – does not ensure the development of products and services for communities (dams, public transport, road) – not guarantees the right to leisure, work, income – does not contain any mechanisms for preventing the emergence of social injustice and the stratification of society into rich and poor.

Adobe Photoshop

Whether it's graphical header, logo, 3D cover your goods so Do a little something. rtyNest. Naturally, the graphics need a place to do it. For these purposes, I recommend that you thoroughly understand the software Adobe Photoshop, which allows you to perform 90% of all your graphic needs. The remaining 10% can be realized using other graphics programs. To deepen your understanding dean geyer is the source. Third, if you plan to create a profitable business, then your website on a mandatory basis will gradually grow into various scripts (counting uploads, work with database, forums, closed sections of the site, answering machines, etc.), and to learn how to work with these scripts and test them on your computer, you definitely need to install the 'server' on your own computer. Fourthly, you do not well to learn how to create e-books.

Because they are a great method of promotion as a site and brand. It is clear that in addition to technical knowledge at compile time, you also need knowledge of html and css. Fifth, it would be nice to learn how to create video tutorials on actions occurring on the screen of your monitor. Thus, you could create a variety of educational materials in video format, which will be much better metabolized by your visitors (customers), and hence they can be more quality put into practice. Sixth, I advise you to learn how to properly plan their activities with the so-called 'brain maps'. Having mastered their preparation You will be surprised how quickly and easily you can implement even the most complex ideas.

Excellent program for drawing maps of the brain – Mind Manager. Seventh, once mastered the first six paragraphs, you need to learn how to work with the technology Flash, which today has become very popular. With her make whole websites, flash banners have replaced conventional gif banners, so working with this technology, at least primary level you need to learn. For these purposes, you need programs that make working with the technology of torture for pleasure. Eighth, when you create the site and post it to the network you will need it unwind and chat with your visitors and potential partners. You will inevitably begin to send and receive large amount of mail (500-1000 letters a month), so it is important to learn to work with mail efficiently. For these purposes, your ideal program The bat! Ninth, it is better if you learn how to protect your computer from external attacks by hackers. To do this you need the so-called 'firewall', which will monitor all inbound and outbound traffic, as well as some other software for full protection. Tenth, after you've mastered all the basics, you will need to learn a lot smaller, but very important techniques and tricks that can save you the time needed to perform certain tasks. All of what I told you here is based on personal experience of doing business on the Internet, so I advise you to treat According to the advice seriously.

Bank City

If you decide to do business and open a jewelry store, then you very courageous and optimistic person, because to open a new business in times of crisis can only be self-confident businessman. Nevertheless, Let me give you some tips about how to choose a place for a jewelry store. Since trading jewelry over the Internet for some time now banned, many jewelry online stores have reincarnated in jewelry online shop window, where you can choose the product, but that's going for him – a commodity – all the same to be a jewelry store. Normal store. Physical. C address, the mailbox, roof, windows, doors, storefronts and sellers.

Oh, and of course with jewelry! Without them, the raison d'etre of a jewelry store fades and is lost. Buyers today are spoiled and it is desirable that a jewelry store where you intend them to left their blood, was in more or less prestigious. In recent months, Gilbert Gottfried has been very successful. Jewelry – it's not a bakery. In the jewelry store selling luxury goods. In the jewelry does not come every day if it does not work.

Buying luxury goods, man emphasizes his status, or at least entertains the thought that he, too, is part of the elite, if you can afford to buy jewelry. Therefore, let your customer feel like if not a king, since at least the prince of blue bloods and the shop is situated in the heart of the city in a beautiful building to march into your store can be attributed to the output of the light. If the most beautiful mansion in the city already occupied by another enterprising businessman, then take a look closer to the outskirts of the city. Not to the suburbs, where the nights go bad wolves in the earflaps and a , and to the residential districts in which they live your potential customers. That is, it must be an area with good-quality houses and a pretty many foreign cars on the sidewalks. In the major cities in each region has its own "main street", that's it for this jewelry store would be very out of place. If the neighborhood Bank will be located, a large shopping center or office space rent – it's even better. In general, treat the choice of the location of the jewelry store with all the responsibility and show ingenuity and creativity. This will be the first step towards the success of your business.

