
Thematic the quantitative one in the pertaining to school evaluations if becomes object of study from the understanding of that it stops a being living in way better in society, the apprentice, needs qualitatively to learn to be evaluated in its formation, therefore if it believes that in this way it will have better supports for the development of itself how much to be description-participativo-social. Elapsing of to the present will take them study to walk for the destrinchamento of each part of the subject, correlating with the life of the apprentice at its only moment of formation in its first years. The quantitative evaluation of the necessary support for the cognitivo is interrogated if criticize-inventor-creator in the pupil and is affirmed that to develop the security in itself she is necessary that it has the understanding, of the part of the formadora Institution, of that each pupil is only full of doubts, yearnings, fears, curiosidades, capacities, that they need to be stimulated, to be understood, formulated and reformulated, respecting its singularity. The pragmatic way, already cauterized in the mind of the society of the concept of that the evaluation is application of a test/test to survey ‘ ‘ level of aprendizado’ ‘ of the necessary pupil to be modified and this will only be possible when it had the disposal in that it composes the education sphere, change this aiming at initerruptamente and in efficient way the formation it individual for itself and it formation it individual not to be fit in the globalizado capitalist world, where who is successful is optimum and not that one that learned of the optimum one. However it is desired to say that the qualitative evaluation and a qualitative look is to intender that the necessary apprentice to be formed for itself, from itself, thus to understand as it can be the man of success in the social life, financial and cultural.

Word-key: Apprentice. Evaluation. Quantitative. Qualitative. Social.

Greek Century

Doric dialects of the same (Peloponnese) and the dialects of Greece in the northwest are part of a separate group. Ionia was at its peak in the VIII century BC. At this time there were born cultural foundations of different areas of life of the Greek nation. Develop the economy, science and art, philosophy. Began to take shape and the Greek literary language. This was the initial period of history, not only Greek, but Greek literature. The development of language and culture entailed the formation of writing.

By time of the ancient letter was lost and a new written language probably developed on the basis of the Phoenician alphabet. Phoenicians during this period were active in trade with the Greeks. By 6.7 centuries BC policies pushed completely tribal groups. At the same time, there are generations of literature, as a drama and lyric poetry, which led to the separation and Greek into genres. Around the year 500 BC began the classical period in Greek history. It was the rule of Athens and the predominance of Attic dialect. Actively promoted literature, philosophy and oratory. However, along with the Attic dialect in the course were Ionian languages, which led to the formation of Koine – universal language, which was used not only in literature but in everyday speech.

With the onset of the crisis of the polis because of the internecine conflicts that resulted in the subjugation of Macedonia, on the territory of Indus to the Danube formed an empire, rules which Alexander of Macedon. And during this period intensified the relationship between Greek culture and other cultures, vodivshih the empire of nations. Learn more about this with Western Union. But Greek culture still prevailed over the other, and therefore this period is known as Hellenism. The Greek language is also undergoing significant change. The development of speech occurred predominantly in the policy. And in the times of Empire is more developed writing system, and changes occurred in education. And since each of the forms of language has evolved differently. In colloquial use local dialects, but with this happening formation obschegrecheskogo Koine language. Writing is a symbiosis of Attic Language 6.5 century BC, and Ionian-Attic literary language, which existed at the end of 3.4 century BC. All these factors exerted a strong influence on the further development of the Greek language. During the reign of Rome in the Balkans (2 nd century BC), under the influence of Greek and Roman culture hit. However, Latin and, in turn, is sufficient strongly influenced the development of the language of the Greeks. And it has caused many negative reactions that led to the so-called Revival (2 nd century AD), affect the formation of the Greek language in the future. Statutory language has become the Attic language – the language of prose 6.5 centuries BC. Hence arose the name attitsizm – one of the historical development of the Greek language. The essence of it was avoiding falling into the vocabulary of the language new meanings and grammatical forms that are not classic. For example, renewing the old, long disused form. All this has led to what is written literary and spoken languages are very different. This trend continues even today.

Igor Serov

Many people have long understood this. And not just understood, and learned the language and freely use it. Others it scares the idea – to stay one on one with a thick grammar, without every opportunity to ask a good teacher: "And could you repeat once more what a gerund. And if such an idea and you attended, feel free to throw it out of my head – we go the other way. The technique, which I want to to tell you, is not among the new-fangled methods, which in recent years, a great many.

