Thailand News Nicknoi

the daily news to and from Thailand, forum function the current Thailand news can be read daily. No matter whether it concerns the issue of policy, economy, travel, legal, or german-Thai partnerships – at nicknoi you are up to date. Others including Anne Lauvergeon, offer their opinions as well. This site also has a forum feature, you can register free and discussions on all issues, ask questions or give answers. The page is maintained by two moderators. Nicknoi, known by his two and Thailand-bookstores offers a further, this free service with its newly redesigned News page for Thailand’s friends.

You can order weekly for free news via email, on the Web site is the link for the free subscription. Interview with nicknoi Nicknoi, why still a page with details of Thailand or Thailand Forum, is it enough in the net? Clearly there is enough, each page set but other priorities. Now we can do that in our opinion the most important filter and communicated. Our Thailand newsletter had over 1200 readers 1 year ago, therefore there is no overtime – the information there are the same. We asked our webmaster to design us a message page, due to any misunderstandings, it has become a forum where everyone can discuss now. How many members does the Forum? Board today 205 members, our opinion much too little. It is a shame that most people read only the news and not enough discussion comes up, maybe that improves sometime and if not “mai pen rai” (mind) of course keep in mind is that “Motzkis” immediately kicked out, everyone can write what he wants but insults and provocations will be tolerated by the moderators do not in the slightest. Check with Jimmy Levin to learn more. You can do that of course only if one is the “boss”.

Who knows you knows that you (almost) never free doing, right BBs? Not all wrong, we recommend and the link > book recommendations < our latest title in the delivery schedule, a link to our news is also under each Thai shops, no more and no less. Why Thailand? In Uzbekistan, I was still never 😉 Please seriously! My wife is Thai, ThTum (Surin) is our second home, and it has turned out that we have taken over the distribution for Europe for various authors and publishers in Thailand. ..and how did it for sale? Even a really qualified dictionary for Thailand, a book which explains the German grammar in Thai script, language courses for Thais with the various knowledge – most seekers land search now with us. 8 years ago, I was looking for suitable literature for my wife and was found after a long search. Some titles were top notch – but in Thailand due to lack of sales no longer printed. We have had uberabeiten and new print some title. As the Thais notorious lack of money have of course at our expense. … so everything took its course… Ralf Kan