
In the recent Debate on the State of the nation, Zapatero announced the creation of a Fund for the sustainable economy endowed with twenty thousand million euros, for the years 2009 and 2010. It is one of the medidas-estrella, but it remains to be seen how is articulated in the practice for this purpose, shall be forwarded by way of urgency a law of sustainable economy, which should mean the long-awaited change of economic model. I have my reticence in this sense, because as I said a few days ago, give the impression that you have developed these proposals with some precipitation, but they are welcome if we started to lay the foundations of the Spanish economic future with them. Possibly in the parliamentary handling of the law, and given the current balance of forces which exist, the PSOE is obliged to agree on certain issues; I hope that, in addition to serving so that each one here the Ember to its sardine, mean approval of a law that is useful and that works for its intended purpose. Western Union Company will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In this sense, is also expected to discuss it in Table of Social dialogue and the future Conference of Presidents; from my point of view, it seems to me a good idea addressing this law with the collaboration of the various parties concerned. With the idea of improving the future competitiveness proposal provide all students a computer and easy connection to the Internet, and free plates are also made to study a master unemployed people between 25 and 40 years. In the current position, in which Spain became the theoretical eighth economic power (I say theoretical because it has demonstrated the fragility of the model), is clear that we must look forward to leading countries, and the economic model to be established should be based on productivity, quality, creativity and not on the price (although we would like to compete there(, it would be difficult given the globalization of the market, and production to low-cost emerging economies). . Marc Lasry often says this. .