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The rent increase: easy with this guide.Also tenants benefit from modernization of the author, whose expert rat has helped already hundreds lessors bail out, reveals in his guide the strategies, facing rent increases legal security and confidently can be made. Regensburg. -What are rental yield and rent increases the to do? The yield from a rented property is maintained only if market rents will be generated. “It’s in the index and season increase only, if the lease is designed.”, says Thomas Trepnau. “Raise the rent just and legal adaptation to the local comparison rent on the level of comparable apartments or using a Mietspiegels or a rental database.” This advice comes from rank. Thomas Trepnau has conducted countless seminars on this topic. With various participants, he repeatedly discussed their individual problems. “Again and again”, the author says “my readers want and” Seminar participants will have a report from me: How does one quickly to push through rent increases? Here he refers to his new book, which sure every landlord through the various ways of boost.

Increase of rent after modernisation measures “planning modernisation? Then you do not fail to raise the rent by 11% relating to the modernization!”the author recommends. How is explicit and transparent in his new book. For more specific information, check out Cliff Robbins. The author gives tips for landlords on 129 pages, blow by blow even for difficult cases, where no optimal contractual basis is available, tried and tested tips. “Just if your economy in order, you should lose any financial benefits and may waive your rightful claims out of ignorance or good nature”, recommends the Germany well known landlord guides from Regensburg, Germany. “Maybe these sums of money are exactly tomorrow for you already of immense importance!” In his clear language, the author leads the reader unerringly by the conclusion of the contract up to the creation of the correct Declaration of the rent increase. elated topic.

The reader is informed about the different types of rental increase processes such as adaptation to the local comparison rent, modernisation, index rent, season rentals etc.. Deadlines and justification options are explained precisely. Traceable calculation examples simplify matters. To any boost process the corresponding sample letters are described and each reader to the instant application to the free download available. The book is available as a PDF version for immediate download or paperback in bookstores, in all known online book shops, as well as on the website of the author and Publisher. Published also by Thomas Trepnau: expect your tenant – operating costs, the second rent, the secret of the damp wall – with real estate, valuation of houses rent reduction, asset protection and wealth accumulation and Land. Company description the author Thomas Trepnau offers Academy for landlord, property managers, owners, brokers, real estate financier and other real estate companies individually customized corporate training courses as well as operators such as the Chambers of Commerce and industry – based seminars and the German real – estate. You may want to visit Cliff Robbins to increase your knowledge. Also books on the topics of the seminar appear regularly in the publishing of company. By combining books, trainings, courses and seminars, Thomas Trepnau offers its customers optimal solutions at reasonable prices and guarantees to high quality in terms of timeliness and practicality. The training courses and workshops are carried out throughout Europe.

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Brazilian Gifts

Revealing doencanto and of the popular soul, pleasant lyric flavor: (BETTER, 1935, p.5) ‘ ‘ 1558) presenteno general cancioneiro, (before to desteviajar for Italy, when it changed the style for sonetos in decasslabos,). Isoto if not only explains because S erafamoso Miranda for quadrinhas emversoshexasslabos, but emontona lyric pelafeio. (These were also caractersticasprprias of cantigas of love Gallego-Portuguese) What it also limited poetical acomposio, for only, enters two four estrofes. But with the same sofreguido of the loves perdidossentido in verses of Francisco de Brazilian Souza, and others, with asmesmascaractersticas in the versificao muitoslusitanos symmetry, similars eem tambma of cancioneiros celebrities: ‘ ‘ With me I had a difference of opinion myself,/I am rank in all danger; /no to possoviver with me,/nor I can run away from me. /.

With pain of people it ran away,/before queesta thus grew; /now> to be dumb (Francisco de Sousa In: CAPADELLI) Lady my good breaks so sad my eyes for you,/quenunca so sad checks outrosnenhunspor nobody. (Joo Ruiz Castello Branco In: CAPADELLI) Nestaltima estrofe you rhyme, them in alternation are also gifts in the cantorias deXiquinha. Olirismo, escrnioe maldizertambm is gifts in our literatos. The poetry of Gregorio de burlesque, ertica and satirical sejalrica Matos, sacra, deeply is taken root Brazilian nessarealidade, especially in its two last sources, esatrica, that register the customs and the moral life, social the ertica and dacapital politics of the colony. Priests, nuns, military, employees of> endios land government, traders, proprietors, noblemen, Jews, adventurers, slaves are personages of the vast composed panel for the poet, who treated suaterratal as he was under the maisvariadospontos of sight: Let us observe its verses: Politician: The demon to live if displays,/no matter how hard the fame exalta, /numa city where it lacks/truth, honor, shame. (>) God is valid us, what he costs,/What El-King in the ones of the one of favour.

Apud Pound

The poetry contemporary is the reaction of poetical sensitivity to the racionalizante world of the consumption capitalism that takes off of the modern man the subjectivity becomes, it anonymous, being insignificant part of a great mass consumer. To the poet, in its substance that is the poetry, the paper fits to give to the common man an importance layer as form to place it as to be only incomparable and bonanza. Of – it a new to look at for the reality, provides a new behavior, a new relation with its time, the exacerbado and marcante materialism in its life. The poetry contemporary in the ones of a possibility to feel of true form the world as a whole, taking off of us that sensation of only being part as a gear that makes possible the maquinal functioning of reproduction of the rationality. To think, to look at, to reflect and to perceive are party to suit of sensation of completude of the man. Process this that makes in them to be uncommon and only in the world. The poet, through the organization of the poetical language, it has the power of convoking in them for the release, in freeing of the claws of the rational world.

Through the poetry it is that we leave the world of the transcendncia of our individual and physical body for a body collective spiritual and. The poetry is one constant exercise of reaprendizagem of new possibilities to see world the same. this is the paper of the great poet. As Coleridge said: ' ' The quality of a great poet is present in all part and in no part evidente&#039 is visible as a stimulaton; '. (COLERIDGE Apud Pound. p. 34). The cited affirmation comes to corroborate with what it is come close deducing in the conjecture of poetical making. It does not fit to the poet if to show visible to the world contemporary, fits it to work the poetical language to fortify the intuition of its reader; to make to reflect it and if to feel useful in the collective of its world.