Internet Auctions

Today almost every user with the experience of surfing the Internet more than a week already aware of the existence of online auctions. Brands such as and not remain in the shadow of obscurity, and attract hundreds of thousands of visitors the opportunity to save on purchases, and earn on sales. But if the first auction – more familiar with it Russian-speaking audience, the latter has long been won worldwide recognition as the largest auction Internet. Conceptual ideas that were used specifically for creating and promoting eBay auction later formed the basis for the development of the Internet auction business worldwide. That auction laid the first brick in the foundation for a multi-billion auction industry. But what determined its success and continuing growth of its popularity? What is the basis constant growth stock auction eBay? Let's try to find the answer in the dungeons of history an eBay auction was Founded in September 1995, American Pierre Omidyar.

At that time it was the first such site of its kind in the world. Code to it when Pierre Omidyar wrote for one weekend, but now over the maintenance of the site runs the army programmers. The first thing sold on has become a broken laser pointer for $ 14, which belonged to the founder of the auction. As can be seen, a great success began with small acts. Literally in a few weeks, the site became to gain popularity, it began to flock to visitors from different countries.

Financial Assessment

Methods of assessment company's financial position for the purposes of business valuation can be based on one of three basic approaches. The first approach involves the organization of a differentiated account of all debt on terms of their maturity. In parallel, set the intensity of future cash flows and verify the adequacy of the individual time points. This approach is based on primary information on financial flows. Systematization of this information is very time-consuming and feasible only in companies that are cash flow management. The second approach is based on a special balance sheet liquidity, which allows the company's financial position.

On the balance sheet liquidity all balance sheet items are rearranged according to their rate of turnover. Combining the assets of, implemented by a certain date, with parts of the liabilities, which are the same deadline must be paid (redeemed), set the value of payments surplus or deficit of payments at a certain point. The third approach is based on parameters that are calculated based on a comparison of their individual assets and sources of prevailing at a particular time. These can be indicators of liquidity, financial performance dependence or autonomy, financial soundness, and so on. Practical use of any version of indicators associated with establishing a critical level, allows us to classify the financial position enterprise in terms of solvency. Since the indicators are only indicators and do not allow the right to establish the degree of solvency, this method is not guaranteed to be error-free. However, in most cases, it allows us to obtain a correct diagnosis of the true financial position of enterprises with sufficient accuracy for its inclusion in the follow-up procedure for evaluating the enterprise.

Civil Code

The Court may decide on liquidation of the company in case of approval for establishment of the enterprise gross violations of law that can not be remedied. The company may be liquidated at the suit of the tax authorities. Repeated or gross violations of tax laws – the most common reason for filing claims by tax authorities on the Elimination of the enterprise. In this case, the tax authorities in the state courts of arbitration proceedings on the basis of specific tax legislation and Article 62 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code. A large number of claims for liquidation of the enterprise tax authorities impose in connection with the fact that these organizations do not result in its founding documents in compliance with the requirements of the Civil Code. 5. Voluntary liquidation.

Voluntary liquidation of companies is the most correct and safe form of winding-up enterprise. Despite the fact that the voluntary liquidation takes a lot of time and requires some effort, You can entrust this work to professionals who know the procedure for performing all necessary actions to eliminate. But in the end for the voluntary liquidation account of the legal entity is excluded from the register, bin and tin Company canceled, the organization is defunct. Procedures for voluntary liquidation following: 5.1. The adoption of the general meeting of the society the decision to liquidate the company (usually the cause Elimination of point to achieve a society of their statutory purposes) and the appointment of a liquidation commission. Adoption of the liquidation commission and approval of the project timing and order of liquidation of legal entity.

Project Expert

To do this, consider how much we will have money in the bank after a year under twenty percent, so we get to the bank through the year, six hundred thousand rubles. A second project brings us through the year six hundred and fifty thousand rubles, but we can not consider the benefits in the future – this is not correct, we need to bring value of the property six hundred and fifty thousand rubles today, for this we introduce the discount rate, which is equal to the rate we have an alternative project twenty percent per annum. So, we have six hundred fifty thousand present by a discount rate today, and get five hundred and forty-one thousand, that is, to us a year to get six hundred and fifty thousand rubles, we need to put the bank under the twenty percent per annum five hundred and forty-one thousand rubles. We have two of the project is the first bank and a second property, and money to invest five hundred thousand, that's the difference between five hundred and forty one thousand, and the fact that we invest – this is Net Present Value NPV. NPV of the project must be greater than zero, then the project is deemed promising. So we figured out with NPV. Now, as the net present value for any project with a lot of money flows. Take our favorite Excel, making it a table horizontally, we will have during the project, and on vertical our payments.

