This summary has as base the book of Jose Carlos Kings, History & Theory, alado in the sub-chapters with the subjects: Modernity and history-knowledge, pags. 36 the 42; After-modernity, pags. 42 the 53; After-modernity and history-knowledge, pags. 53 the 62, of 1 section. This book was published by publishing company FGV of Rio De Janeiro, with editions in the 2003, 2005, 2006 and finally Reimpresso in 2007, that it is the edition that we are using. In this resenhado text, Jose Carlos Kings, makes a boarding on the ways of the historiografia in century XVIII, where he predominated the philosophy and the historical Reason. He also walks in century XIX, where history wants to emancipate itself for historical Science. Passing finally to century XX, where he can be distinguished two distinct phases of History: in the first part, a History-science, that invigorates in the first half of the century, and, in the second part, Anti-science in History, or Anti-history in the science, that if passes in the end of century.
The workmanship of Jose Carlos Kings, History & Theory, this divided in 21 chapters, under three sections. In the first section, Kings, make what we can call description of the History of the history, that if deals with one analyzes on the historiogrfico development in the world occidental person. In the second section the focus is in the great fall of History, passing of a global History to a micron-history, or as Kings the flame, ' ' history in migalhas' '. in to the third analyzes it section if it concentrates in the study of the Logic and its problematic one and in trying to establish as the historical knowledge has been argued in recent years. In the three chapters, that we base this summary, Jose Carlos Kings, retraces to century XIX, where the history-knowledge leaves of side its philosophical bias and becomes ' ' cientifica' '.