
It creates ebook to give in his form of capture of data that puts in its Web site. The subject of ebook frees must attract its objective public to convince it and it gives his data to him. Also publiquelo in some gratuitous directories of ebooks. Its own program of affiliates begins. Enlacelo with other programs of created previously or to which this subscribed, enlacelos affiliates with its Web site and this him dara a publicity of long reach and long time completely free. Rob Daley will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

It publishes his own announcements of his program of affiliate. So that he is not competed by the other affiliates that esten promoting the same product. It uses a diversity of announcements to occur an advantage on the rest of affiliates. It uses a testimony like announcement or article. But it uses only one and that is real of that it really bought the product or the service that you promote. Publishers Clearing House is the source for more interesting facts. It says to people results and the advantages that tendra; when using the product. It makes publicity of the product with companies in forums. It uses a good title that draws attention and that of a good reason so that they visit his site or program of affiliates. (Similarly see: Amit Paley). The gift that this giving. It must have the same attractiveness that the same product that you offer, so that it is directed to the same type of people who would be interested in the purchase of the product. Also establesca you relate commercial to other sites related to your niche of market. He participates in forums of discussion related to your own subject or niche. He makes his commentaries, answers the questions that do others. He includes a text connection or Link of affiliate towards its site in each message that you publish. He creates an ample own gratuitous publicity. Utilicela to announce its own Web site, its programs of own affiliates and those to which this subscribing; It makes his publicity in specialized directories and their own site. It begins this in his deprived Web site, ofresca there a product then, uses there form of subscription with a gift, in the unloading of the gift puts a connection of another compatible product to the gift. And as I complete advice you could also allow that other industralists share with you and you with them, his own respective connections to his Web.


The pregnancy is the best moment, as much in the physical plane as in the emotional one, for a woman who wishes to be mother. It is a period that extends by forty weeks, within which we will attend the growth of the baby, miraculous and exciting, and also we will notice in the mother the changes that will be experimenting. We speak in you drink and more of the pregnancy calendar, that will be dictating to us what it happens in the belly of the future mother, and who dictates the passages of growth of the baby until the moment of the childbirth. During the first weeks of this calendar of pregnancy, the changes will be very evident in the mother from the moment at which the fertilization takes place, in week 2 after the last menstruation. Spent the fourth week of pregnancy it is the moment for confirming the state, because when it must have arrived the menstruation we were with a lack. The moment of the confirmation has arrived: you are pregnant. From the physical and psychological emotions and changes they will be made more evident here and arriving or at the seventh u eighth week you will have the first ecography, the one that will confirm the good state of the pregnancy and the fetus, as well as how many embryos we are developing.

He is a little while delicate and here he is indispensable to be in the hands of your gynecologist to confirm that everything is perfectly. The third month of pregnancy is the moment at which the embryo takes human form and in addition, begins to move vigorously. The ears, the fingers, the internal organs, the bones begin to form and little by little its development will become more evident, being able already to be listened to the beats of its small heart. And the mother will feel plus the own annoyances of the pregnancy like nauseas, the fatigue and the mareos. The progress of the pregnancy either the more evident is passed weeks 13 and 14, the baby or can distinguish flavors, she moves the more and the sex of the baby by means of ecography can be explained. The body of the mother is accustomed already and is leaving back the moments of hormonal effervescence that so many annoyances can cause.

The pregnancy calendar is taking month to us to month towards new sensations and meanwhile the baby grows quickly: in the fifth month the baby grows much, to duer to me, adopts positions, moves and much, she can listen and to react to some stimuli the moment approaches little by little and the activity of the baby is well-known. As of the sixth month the baby enough is already trained, and a premature birth in sixth, seventh month, can finish happily in a 99% of the occasions. From the increase of weight of the mother he is much more well-known here and as it is approached the outcome is going away to notice more Is the moment for preparing stock-market the hospital and to prepare itself to receive to the small one that it comes. The moment from the childbirth, the waited for moment arrives more, and according to the calendar of the pregnancy it is the moment for preparing itself so that takes place at any time.