Here in the photo is clearly visible problem, we buy a car, train workers, enter the cost of the car and obtain income, interest rates, twelve thousand rubles. Enter all the streams in our table, we believe in the seventh column the amount of our payments go to the SUM formula and select the cell for example, B2: B6 and obtain the sum of flows for each of our year, now we need prodiskontirovat our cash flows by the discount rate twelve percent, again go into the formulas, financial, and find the NPV (net present value), choose a discount rate twelve percent of the net and choose the payment this year and get a discounted payment. To calculate the net present value of the project to all prossumirovat discounted payments of our project, receive one thousand eight hundred sixty-six rubles, which is a positive NPV of the project should join. So figured out the net present value, we now understand its significance, and the calculation of our business plan we have Bole free to operate it. Next, we will count one by one the other financial items in Excel, then put it all into one and create your first business plan in Excel, with charts and descriptions in accordance with UNIDO UN system, and after graduating from the switch to Excel, Project Expert, and then we'll see.

Investing Economy

Let's try a light and accessible way to talk about what the investment. Thus, the most important task, which overcome the investors is standard – to increase its capital together with increasing prosperity of the economy, industry and, ultimately, companies in which they invested their money. We live in one of the most abundant resources of the earth. For example, stocks of natural resources in Russia is 300 times more abundant than in Europe. The fact that production of our country will continue, no one wakes up any doubts. For many, the question is when and at what pace.

Our charge statement and then immediately, every minute, every day, every hour. Decrease or increase economic indicators – this is in any case, a sign of progress. Looking at the rate of growth of wealth of any country, we see phases of development, decline or stagnation, but no matter what happens, the total trend – development. The task of the investor – do not miss this development by increasing their wealth, even in those moments when there is a decline or stagnation. Today, our economy has come step progress of corporations that are engaged extraction, processing and trade of natural gifts. It is absolutely normal for the situation in which Russia remains – the phase of developing capitalism.

Resources such as metallurgy, telecommunications, electricity, gas, oil – is driving force of the Russian economy at the moment. Years later, in the first place and will leave the company in engineering and light industry. That is, our economy will develop in the usual way to becoming any appreciable capitalist state. Will the country to overcome the problem? Certainly, no other way to happen, but even in such situations, the task is the economy of the investor – to keep up with economic development, holds the assets for investment by increasing their funds in any situation. It's entertaining, but why invest an ordinary citizen? That's the way life is, that money is better in the future to save, save, save. Everyone has needs: someone wants to get hold of the car, someone – a house or vacation home, planning to save some funds for the school their child in a better institution, and somebody cares what means exist in old age. And, of course, brought hope that the finances to address all suddenly fall down from the sky. What qualities should an investor have? Self-purchase of shares, as opposed to investment through the funds of the forces is not all. Apart from the necessary knowledge of the market for profitable operations from the depositor required knowledge and calculation. Exorbitant expansiveness, susceptibility to frequent changes of mood – Foes of any investor, regardless of the amount of money in his account. Quite often these enemies overpower common calculation and clarity. And because of their triumph is suffering not only balance but also the ambitions of a depositor. However, as mentioned earlier, most favorable to invest in stocks, bonds, funds nedvizhimostcherez best management companies in our country and the world.

The Client

Rather, they are persistent, than aggressive, and opposed to hostility, even if others do not want to cooperate. With the help of gestures you can set the right tone conversation. It is quite possible to learn to control his emotion, emotions, just as psychologically prepare for negotiations. Key points of conduct necessary for successful negotiations * Be flexible. Begin your negotiations with the installation of specific goals. Be prepared to change the rules of the game depending on your knowledge of the desires of the interlocutor.

* States clearly about your goals. Ask people to describe their wishes outcome of negotiations. This is crucial if you want to win. But the idea alone will not lead to implementation of your or their intentions. The victory in the negotiations – is when you and your opponent, by working together, discover methods to achieve, how your goals and objectives of the client (the opponent). * Concentrate on the causes, rather than on themselves positions. If you have a client with different opinions, find out why these differences. If you think so – then there is a reason why you made that decision.

