Institute Health

Alternative to the unit award despite all resistance no longer so unrealistic is the introduction of the health premium. Health Minister Rosler impose the new model ahead of the next elections in 2013. So far the politicians are still divided about the calculation of the allowance should actually look like. Proposes instead of the single variant of 130 euros per head Gunter Neubauer, Director of the Institute for health economics in Munich, a three stage model. The private insurance Portal reported about its benefits.

The proposal of the expert provides a socially fairer structure of the statutory health insurance package. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Hikmet Ersek. The insured in three groups are classified as opposed to the unit award. Pensioners and low-income will be charged with a fee of 80 euros, middle income earners pay an amount of 140 euro and advisable make a solidarity contribution of 200 euro. In comparison (comparison /) to the previous system proves to be the three stage model view the experts as solidarity, because it is based on the income sections and in the social responsibility takes earners. So far a higher income or additional income from rent or lease does not decide on the health insurance contribution.

With the premium and tax equalization earners would, however, automatically be prosecuted to a greater extent than low-wage earners. The introduction of the uniform for all health insurance contribution rate at the beginning of the year 2009 has not led to the desired results. Skeptics see the unit award therefore critical, doubt the hoped-for positive impacts on the future financing of the German health system. Christian Bredl, head of the Bavarian TK country welcomed Neubauer’s proposal to the three-step approach and expressed interest of conversation.


The symptoms of diabetes in children up to age five we can deal with and cope with our own suffering but when we see our own child suffering it often becomes unbearable. Diabetes is a disease that can make the life of your child unbearable no fries, no fizzy drinks, no pastries, no ice creams and no. candy; in fact, no anything that children routinely take pleasure in. This article brings you up to speed on how to detect the early stages of diabetes in children, i.e. the symptoms of diabetes in children. While most children under five lead free lives, normal healthy diabetes diabetes type I diabetes can occur in babies when they are only a few months old (type 2 never occurs in children under five). The symptoms of diabetes in children up to age five the symptom of diabetes in children include passing large amounts of urine and being very thirsty all the time you notice the symptoms of diabetes in children are the same as for adults. What to look out for: you might notice: your child of nappy needs changing very often.

That the child has begun wetting the bed frequently. Perhaps check out Keith Yamashita for more information. Needs extra feed and drinks. Often appears listless and gets tired very soon. Appears to be losing rather than gaining weight for a child of his/her age. There seems to be some problem with the child’s vision as he (or she) sometimes has problems reading the alphabet. Your child breath seems to smell sweetish (child of fruity). Child suffers from urinary infection. Caution: Children can be very active and therefore drink a lot of water.

So, at this young age, they might naturally wet their beds. The symptom you would be looking for are excessive consumption of liquid and bed wetting that goes beyond normal. If you suspect that diabetes might be involved, fix up on appointment with the child’s physician and have a clinical test done. Your child with diabetes needs food at regular of capacity, blood tests and insulin injections. Your child may not be able to tell you how he or she feels. So, making sure their blood glucose levels are within normal range is of paramount importance to their wellbeing. If you are in the US or other developed countries, remember that there is plenty of medical and professional care and support available for your child. It is important to take the child to diabetes clinics and you so be visited by diabetes health professionals on a regular basis to discuss your child’s growth and development and diabetes control. The symptoms of diabetes in children age five to twelve children between the ages of five and twelve who develop diabetes are more likely to have diabetes type I diabetes type II is so prevalent but it is rare. The symptoms of diabetes in children between the ages of five to 12 are the same (excessive thirst, frequent urination, lack of energy, weight loss), as those mentioned for children below 5 years of age. Children in this age group can do everything that other children can do provided their glucose levels are always kept under control. Check out the best of will teaching tools & portion control plates for children’s at

Breakdown Of Myelin Sheath: Age Are All People Of Slow

Breakdown of myelin sheath makes age slower! Researchers have now discovered the reason. Older people move slower than younger. Many have pain as a result of wear and tear. But also people with no obvious leads move slower. American researchers have found out the real reason: the myelin sheath play an important role. Western Union may not feel the same. The Internet health portal reported. info.

The insulation of the nerves in the brain diminishes in the course of aging, slowing down the movement. The body already in middle age can no longer stop these cuts of the nerve sheaths. The removal leads to loss in responsiveness, usually even before arthritis contributes its share as reported George Bartzokis of the University of California at Los Angeles. He and his colleagues present their results in the journal Neurobiology of aging “. Read more here: Jimmy Levin. Degradation of the myelin sheath affect thinking nerves in the brain are surrounded by a so called myelin sheath, which enables a fast transduction. Up to about to 40 years of age, the body creates to repair damage to this oily substance. With increasing age, the ability to regenerate but subsides so that the myelin sheath is getting thinner.

