
Applies knowledge gained about of the individuals, groups and the effect of the structure on behaviour, with the aim of better performance in organizations. Organizational behavior is particularly interested in situations relating to employment. Assertively Wikipedia reminds us, the topics that are usually included in the study of organizational behavior are: organizational structure, motivation, organizational commitment, power, communication, teamwork, organizational culture, organizational climate, leadership and change processes. Learn more on the subject from Jeff Gennette. Each of these topics is present in the three basic levels of study of organizational behavior: the individual, the Group and the organization. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Frank Armijo. This scheme of levels is very important at the moment raise conclusions. For example, the motivation can be described according to the main interests of a group of people, but as variable since it is at that level where it originates is individual. Another axis is related to the concrete or abstract in our discourse on the problems that studies the Organizational behavior.

More concrete and objective level is behavior, observable and susceptible to quantify more easily. A second level are attitudes understood as predispositions to act in persons; and finally the values, which are the more abstract level and indicate us an orientation of our behavior. For example, we may think that we are partners, but in a discussion we can show a little collaborative attitude toward hypothetical cases, and in practice we can be rather wary of giving our support. This constitutes the greatest difficulty to study organizations: the inconsistency and the gap between what is said and is done, which is complicated when add hierarchies (power) and accepted patterns of conduct, sometimes by all (organizational culture). Caterra of organizational behavior in the graduate program of quality management and productivity of Faces, University of Carabobo, in addition to the aspect indicated, since much emphasis on providing participants the knowledge, tools that allow them to grow as people, discover their weaknesses, strengths in order to give way to the required transformations to ensure good interrelations of work, training and integration of effective teams, creativity, innovation everything that achieve favorable outcomes in individual performance, equipment integration and definition of an organizational structure that consona to the needs of the company to operate within an excellent organizational climate.