* Look for alternatives. Concentrate on the creative creation of alternative solutions, ideas and opportunities that best correspond to the objectives of both parties. One head – well, while two – better. * Take your time. Do not respond to pressure or urgency of making hasty decisions. Make pause to give yourself time to think about the future of your actions. As a person involved in the negotiations, you should know that the view of other people on the importance of the issues may be different from your own. All people see things differently. Understanding how much your partner appreciates every position, will allow you to effectively respond. Strange but true: in personal relations negotiation is the key to long, stable, the interesting relationship (checked in practice!). In NLP, created a lot of models of efficient influence on the interlocutor, to successful negotiations is essential knowledge, understanding and application of skills of NLP. So models and techniques of NLP are used in training the negotiations are very active and fruitful. Respect your partner – Learn techniques of successful negotiation.

Lex Group

Find the maximum information about other Members accident – name, license plate number, place of residence, place of employment, marital status (by the way, a good way to explore), phone number, insurance company, medical institution, where victims were taken away (I hope you do not need this) 10. Set – what rights the driver in the car, the right of control or ownership of 11. Listen to your state of health, if the other parties or witnesses Accident was taken to hospital, then maybe you should go there? Maybe you are not able to adequately assess his physical condition? can you feel bad? “- and you can not give the police employee currently explanation. 12. When the traffic incident is best to enlist the support of friends who will immediately go to the place of accident, and if you need to go to the hospital, they watch how the traffic police are examined, as is recorded. 13. Advances in modern technology – will you helpers and in this situation – do not forget to arrange a casting “Who is guilty?” Among the participants an accident, with the photo – and video footage. 14.

Look at the site is documents, money bags (you never know what might happen in the confusion), whether the car is not quite kitchen knives and other prohibited items (you never know where to go with the car accident scene) 15. Sound an alarm if a participant in serious accident injury or death – it is not a joke, but a professional matter, urgently looking for a specialist, right this very second, when they realized the possibility of professional prosecution. 16. Be kept, do not react aggressively at anyone – can tomorrow, for you must be a truce, and articles about incontinence in the domestic legislation is not enough, do not use physical force to persons who show aggression towards you. 17. If your car is caught or Cossack was scratched, and my grandfather behind the wheel, be merciful to old age and poverty, most likely a lawsuit in this situation, you either material or moral satisfaction will not do. Do not waste nervous system over trifles. And I, in turn, wish you were surrounded by only a pleasant event. Be cautious and careful on the roads! And we will try to warn you from missteps and help make the right steps to a successful and comfortable life.

Merchant Research

As noted in his study of British consulting agency Merchant Research & Consulting Ltd., The whole world's nitric acid market is currently quite busy, but the demand for industrial chemicals has been steadily increases. Average annual world demand for industrial chemicals based on nitric acid sostavlet 7%. Production of industrial chemicals (mainly adipic acid, toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and nitrobenzene based on nitric acid) are concentrated mainly in Western Europe and the U.S., although in recent years the rapid expansion of their production was noted in East Asia And here in India are all rapidly (7% per year) grows market for concentrated nitric acid. In addition to consumption of concentrated nitric acid, defense industry, the product is used in the production of nitroaromatic compounds, acrylonitrile fibers, pesticides, medicines and dyes. Particularly marked increase in the consumption of nitric acid for pharmaceuticals and pesticides.

World production of nitric acid is estimated at 750-800 million tons. However, only about 15-20% nitric acid reaches the market in general. The remaining nitric acid is used by enterprises – producers of nitric fertilizers, adipic acid and other chemicals. In the foreign trade turnover is involved no more than 8-10% produced in the world of nitric acid. Nitric acid is one of the starting material for the majority of nitrogen-containing substances. Up to 75-80% nitric acid is consumed for fertilizers, such as ammonia and calcium ammonium nitrate, urea solution, ammonium nitrate, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium nitrate, magnesium, ammonium and various nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (excluding mono-and diammonium phosphate). Most important are the nitrates of sodium, potassium, ammonium and calcium, which are also called saltpeter. From the study "Market nitric acid, you will also learn: the application of nitric acid, the situation on the world market nitric acid; prospects for development and modern technology in the production of chemicals based on nitric acid, and more.