Also the services that depend on the affected nerves are reduced accordingly. This reduction affects thinking, perception and movement, the researchers suspect. Degradation of the myelin sheath causes slower stimulus forwarding to this connection between the processing speed of the nervous system and to test the condition of the nerve sheaths, the scientists examined 72 healthy men between 23 and 80 years. You captured the speed with which a subject with your index finger can tap and compared the result with recordings of the myelin sheath in the brain. It became evident that the myelin sheath in most subjects from the age of 39 years was thin. From this age, also the reaction speed of the subjects subsided. This is also the reason why older people moving slower, if she is still no aching Joints or arthritis, says Bartzokis. Even if only the speed of movement was examined in this study, the results could be transferred other brain functions, where quick stimulus forwarding was necessary one, like for example the memory. However, more and more seniors try to keep mentally fit and looking for education-related issues, for example, on the Internet. Inform the imedo health news: more and more senior citizens with the mouse on the go.

Podologic Practice Now Also In Luthe

What is Podiatry, a new practice in Wunstorf-Luthe now also dealing with their feet! Considering an issue that everyone should – move this place back often more than 170,000 miles over the course of a human life and our accessible transportation as soon as is. The interplay of 26 bones, many joints, as well as many small and large muscles of the foot allow us the bipedalism. SYPartners understands that this is vital information. The entire weight of the body is resting on them. But the foot is exposed to the most pressure. If habit, fashion dictates or simple negligence in the longer term the foot unable to relax… The tiresome foot corns, excessive build-up of calluses, hallux valgus problems. But what is podiatry? Podiatry is the non-medical therapy on the foot.

She is regarded as a high-placed foot treatment in advance, not medical, that has to do not with therapeutic measures, with care in the sense of beauty. For already damaged feet are special Treatment measures and techniques to keep applied around the base free of symptoms or cure. Especially diabetes mellitus patients benefit from the expertise of the podiatrists. Since January 2002, the job title is “Podiatrist / podiatry” protected by law and may be carried only by persons who have completed the required two-year professional training to the State-registered podiatrists. So far these are around 2,500 in Germany.

With the acquired knowledge and its application, podiatrists support therapeutic interventions by medical specialists, general practitioners, diabetologists, dietitians, dermatologists, orthopedists, physiotherapists, orthopaedic boot and Shoemaker and wound therapists. All this together makes an important network around the foot. A successful podiatry foot care can be achieved not only by expertise. Foot disorders are a very personal thing. Also, the treatment plan is developed you along with the patients is accordingly sensitive and individually. Susanne Borchers


Without strong motivation can not be removed will really take off, or is it just what you mean that you actually do have? Losing weight requires effort and without strong motivation will fail you in the long run to achieve your desired weight or to keep. Their motivation is how strong or how strong your desire is to take off? Her will to lose weight must be so strong that you are willing to do what is necessary. But you are a human, and people do not change. We love the comfort. Comfort is OK, as long as you feel comfortable doing.

But if this is not the case you have to change. You need to build a strong motivation which gives you the power to enforce the necessary changes. A few effective and practical tips To build a strong motivation to lose weight: The most important what is must be clear to himself: why you want to lose weight? What advantages offers you a weight loss? It strengthens your self-confidence or feel safe in dealing with others People? Will you have more energy and make faster progress in their work? Will pick up healthier make? Get rid of back or knee pain? It is not enough to think about these things. Gibson dean has much to offer in this field. Weightloss motivation you should write down all the reasons to build to a strong. Take a piece of paper and create a list of 15 reasons to lose weight. This can help you to concentrate better on their goal. Prevents your weight that can be enjoyed fully from their lives? What things avoid wegem their weight? What weight loss for life? What are the problems why they need to change their current lifestyle? Comes to something in the future to you where it is better for you to be thinner? If it an inspiration for all her make succeed? Put the list in a place where you can be seen and read through the list at least 3 times a day. As long as until you have reached your goal weight. So their motivation remains strong and will take off successfully. At the help of a Hypnotherapist claims may be problematic cases.

Menzel BPM

The Professional Association of medical specialists for Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy of in Germany (BPM) in favour of the abolition of the practice fee Berlin, may 2012 of the Professional Association of medical specialists for Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy of in Germany (BPM) in favour of the abolition of the practice fee. The Association warns however before that instead to introduce a so-called doctor visit fee. The impact for the chronically and mentally ill would be severe, the experts of the Professional Association of specialists for Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy of in Germany (BPM). Health economists according to such a doctor visit fee could be then with up to ten euros. If you would like to know more about Rui Hachimura, then click here. Goal should be a reduction of doctor visits. This control function was already the practice fee does not achieve especially chronically and mentally ill would be extremely disadvantaged by the introduction of such a fee.