She has dozens of years. But it is the most effective self-study foreign language. It is called "audio-lingual", but it is likely that few will tell you why I talk about it in detail. Already from the name, it is clear that an important place in this method take recording. But it's not just stories and conversations that you can listen to and repeat if desired. It is specially designed dialogues-situations that trigger (!) On your speaking. And, do it gently and gradually.

First you just listen to the phrase several times. Then listen and repeat. Moreover, difficult words are pronounced at first slowly and piecemeal, and then at a normal pace. Then you are asked to respond to the target language, and only then pronounce the phrase native language – for self. A few minutes later, this phrase is repeated again – in the same context, then a new one. And all this delicately calculated. A student thinks he just listens and says simply. And, always said that it is simply impossible for a group lesson. It is very important that the vocabulary at the beginning of the most commonly used is selected so as not to be distracted by rare words and expressions. Indeed, studies have shown that only 2000 words enough to understand 80 percent of the everyday situations of oral communication. Language acquisition rather similar to the production of habits than on the hard analytical work. Therefore, in the audio-lingual method of audio is not just there, but he was MUCH. Complete course includes 45 hours of audio material. Impressive, is not it? Now let's count. If you do only half an hour a day, then pass the full course will take only 90 days, ie three months. Is not it corresponds to the word "quickly"? Of course, these three months will not make your English is perfect. But they will lay an excellent foundation for the use of language in dealing with various life problems, as well as for the transition to the next level courses, which are not used at all no textbooks and teaching materials "is life itself. And here, too, have a story to tell. More information about this method and how to learn English quickly and without cramming, you can read on my website and in the proceedings Igor Serov.

Alexander Tugender

– To contract a friend who is a stockbroker can be problematic if a discord takes place. – From the first contact with the stockbroker it or it deberian to give back the telephone calls to him quickly. – The stockbroker candidate will ask to him on his level of comfort in the investment. – The stockbroker candidate gives a vision him in the strategy of their investment. – He has the strategy of the stockbroker, investment candidate agree with his ideas about the investment. – He asks the stockbroker that average uses to protect its investment and if Reportes MPMG of Principle uses Protection and Principles Gains Finally, After his expensive meeting to face, it goes to his house or from return to his office and considers his options. He pays special attention to his visceral reaction after to have left the meeting. She is this person of his confidence to carry out his desires and he will especially give options him of investment and of cover of his money? If it is thus, contratelo and but, follows the same procedure with another human stockbroker or evaluates the great benefits of automatization and rapidity in its operations that darian to him to operate with a stockbroker by Internet. If not yet volume the Course Free of Stock market MPMG of principle Protection and Principles Gains go right now to By more gains and less risk! Alexander Tugender " Expert in investments seguras" On the author: Alexander Expert Tugender in safe investments, aid to the professional and nascent investors who invest in stock-market, to generate more income working less and protecting its money of unnecessary risks to enjoy the freedom that the money gives him. In order to receive but tips free and to learn to invest in stock-market, winning much money and protecting his capital until in but of a 99%, he visits now and he obtains " Course of stock market: MPMG-Maxima Protection, Ganancias&quot Principles; absolutely free.

Learn To Win !

Learn to win! (Or seizure of territory), each person had to negotiate. Sometimes, especially to the important business of the meeting was a success, not enough for your personal charm and well-prepared plan. When the other side too wants you to maximum concessions, it applies the special negotiating techniques. But do not rush to give up! Experienced negotiators are well known Fenechka curious, if not too educated partner at the table behaves with excessive self-confidence, waving his hands, brash and interrupting himself only hear from him want otsest away. So, we should act exactly the opposite: sit down close to him and stop it with …

coffee. "Tea? Or coffee? "- Hardly anyone refuses, respectively, in front of him on the table there is a cup of coffee. And to the cup – a saucer of sugar. And next – vase with pechenyushechkami. On the other hand – tube with a doily. And to make it easier to reach not honored guest – you, as a caring owner, all of this carefully (and quietly) pulls him closer. And that is closer … And it a try! And when all this coming at him from all sides, it obkladyvaya the left and right, and unknowingly causing a sensation of pressure and neuyuta – Mr.

subsides, removes his hands, squelching of coffee, and you have the opportunity to present their position already. * His territorial expansion you killed her – and took the lead. Consciously or not, but every leader has always manifested itself in territorial expansion, he seeks to expand its territory, to fill the space, and he likes it.