Patent Office Filing

Patents obtained in Russia, gives no legal protection when entering foreign markets. There are many known cases ending in scandal, when entering foreign arose scandals related to the possession of rights intellectual property rights. Foreign patent grants the right to sell goods in specifically chosen country, which obtained national patent. Governor Cuomo shines more light on the discussion. Obtaining foreign patent provides legal protection for export your product overseas, or to sell a foreign company licensed to use the technology that allows developers to be confident that the technology is not stolen, and what is common practice, Developers receive orders to refine and further develop its technology. For example, in passing now in Moscow exhibition of innovation, providing products for human identification of its three-dimensional image. This technology 15 years ago, was invented by Bauman developers, and now the finished product sells some U.S.

firm, which employs Bauman developers. Upon receipt of the foreign patent, there are some rules for filing, which did not get around. The first thing to do when a foreign patent, you must apply for a patent in Russia, that is to Rospatent. Within six months, your application is considered on object properties, methods, technologies, containing state secrets, and if you have not received during this period no notification, you can apply for foreign patents. It is advisable to apply for foreign patent within twelve months, that is during the convention priority, which gives the right of priority of filing, as we have previously considered that the priority of filing affects who gets patent (who first stood up – that and slippers). And the important thing to remember, now that you have applied for registration in Rospatent, ran a time of the filing of eighteen months, after which time the application is published in the Official Reference Rospatent, and I assure you that there are some friends who keep track of these situations.

That is the date of filing Rospatent you have eighteen months, and preferably twelve, to apply for obtaining foreign patents. I am in this article do not have time to talk about international patent offices, simply list them – this pct, European Patent Office, Eurasian Patent Office, World Health Organization intellectual property. Application procedure is about the same, you have to turn to patent attorneys who are certified, know the specifics of documents when applying for a patent, know how and how much to pay the registration fee. Facilities filing patent attorneys are estimated at about 3-4 thousand dollars. Further, all patent offices about the same, we first consider the application within twelve months, during consideration of the subject of international patent search, then the application is published, and then, if all the purity of the patent is not disputed, it is possible to conduct a detailed examination, and if the issues have not arisen, you have priority of filing, your patent has a patent novelty, you get your hands on the patent. This article, I will not cover detailed procedure for obtaining a patent, each foreign country – a single story, the only thing you can do – is to reduce payments for fees charged for obtaining a patent by filing an application at the Patent Office, which is best for you, to assess which of these agencies for you to fit in the best extent possible by finding and determination of countries to which you export your products, then compile a list of countries on the basis of this list should take steps to obtain a national patent in these countries.

Performance Business

As practice shows – up to 60% of all your future sales help you make your future partners. Now that created the product itself, minisite, affiliate program, relationships are arranging the sale and delivery cycle, you start to advertise their product. To get started, use contextual advertising (Yandex, Begun, Gugl.Advords) to test the first sale and to correct any obvious errors in the texts, the product itself and the mechanism of implementation. Then, when everything is more or less regulated, and you have achieved good performance Performance minisite, then run a massive advertising campaign. Governor Cuomo pursues this goal as well. To do this, use your information site, its mailing list, send other authors on related topics. Promote not only the product or service, but also the possibility of earnings in your affiliate program. Involve partners and provide them with quality marketing materials, build them a good business relationship and most importantly – stable pay them a commission partner # The third block of steps – put their business on its feet.

step 15. Optimize your business. Gather statistics with the performance of all methods of advertising and the various parts of your business. If you spend the next campaign, then collect the conversion rates on the links after the conference and follow-up of actual sales figures. If this is a new item on your site theme or minisayte, then conduct a poll and find out what they think on this score your visitors. Literally from around the need to collect statistics and then to analyze them.