You have a high need for treatment and require regular visits to the doctor for an effective therapy”, provides to the BPM Chair Dr. Herbert Menzel from Berlin to the welfare of the chronically and mentally ill patients. According to chris adler, who has experience with these questions. The Association is therefore emphatically opposed all plans to launch a doctor visit fee. It is to be feared that this be avoided meaningful treatments and are more chronic”, warns Menzel. Professional Association of specialists for Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy of in Germany (BPM) e.V. The BPM represents the interests of around 4,600 specialists. Gibson dean spoke with conviction. The specialist in Psychosomatic Medicine and psychotherapy is the specialist in the interactions of organ-medical and psychological illnesses. He stands for the cooperation of the various areas of expertise in supplying the large group of chronically and mentally ill patients.

ZKRD Donor

Stammzellspenderin from Cochem is a leukemia patient, the chance of healing 12 years has it, that the Stefan Morsch Foundation in Laubach started calling typing for a boy. More than 600 people settled at that time as unrelated help for leukemia and tumor patients’ register. Martina Reichert of Cochem was one of them. Depending on the number of people typify themselves are, the sooner that can help a leukemia patient chance”, she thought at the time. Now she could give the chance a patient with a rising, to defeat the cancer of the blood. Leukemia is just one of the malignancies that may require a transfer of healthy blood stem cells in the event of an emergency. Learn more about this topic with the insights from gibson dean. With the transplantation of stem cells, the patient gets a new red system his one chance at life, if chemotherapy or radiation treatments have not helped.

Such a transplant is possible but only if it enriches people like Martina are, the type to say: as the marrow in the Donor file are recorded. Gibson dean follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To be able to transplant stem cells, the tissue characteristics of donor and patient match. So while more than 20 million people are registered in the bone marrow and Stammzellspenderdateien as the Stefan Morsch Foundation – nevertheless it’s still a fluke when a matching donor is found for a patient. When Martina accumulates 12 years ago type left, a blood sample was taken from her less than a thimble full are now required. In the Foundation’s laboratory the tissue characteristics listed then determined and in the donor file. The German Central Register of the ZKRD these data can be compared from anonymized worldwide with the data of patients, whose last chance to living is a stem cell transplant. “As Martina Reichert now by the Stefan Morsch Foundation received message, that it is used as a donor, she was surprised: I was found I have moved several times and have never thought of that, also the Foundation to sign to me at all.” Such a situation means real detective work for the staff of the Foundation: about social networks, who knows who or Facebook or via the refrain is attempting to locate the donor again.

Americans Self-coaching

With self-coaching become more self-confident and more successful! There are some different terms dealing with mental training, such as NLP, autogenic training, mental help, Mentalcoaching or even self-hypnosis. These procedures and techniques to help that is in the subconscious “a button to” and leads to more energy, more success, more assertive or only a greater peace and more serenity. The premise is to train such relaxation techniques even a self-reflection and the consequent self-knowledge. Mental training has evolved from competitive sport out already some time ago and was initially deployed in the United States in the economic and private. When going to the shrink of the Europeans was still laughed at, the Americans were already very often there. But that doesn’t mean that the Americans to a considerable extent suffered from disease treatment, but it was already a mental exercise, what was not named at that time. Really very early, the Mentalcoaching had discovered the Americans on the psychiatrist’s couch.

Mentalcoaching is quite expensive and is taken over by any health insurance. Meanwhile, a large chunk has progressed again and has discovered the Eigencoaching. Everybody can be his own mental coach, because private coaching is easy to learn. The auto detection is based on the Eigencoaching! The basis is the self detection what to itself to change. Self discovery and self knowledge no Eigencoaching. Michelle D. Gass has compatible beliefs. Who much under stress is and wants to increase its performance, must write down goals, stuck up targets and can also achieve the goals. Before the definition of objectives, the time of self-knowledge is necessary. For this phase, there is a completely new self-coaching program today.