Russian Federal Assembly

Thus, according to the Ministry of Economic Development (hereinafter – the Ministry of Economic Development), the share of the business sector in the financing of science in Russia today is less than 30%. (Similarly see: Viatcheslav Mirilashvili). Contrast this to those in the U.S. – 63.7%, Germany – 66,8%, in Japan – nearly 75%. Does not address the issues orders results of scientific and technical activities (hereinafter – RNTD) and their legal protection. Not worked out a system of accounting Registration and the balance of intellectual property. Not been resolved definitively matters relating to the commercialization RNTD received by or with the help of the federal budget. Thus, innovative area of the country today can be characterized as an increasing resource potential of the system. At the same time, it remains unresolved whole layer of fundamental problems including the problem of efficiency the use of an innovative infrastructure.

In order to facilitate the achievement of strategic objectives to address the priorities of innovation development of the Russian economy and strengthen its scientific and technological capacity, youth involvement in innovation and development of innovation infrastructure, the participants of parliamentary hearings, recommends: 1. Russian Federal Assembly: 1.1 Together with the Government of the Russian Federation with the participation of scientific and business communities, representatives of the innovation infrastructure to develop and introduce to the basic draft law ‘On the bases of the national innovation system of the Russian Federation ‘, which will define the objectives and principles of state policy innovation, the basic concepts in innovation. 1.2. In preparing the draft law “On Principles of National Innovation System Russia ‘to review and take into account the positive experience of the Russian Federation in the sphere of normative-legal framework for innovation.

The Moodle Platform

But, it is necessary that this tool well is defined to extend the quarrels and debates. The Moodle Platform, presents great varieties of tools and this aid in the pedagogical look, as much for the pupil how much for the professor (tutorial). to confirm this thesis, the construction of knowing can be widely argued by all the participants, what it does not differentiate of the traditional methods educational. To search ' ' solues' ' pedagogical it will depend mainly on the tools of the platform and of the participants who interact together in the activities, learning and teaching with the readings proposals with its personal arguments. Therefore, the pedagogical look of the course is entirely on in the dynamics of the course and its tools, found in the Moodle Platform. On the Interface of the Glossary, I believe that it finishes in the distance being plus one them many tools of support it course of Education, to extend the interaction of the excessively participant ones. On the interactive construction, tool EASY, was projected with the objective to maximize the interaction and accessibility to the courses carried through in the Moodle, marking the differential for that reads and interacts with the integrant participants and tutors of course EAD. With this, it would like in the distance to approach the importance of the course in the standards of the Moodle Platform, inside of the current educational context. Therefore, in the day to day running, the pupil and the professor (mediating) need to manage its tasks and consequently to have ample knowledge, in the direction of readings with the depositions of the colleagues of course and mainly of the texts considered for the reading, marking positively the call: He was of the Education in the distance ' ' inside of the exaggerated capitalism. Another suggested text that it deserves prominence in the course, was what it approached the Concepts of Education in the distance and the Complementary Material: To know Authorial profile of the pupil, Netiqueta and Direitos.

Administrative Subjects

SUPERIOR EDUCATION IN the IBIAPABA the fight for the implantation of Superior Ensino in the Region of the Ibiapaba started for return of 1985 with the creation of the Fatec – College of Christian Theology, offering free courses of Theology and Philosophy in the City of Is Benedict. They were difficult times, therefore Brazil still assayed the first steps of the Process of Democratization. Although the regimen in validity the IES – Institutions of Superior Education generally were born free, from the organization of intellectuals who had as objective common the educational formation of the people. The institutions appeared very and with work its bases fincavam until conquering its autonomy next to the MEC – Ministry of the Education. Many of these institutions had after conquered its recognition long years of Academic Action.

The Fatec was born in this context until it came the New LDB in the year of 1996, fruit of the Process of Democratization of the Country. The New LDB made possible great conquests in the Educational Sector, however the Bureaucratization of the social actions and politics if it fortified in the same ratio. The IES alone could initiate its activities by means of Authorization of the Public Power. Ahead of the new picture, in the year of 1999 the Fatec is extinct and is born the Facib – College of the Ibiapaba, aiming at the framing to the new rules that had started to normatizar Superior Ensino in Brazil. The visit of then the Minister of the Education, Pablo Renato de Sousa Is Benedict was the Basic Rock for the materialization of this old dream that Was protocolled under n 23000,005792/200-12 in day 20 of June of 2000 to the 17:07: 03 hs in the MEC – Ministry of Education – Executive Secretariat – Undersecretary’s office of Administrative Subjects, later published in I GIVE – Federal official gazette of day 27 of November of 2000 – Section to it 2 – Page 07 – Would carry 3.482.