MEMORANDUM CONFIDENTIAL # 005. . . EXCLUSIVE TO MANAGEMENT HOW TO ENJOY AND BE SURE TO WIN THE TRADE WAR? As you know, our world in the 21st century lives and will live in permanent Crisis, this obliges an unbridled trade war, where the strategies and tactics are subject to rapid change with these tactics and strategies will seek to eliminate their competitors producing in them: 1.-imbalances by financial improvements and thus break the relations of sales with your customers. 2 – Logistic imbalances with their vendors to try rather them 3.
-IMBALANCES in internal relationships with their teams, to provide them with a SUPERIOR culture with wages and best places to work, thus capturing its best commanders and your most qualified people, which will be for them a pleasure almost without limits, Etc all these imbalances finally will test your nerves, not infrequently his stomach and almost always his ability to be able to handle things with success… i.e., it will be to test its ability to attack and WIN, i.e. leads him to the limits of their ability to be able to win this war the wars it earn attacking, not defending is now well, you know better than anyone, that never ended the current war is on today and the future and to get VICTORIES, you must make deep changes in your organization, to convert ASAP Defender to ATTACKER. However, if you decide not to make changes because it seems a strenuous task, it will have then that accept living permanently defeated, and be managed and/or live to the beat of the conditions you imposed your local and/or global competition and very lean profit. This trade war, has created new game rules for all companies and businesses in the world, and is up to you decide whether it learns them and handled with great skill, or simply die a few, noting as someone goes by absorbing its market, its customers, takes its best people, its business and all it cost you a lot effort to initiate or develop.