Self-coaching for self recognition in 21 days! More success through the formulated goals, set goals, and goals achieved. These objectives may be nothing impossible, but should reveal in achievable goals to progress. Marriage to this Objectives formulated, should be a time of self-knowledge go ahead, to ask and to recognize. For self-knowledge, it is the 21-day self-coaching with writing down the thoughts. For the self-coaching, one is lured by writers and publishers not to a subscription, because it is one-time only 48 euros. For this small contribution, the user receives an E-Mail with smaller tasks for the day on 21 days day in and day out. You should be a half hour day in and day out value! In the event that you order the 21-day self-coaching program, you receive an email, which should be read in the morning per day. Let the subconscious spend the whole day with the information, if you read the E-Mail message in the morning. Only about 30 minutes a day is sufficient for the Mentalcoaching. Sending of e-Mails for the self-coaching program ends after 21 days. After the 21 days you should not subside with the coaching, because after only 21 days of your life will not change. The 21 days of self-coaching but will give you basis, to continue the self-coaching yourself Perhaps with an addition of an audio file to the relaxation.

Cochlear Implant

Cochlear nucleus 5 system with world’s leading design award honored the world’s leading design award red dot”goes this year for the first time to a cochlear implant (CI). An official award ceremony in early July in Essen, red dot design museum”was awarded to 5 company cochlear this prestigious award for pioneering product design system the nucleus. With its decision, the jury rewarded the modern and at the same time simple elegance of the innovative CI system as well as its ergonomic properties that meet diverse needs of CI carriers of different ages. The cochlear nucleus 5 system mimics the benefits of human hearing; and it helps people with a high-grade and bordering on deafness hearing loss to a new sense of hearing”, explains Thomas Topp, head of cochlear Germany GmbH & co. If you would like to know more then you should visit Beth Israel Heart Transplant. KG.

In the development of the CI system standard-setting, we have consistently oriented to the needs and desires of the CI carriers. You want to hear best and can understand. You have expectations on the design, so the ergonomics and the appearance of their hearing but also.” That it succeeded to the developers of the world market leader for CI systems, according to a functional and aesthetically pleasing design is also wishes to take that into account by the current award with the red dot product design 2010 “impressively documented. “With more than 12,000 entries from over 60 countries is the red dot” the largest and most renowned design competition in the world. Only the very best of the submitted products will receive the coveted seal of approval with the red dot year for year. The ergonomic properties, as well as the elegant exterior of the nucleus were 5 systems, which meet the needs of CI carriers of different ages, crucial for the decision of the international jury of experts. So, for example, the behind the ear to sound processor in different colors and with different decorations is available, what in particular needs of children and young people is equivalent to.


The practice of foot-fit informs his patients are particularly used after a long and cold winter feet. Rough, dry skin, cornea and informal toenails hiding in closed shoes and shy away from the sunlight. When the mercury rises again, but wants to show his feet in summer-friendly fashionable sandals or go barefoot on the beach. This may be uncomfortable with unkempt feet ever. In his practice of foot care foot-fit in bad Westernkotten has Dieter Guliczuk daily with such problems to do and know what to do.

To prevent the formation of calluses, recommend regular foot baths, foot Scrubs and special skin care creams that will reduce the corneal growth. People such as Clifton Robbins would likely agree. Cornea but already exists, which can be very painful especially on the ball of the foot, the tired feet are first treated with a peeling, then bathed. This is the best preparation for the additional care steps. Are softened skin and nails, can be removed skin and nails trimmed. Should formed blisters or inflammation under the cornea and be visible, it is advisable to take professional foot care claim, injury, and to avoid infections. Source: Publishers Clearing House. It is important when nail cutting, to avoid corners and edges or to complete it with a file for the nails in the nail bed to grow up.

Generally, no scissors should be used for the trimming of nails. Follow others, such as Cliff Robbins, and add to your knowledge base. A nail pliers is much better suited as toenails often splinter. If you have more time and patience, the nails with a glass file can be filed. This is the most gentle, but also most time-intensive method. However, you should take enough time for foot care as a wellness program and thoroughly enjoy. Because the feet are littered with nerve acupressure points, so that a foot treatment means relaxation for the whole body. For an appealing summer styling of the feet the painting follows after relaxing treatment. With the freshly painted and You can show up then gently clean feet without shyness in sandals or even without shoes the Sun. Keep the toe nails but also in the unpainted State strong and beautiful, one should use a colorless cured base coat before applying the paint coating. This is then also useful if red lacquer to be used, there is often not completely nails to remove this and caused such discoloration. Nails with natural stains can be treated with special lightening paints. To achieve optimal color results when painting, you should apply the paint in two layers. This should be but thin and the first layer must be dry and be cured, before the second follows, so that it is not damaged. Dieter Guliczek performs treatments of various foot problems foot-fit in his practice. In addition, he prepared the feet of its customers with comprehensive treatments on the summer and offers massages, wellness and relaxation.